Brian Fargo in GFW

Hello all,

If I get this all right, Brian Fargo and his people are not working on Wasteland 2?
Preferring to wait it out until Bethesda's Fallout 3 is released and how the reaction is?

I am probably wrong but I get the impression that if Bethesda's Fallout 3 is successful (it will no doubt sell a lot), that Fargo and co probably would make Wasteland 2 or a Wasteland 1 remake perhaps in the same style.
Hello Sorrow,

Sorrow said:
I have a similar impression.

So either way, we won't get a classic Hard CRPG in a Post Apocalypse setting like the original Wasteland and Fallout games in the foreseeable future.

Man, that is pretty much screwing all those fans
Wikipedia. After I cleaned up the entry, someone else deliberately edited Fargo's design credit out. It's possible they didn't have any grounds for it but it seems like an odd thing to do at random.
Hello Killzig,

Killzig said:
Bard's Tale wasn't so good. I hope he's upped his game for Wasteland.

My worry is that Brian Fargo and his team will follow Bethesda's example, thinking that that is the formula for recreating CRPGs.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Hello Killzig,

Killzig said:
Bard's Tale wasn't so good. I hope he's upped his game for Wasteland.

My worry is that Brian Fargo and his team will follow Bethesda's example, thinking that that is the formula for recreating CRPGs.

Hopefully he's not that stupid. Games like Fallout 3 are creating a niche that's begging to be exploited. The right type of Wasteland would be highly successful in F3's wake.
Just as Fallout once was..
The Dutch Ghost said:
I am probably wrong but I get the impression that if Bethesda's Fallout 3 is successful (it will no doubt sell a lot), that Fargo and co probably would make Wasteland 2 or a Wasteland 1 remake perhaps in the same style.
Well... according to the Interview Fargo says : "...One thing I can tell you, though, is that our Wasteland would be much darker than their Fallout.(bethesdas fallout 3)"so it may be a chance that their Wasteland 2 (or whatever they are going to call it) would be a bit more acceptable then bethesdas Fallout 3.but i dont have much hope since Bard's Tale wasn't that good.
FeelTheRads said:,697/

Again, on the game's cover.
And someone else is credited as producer.

It is correct. I made an enquiry on the Snake Squeezins group, and:

Ken St. Andre said:
Brian Fargo jumped into the design process about midway thru. He wanted to set his stamp on somethings. The City of Needles is pure Brian Fargo work. To the best of my knowledge, that's all he did, but Needles is no small segment of the game, and it has some of the best puzzles in it. BF deserves his design credits. In addition, he was head honcho for the whole project--he sold the idea to Electronic Arts, paid the production team, reviewed work as it was done, cracked the whip to get more work done. kept me, and Stackpole, and Alan all hard at work. Fargo's an incredible guy with an amazing imagination, and he'll always have my respect.

Vault 13, stop with the quote pyramids.
Ausir said:
I corrected the Wikipedia article.

I notice someone has removed the Mobygames link, yet two Gamefaqs links have been added. Who's going around systematically deleting Mobygames links? There was a big row on the Torment talk page because a lot of people were adding useful links and one guy (who seemingly were calling the shots - yes, Wikipedia is very democratic) kept deleting them because "Wikipedia is not a link repository".
I ran across that before, apparently there is a group with some influence running around Wikipedia that doesn't like MobyGames, as it isn't a primary source. While there are sensible arguments to the effect that it is one of the best sources of collected information, and that similar sites like IMDB are fine in other categories; it doesn't seem to be opinion of the powerful gaming Wikipedian clique.

You can find the debate in one of the more general Gaming category discussion areas.
Brian Also mentions about how the humour in FO3 will not be the dark...referring to Todd's young/inexperienced age.
Maximous said:
Brian Also mentions about how the humour in FO3 will not be the dark...referring to Todd's young/inexperienced age.

I don't think that's due to Todd's age as much as it's due to him being an idiot.
Todd just isn't a very edgy guy. Superman and Springsteen, can't get much more banal than that. I wouldn't call him an idiot, just a little too mainstream for something like Fallout.
Todd isn't the kind of guy who's slept outside at night with puke all over him from drinking to much the night before.

Todd probably has a minivan

Todd probably goes to church---the one with jesus---not the one with strippers