
The quests are fun, although they get noticeably better as you progress.

The Crimson Lance has some impressive AI. The rest of the enemies are pretty much standard. Sometimes a bandit might stand there for a moment and act like he doesn't see you, but that sort of thing is rare.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
The quests are fun, although they get noticeably better as you progress.
I got the impression from the 30 minute gameplay footage that there were a fair number of gather x amount of y material that is scattered about. What types of quests are there? Are they mostly gathering stuff and killing specific monsters? Maybe a better question would be, are the quests more like Diablo II or a MMOG?
The tutorial quests are pretty MMOish (Kill some bandits, Kill some skags, Collect some food), but they don't feel MMOish if that makes any sense. I can't relay any firsthand experiences past the tutorial zone, as I've only played the beginning on the 360. What I can tell you is that after watching hours and hours of player streams, the mid-late game stuff is awesome.

In Diablo 2 you're pretty much moving from point A to B and destroying everything in your patch; with quests mostly out of mind until you reach them. Borderlands is very similar, in that the journey (and the combat that goes along with it) is the best part, but the quests are by no means boring.
Got the game a couple days ago for the PS3. Its really fun and I'm enjoying it more than I expected to.

The mechanics are good, physics are good, there are humorous parts. Yes, there are missions where you have to collect stuff (collect x amount, return to quest giver), and there are missions where you have to kill a certain amount of enemies, but there are pretty interesting missions as well. The AI is fine, but kind of predictable after awhile. Not a story driven game, it's more about getting loot. Well, the story is that you're trying to find a vault that is said to be filled with loot and will make you rich so...

Online mode is fun, you can have up to 4 people on a server. The more people, the harder the enemies, but you'll get better loot. but it seems that everyone chose to be the hunter character (myself included), but thats my experience.

Pretty solid, I'd give it a 8.6/10.
PS3 eh?

I've been wanting to play Borderlands with someone else.

Can't play with random strangers, too many of them steal all the stuff while I'm busy shooting things that are going to kill them.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
but it seems that everyone chose to be the hunter character (myself included), but thats my experience.
bummer! i thought the soldier was the common choice?
It really depends who you play with. Either way, you aren't penalized by having multiples of one class, and there's more than enough weapons to go around.

Been playing the hell out of it today with three friends, and this is the best coop experience we've had in a long, long time.
I'm enjoying it, but the early level design is annoying me. Small areas with dens where skags respawn a few times while you're fighting is just insultingly lazy game design and it was way past old by the time I got 1/5 through Skag Gully.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to put much time into it until next week maybe. The next few chapters in Medical Terminology are huuuuuuuge. D:
Yeah, Skag Valley is not my favorite places, but there are better designed levels as you get more into the game.

I've also noticed some glitches. Like the boss Nine-Toes (I think that's his name) after I killed him and left the area, I went back to find him revived. Killed him again and got his weapon again.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
I've also noticed some glitches. Like the boss Nine-Toes (I think that's his name) after I killed him and left the area, I went back to find him revived. Killed him again and got his weapon again.
that's not a glitch.

in some dev interview they said you'd be able to kill the same stuff over & over again, and the first few times you'd get a chance at finding slightly better loot from the same boss. but that only works like 2-3 times.
So its bit like Diablo 2 ?
In any case, i have ordered the game, so i should be able to play it in the next week.
well Wooz, it's how the devs describe it half the time. Diablo with guns and first person. :)
i'm currently a level 23 Hunter (received my pc copy only yesterday).

i like the game, but there's a bunch of things that tick me off.

- the game can be extremely unbalanced between single & multi. vehicle combat solo for instance is a lot harder solo than it is if someone mans the turret, especially the related boss (thank god his adds didn't respawn after you die). another example would be the fact it is easier to hit critical areas in multi for some enemies, since some have frontfacing armor and a weak back. in single, they're pretty much always facing you so you have to hop around.
- i tried to adhere to the specs of my hunter (big mistake), and never used other guns than rifles and handguns (weren't any decent revolvers yet). for that, i got totally buttraped in one of the (indoor/close range) dungeons. once i got a hold of a decent shotgun with 9 shell capacity and shock damage, it became a breeze and i plowed through.
- now i've got a revolver with a scope that is more accurate and does headshots easier than all my sniper rifles combined. this is over extreme range. no issues with headies... pop em in the head, 'critical', head clean off. i've also fully spec'ed into accuracy btw, so weapon sway and general accuracy shouldn't be too much of an issue, but it is. but not for the revolver...
- sadly circlestrafing while bunnyhopping is a good way to kill bosses. not my idea of an intelligent shooter.
- some bossfights are very unbalanced and have to be exploited. had 2 flying bosses that spit fire down. had to hide in a shack, fire each time they pass by, hide, fire, hide, fire, hide. that's really not fun gameplay to me. i'd rather have a boss that you have to intelligently fight than this kind of drawn out stuff.
- enemies respawn too fast in most dungeons. when you need to backtrack, they're back. a few respawns would be fine, but half the time they respawn exactly the same as you killed them before. that blows. they should've at least randomized it if they wanted respawning in the first place.
Just got the game. Played as the big berserker guy for a while (lvl 11), it's pretty fun for all its munchkin grinding appeal. A least, I'd rather feel like I'm playing an FPS than endlessly click stuff to death like in Diablo. Althouh, I'm not sure how long the game will keep my attention.

The hth combat feels a bit clunky. Also WTF, I still don't have a launcher.

That said, the ugly stylization is ugly. There's a thick black line around everything, and it makes the game look horrible. It may be just fine on the higher end (although judging from the videos still not that great), but it looks like ASS on medium and below.

Also, anyone else think those dog-like things you have to kill over and over look too much like the Shriekers from Tremors 2?

And yeah, level scaling and constant respawns are annoying as hell. Because of that, you run out of bullets fast without enough drops to fill it, and end up having to carry all types of weapons with you to have enough ammo, since you can't even run back to the shop without more stuff respawning.

Also, agree that enemies could be a bit more intelligent.
After playing for awhile, and now the honeymoon period is over, I'm retracting my first score of 8.6/10.
I'd give it more of a 7 to 7.9, that range. It's still a pretty good score, the game is still fun, but it's repetative. At least it doesn't try to pretend to be something it's not.
Eh. I'm not impressed. I'll be writing a review for GB so more there, but essentially it's a spawn of a mediocre FPS with a mediocre Diablo clone. It's barely worth playing through once on SP and while the co-op is fun, there's way better co-op games out there.

The art style somewhat saves it, but overall, this is a fun game in short spurts, but with very little lasting value.

lvl 35 Brick out.
Pff, what was the last game of "lasting value" you encountered? I haven't seen one since Troika fell apart.

Doesn't mean it can't be fun though. ATM it has more of my attention than Dragon Age, although it's definitely designed for shorter attention spans. It's also like, a Diablo clone for people who don't really like Diablo (otherwise they'd be playing Sacred or sumth).
Brother None said:
Eh. I'm not impressed. I'll be writing a review for GB so more there, but essentially it's a spawn of a mediocre FPS with a mediocre Diablo clone. It's barely worth playing through once on SP and while the co-op is fun, there's way better co-op games out there.

The art style somewhat saves it, but overall, this is a fun game in short spurts, but with very little lasting value.
I agree, it can get very boring in Single Player, but I would actually say the Co-Op is way past average. Though another reason I like it is because it's not trying to be something else *Cough* Fallout 3 *Cough* it's its own game.

I'm a Level 32(?) Soldier, but my TV recently broke so I won't be playing for a bit (yes, I have to play on a console, my old PC which I used to play games on got fucked over too so I'm stuck with a Dell Dimension 3100c)...