
Pretty funny. However:

Randy (I think) said:
scaling difficulty

I hope this is only in regards to the coop (confirmed in GiantBomb video, but there still could be level scaling). I don't like how gameplay seemed to boil down to standing around and shooting enemies until they crumple after absorbing fifty rounds - I'd prefer larger groups of weaker enemies with a few stronger ones, more like Diablo. More variety in enemies and environments would also be nice, from what I've seen.

Hopefully there'll be enough shiny things to loot to make it worthwhile. Shame they don't have a weapon modification system, would've made things a bit more interesting.
the only possibly redeeming feature for me after watching that 30 minute demo, is that PERHAPS the hunter might just MAYBE be worthwhile in the aiming department. hell... this was just spray and pray shit. i mean, that's fun in Serious Sam, but here it's... pffft. just not worthwhile.

so i hope the hunter at least makes careful aim worthwhile. if not, i'll probably wont be playing this game for long.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Here's ~30 minutes of footage of the Giantbomb guys playing it coop.
Looks too easy but if there are harder difficulty levels (ie more enemies) it could be a good party game. Not so sure about each class having only one activated skill... seems a bit limited. I also wonder if the levels are randomly generated or selected from a huge pool. They also said that you can just revive people by touching them so I'm not so sure how much you'll be penalized for dying in multiplayer. The skill tree looks a bit small but it's great that you can reallocate points (something Diablo II lacked). The second play through looks like killing enemies is on the way too slow side, I'm with Tycn in preferring hordes to buff enemies in a FPS game. EDIT: I almost forgot about the explanations for the "magical" abilities which are hints rather than descriptions. That works for hardcore RPGs but it really has no place in an ARPG. Having melee initiate PvP could be an issue.

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Looks like a homemade college video, not impressed or very amused.
I just got the game last night... I've tried both Mordecai(Sniper Dude) and Lilith(Pretty much the mage)

First of the presentation in this game, well, its great. It has a ton of style, and some of the intro's to certain bosses are quite humorous.(Not witty humorous mind you)

The world isn't as open as you'd think.(It's loaded areas, as opposed to a huge gameworld) Although from that I have yet to guess how BIG it actually is.

The storyline is balls terrible. Something about finding a lost "Vault".(Sounds familiar) There's some weird A.I/Spirit thing that talks to you in between missions.

I actually could care less about that though, as I did not get the game for c&c. The game is actually quite light on rpg elements.(But it never promised itself to be a full fledged rpg) The Co-op is a blast, and the enemies aren't completely scaled(for example, we ran into a few creatures that nearly annihilated us, they were level 10 and we were level 2.) No regenerating health, except for special shields that can do so. (And even then at a much slower rate than you'd think) The loot system is good, although customizing weapons could have added a little more variety.

All and all it's a pretty good experience if your looking for some action, a so so storyline and a great co op experience.
Pablosdog said:
I just got the game last night... I've tried both Mordecai(Sniper Dude) and Lilith(Pretty much the mage)
euhm, it's out already?

release was 30okt? no?
SuAside said:
Pablosdog said:
I just got the game last night... I've tried both Mordecai(Sniper Dude) and Lilith(Pretty much the mage)
euhm, it's out already?

release was 30okt? no?

20th for US consoles
26th for US pcs

I believe europe has to wait until the 23rd for consoles and 30th for pc copies.
I've been playing it for a while after I picked it up yesterday and it's pretty fun.

Most enemies go down pretty quickly provided you keep your guns current with your level.

The only enemies who take more hits than they should are the "Badass" ones, but the fact that they're often 3 times the size of the regular enemies or are otherwise distinct doesn't really make it a big issue for me.

Besides, I just picked up a shotgun that fires rockets and a scoped rifle that fires acid rounds, it's fun.
Is this game worth it? Should I buy it now or just wait until a price drop?

Edit: Like what is the extent of RPG elements. It's being marketed as FPS/RPG, but it seems that every game today claims to have a twist of RPG elements. Is it just a FPS with leveling up and loot to collect?
Well, I like it and I am known for having somewhat eclectic tastes in video games.

However, the game is solid and so far I haven't felt like it was repetitive or un-challenging.

It also doesn't hurt that it makes me chuckle every now and then.

Heheheh, King Wee Wee.
Oh so superior.

It's not quite at the level of true FPS, but it's not clunky "Stand and shoot until someone falls over with an exploded head".

I think the thing that I like most of all when compared to Fallout 3, is that it's not just a race to put 5 bullets into the bad guys head with some sort of magic aiming mode.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Like what is the extent of RPG elements. It's being marketed as FPS/RPG, but it seems that every game today claims to have a twist of RPG elements. Is it just a FPS with leveling up and loot to collect?
Think Diablo II except as a FPS with more MMO-like quests and you have about the extent of the RPG elements, from what I gather.
<ul>[*]4 classes [*]1 activated ability per class, modified by skills [*]3 skill trees per class, 7 skills per tree [*]7 weapon classes: Pistol, SMG, Shotgun, Combat Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Launcher, Eridian Weapons [*]proficiency with each weapon class is increased through use[/list]
I haven't seen or read anything about stats management so there may not be any. It seems to be linear in terms of plot/story so there probably isn't any choices and consequences (unless you consider completing a quest and getting a reward C&C). It's been described by the developers as a Diablo-style ARPG FPS hybrid which does FPS combat better than other FP(A)RPGs out there.

It's not intended to be another VtM:B or Deus Ex.
Hmm... maybe I'll check it out. Although I heard the story was pretty much non-existent.
how's the hunter? is accuracy worth a damn? or is it just a gimmick shoot em up?

do headshots cause more damage than normal bodyshots?
Yes they do, headshots function as criticals, and there are some abilities that enforce the damage set by this. While it may not be an auto kill, headshots do a significant amount more than just a normal body shot.
SuAside said:
how's the hunter? is accuracy worth a damn? or is it just a gimmick shoot em up?

do headshots cause more damage than normal bodyshots?

Accuracy is well rewarded with every class (Not just mordecai,), as each species has a specific weakspot to hit for a critical.
alrighty then. i pre-ordered from, for PC obviously. (want a boxcopy)
are the quests interesting, and not boring "spend 30 minutes getting 5 animal parts"?

is the enemy AI intelligent?