Brian Fargo on "social" features

People really do freak out easily, and I think they're worried that having now embraced fan-funding, BF will start doing whatever the noisy fans in the forum want. Honestly, that's the one thing that scares me about this whole thing. As a wise person once said "reaching a larger audience is not a good thing if it requires that you turn your game into a steaming pile of #$(&."

But from what BF is writing in this blog, he's considering some possibilities (hey we have widespread internet access, surely something good can come of that) but does not actually plan to turn the game into a steaming pile for the sake of mass market appeal. :)

Maybe he should add a big friendly DON'T PANIC to the wasteland forum.
Dario ff said:
MrBumble said:
How ?

It costs way less to use an engine than to develop one.

I'm pretty sure some competent coders could pull it off in some weeks. :roll:

Let's say, 3 engine coders, 2 graphics, 1 pathfinding/AI coder+ 2 QA testers work on it for a total of 8 weeks. Let's pay them gross 3500$ / month. That's 56K.
A 30K isometric engine with 2 guys working on it 2 full months is 44K.

Not that I know how much an engine costs, just doing some math. They've raised 1.5Mio. A development timeframe of 18 months with a continuous staff of 20 translates to 1.260Mio. That doesn't leave much for rent, hardware, legal, and various other expenses.
Whatever technical shortcut they take to free up time for essentials (story, gameplay, look & feel) is good in my book.

WorstUsernameEver said:
If I can't do this I will retract my pledge Fargo. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

I hate when people panic. It will not be bad. Fargo knows what he is doing.

My 2 euro-cents: people who are panicking and retracting their pledges are no better than greedy publishers. They are afraid they won't get the game THEY want, similar as publishers being afraid they won't make 100% return on the investment.

The correct thing to do is to complain and if in the end you're not satisfied with the game you just don't fund the next project. Simple as that.
Social features like on WOW. Hell yes. I prefer single player but I love the ability to communicate with others whom have the game especially if I wanted to ask a question. Considering the distribution option Wasteland 2 has (Steam), social is already built into any game on the steam platform.
Tagaziel said:
fedaykin said:
That's not good at all. UE3 was designed with console corridor shooters in mind. Most open world games made with UE3 have horrible performance and bugs.

*loads up Unreal Tournament 3*

*runs a game with 32 bots on one of the large open-air maps with vast distances and high LOD*

A five year old game tailored for now obsolete console hardware.
Cold Zer0 said:
I hate when people panic. It will not be bad. Fargo knows what he is doing.
Exactly my opinion. Why are people going so crazy because of it? From what Fargo said so far it does not seem like its bad. Probably optional? As long there is not some kind of crazy shit DRM they want to hide with it or something telling us "this will be better for all players!" like what many huge companies do today I am fine.

Maybe he chose the wrong words. Who knows. But still no reason to panic so hard.

fedaykin said:
A five year old game tailored for now obsolete console hardware.
Since when was the Unreal engine really only made with console hardware in mind? While I am sure that they made games with that in mind I think the Unreal engine was for its time always one of the engines with the most options. The sheer number of different modifications proves that. I played mods on Unreal2k3s engine which allowed you to have more then 40 people in huge maps with tanks and infantry almost on the levels of a simulation. Sure if the server was weak it would lag. But most of the time it worked well. Maybe new engines are made rather with consoles in mind (but thats understandable somehow ... ).

From what I have seen about Unreal its a rather good engine.