i'm currently a level 23 Hunter (received my pc copy only yesterday).
i like the game, but there's a bunch of things that tick me off.
- the game can be extremely unbalanced between single & multi. vehicle combat solo for instance is a lot harder solo than it is if someone mans the turret, especially the related boss (thank god his adds didn't respawn after you die). another example would be the fact it is easier to hit critical areas in multi for some enemies, since some have frontfacing armor and a weak back. in single, they're pretty much always facing you so you have to hop around.
- i tried to adhere to the specs of my hunter (big mistake), and never used other guns than rifles and handguns (weren't any decent revolvers yet). for that, i got totally buttraped in one of the (indoor/close range) dungeons. once i got a hold of a decent shotgun with 9 shell capacity and shock damage, it became a breeze and i plowed through.
- now i've got a revolver with a scope that is more accurate and does headshots easier than all my sniper rifles combined. this is over extreme range. no issues with headies... pop em in the head, 'critical', head clean off. i've also fully spec'ed into accuracy btw, so weapon sway and general accuracy shouldn't be too much of an issue, but it is. but not for the revolver...
- sadly circlestrafing while bunnyhopping is a good way to kill bosses. not my idea of an intelligent shooter.
- some bossfights are very unbalanced and have to be exploited. had 2 flying bosses that spit fire down. had to hide in a shack, fire each time they pass by, hide, fire, hide, fire, hide. that's really not fun gameplay to me. i'd rather have a boss that you have to intelligently fight than this kind of drawn out stuff.
- enemies respawn too fast in most dungeons. when you need to backtrack, they're back. a few respawns would be fine, but half the time they respawn exactly the same as you killed them before. that blows. they should've at least randomized it if they wanted respawning in the first place.