Bracer yourselfs..

Makta, I have a creative solution to your problem with the grammatical errors in the thread title: Make a sexist comment.

Anything extremely anti-liberal should do, actually. Here's how this will work: As long as you say something that grates on hardcore liberals and SJWs and those types, you're sure to draw the ire of "certain mods" who will swoop down and rename the topic into something about how stupid we all are just to inflate their sense of personal value. THEN when they realize you've just been using them, they're inevitably going to backpedal and pretend they didn't overextend like they did, and they'll rename the topic "back to its original name", conveniently with corrections made, so you don't have to raise a finger! =D

Just watch. It'll be renamed "Brace Yourselves" in no time! ^^

As for what I got out of the Steam Sale... I got all 3 FNAFs (why not?) and Banished, which I've been playing, since. Good games.

I wish I had money right now.... fuck I guess I'll wait until the winter sale.

Noticed my typo after posting.. I really wish you could edit the titles on NMA. Not the first time this happens.

I'm a bit short on cash aswell but i might use some of my saving since i got a raise so i will be able to put even more cash into that account when the next heap of cash comes in :P

Don't worry. People will understand!

And they will bracer themselves!
