Boredom Busters


First time out of the vault
So. What do you lovely folks do when not gaming or just drifting along the webs? Oddly enough, I've been skimming (CAREFULLY, don't want to fall in) the various gems in the Vats thread.

There are some...interesting items in there.
When I am on the house. I draw and write (in spanish I am better at spelling) sometimes I just go read Tvtropes while music or a Let's play/ game review is playing on the background.
I usually read or watch movies when I'm at home. Music, too. But generally, I take my bike and go cycling.
Reddit? I find it has enough sub-sections, so I can always find something new / funny / interesting, usually before I see it on other sites.

It is a time-consuming website though (hard to close).
I read books. Lots of them. And I write some and draw some. Sometimes I'll watch a series from pilot to end in record time. Marathons, you know?
Doodle usually, or read a book or a pdf rulebook for whatever pnp game I'm playing (three at the moment).
If I can't think of anything to watch it's usually onto cracked or TvTropes.
SkuLL said:
Reddit? I find it has enough sub-sections, so I can always find something new / funny / interesting, usually before I see it on other sites.

It is a time-consuming website though (hard to close).
I know what you mean. I'll be on that site for "just a couple minutes", the next thing I know two hours went by.

As for boredom, I'll just drive around, either to places I know or if I'm really bored I'll pick a direction or a road I've never been on and see where it goes. Get lost and see if I can navigate my way back using only my natural compass (I have a 15 year old car, so no fancy computers or GPS, and an old non-fancy cellphone), and, of course, luck (See 15 year old car). Now this really kills time (and gas).

Or I just watch television, play games, or listen to music.
When I am out, I either go to the teater if there is a good movie or at least one that I want to watch playing, I go freeloader and play on Wiis/PS3/360 in videogame stores nearby, just walk around the neighborhood, sometimes I end it by buying some sushi.
TVtropes, listening/making music and later rant about it, or wasting time doing some mod. It's that simple! :P
I either go out with my football team friends, or actually play football for my team, or play basketball for the team, or go jogging, i'm very sporting. Either that or take some practice with parkour, i'm not too good, but it's fun. I'm also writing a book, which many of my peers say is brilliant.
Mostly I read manga. I also spend a lot of time on my ipod touch's browser and the youtube app. I also watch a lot of tgwtg videos.
Mr Krepe said:
I'm also writing a book, which many of my peers say is brilliant.

What about?

As for me - aside from standard entertainment (browsing internet for news, video games and music), I read books (my favorite are books about criminal mystery set in medieval to 19th century period), practice playing guitar, football (european one), trying to learn spanish and a bit of drawing (birds for now). Always wanted to write a book, perhaps I'll try it some day.