Brits Give Selves National Castration

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Nelson sunk by PC raiding party
Andrew Porter

ADMIRAL NELSON saw off the mighty Franco-Spanish fleet at the battle of Trafalgar but 200 years on, he has been sunk by a wave of political correctness.
Organisers of a re-enactment to mark the bicentenary of the battle next month have decided it should be between “a Red Fleet and a Blue Fleet” not British and French/Spanish forces.

Otherwise they fear visiting dignitaries, particularly the French, would be embarrassed at seeing their side routed.

Even the official literature has been toned down. It describes the re-enactment not as the battle of Trafalgar but simply as “an early 19th-century sea battle”.

A host of French dignitaries will attend the event, which will take place off Southsea near Portsmouth, the home of Nelson’s fleet.

The aim is to create a spectacular “son et lumière” re-enactment with pyrotechnics, lights and effects from barges in the Solent. Tall ships will create the illusion of a real battle.

But the organisers of the event confirmed last week that there would be no national “sides”, a fact that has surprised some of the event’s sponsors.

One said: “It seems remarkable that we are not saying this is Britain versus France in this re-enactment. Surely 200 years on, we can afford to gloat a bit. Not even the French can try and get snooty about this.”

In the 1805 sea battle off the coast of Spain, Nelson’s 27 ships destroyed a combined French and Spanish fleet of 33 ships. The British lost no ships but sank or captured 22 of their opponents’ vessels.

Although Nelson died in the battle, his victory paved the way for Britain’s naval supremacy, which lasted a century.

A spokeswoman for the Royal Navy said: “This is an illustration and theatre on water. Nelson is featured, but we are not billing it as Britain versus France . . . This will not be a French-bashing opportunity.”

The battle will be staged in the evening of the international fleet review on June 28. The Queen and senior royals will attend the day’s events and government leaders from 73 countries have been invited.

Also present will be the Argentine navy, which fought the British fleet in 1982 over the Falkland Islands.

I just got Imperial Glory, which makes me three times as angry about this.

Trafalger was quite possibly the greatest moment for the British Empire, ever. Fuck the French. We Anglos kicked thier asses.

The British Navy has the greatest naval tradition in the history of naval traditions. No need at all to piss on it in the name of European Unity and Political Correctness. I don't understand, while they're at it, piss on the Argentines as well. Britan kicked thier asses too.
How lame...

I mean come on no one will care and no one should. It was when times and people were very different from now.

Besides the British lost their only attempt at ruling mainland Europe when a little blond girl bested them in France so long ago.

The Vault Dweller
John Uskglass said:
Although Nelson died in the battle, his victory paved the way for Britain’s naval supremacy, which lasted a century.

Hey, no claims they beat Napoleon.

John Uskglass said:
Trafalger was quite possibly the greatest moment for the British Empire, ever. Fuck the French. We Anglos kicked thier asses.

...Do I really need to explain to you what's wrong with that sentence? I think a lot of English people would be very insulted at the thought of you being proud about an English victory. Leave them their own national pride, don't overstep the boundaries, stinkin' yank. You have your own military victories to be proud about, few as they may be numerically compared to English victories.

Funny how you insult British nationality in a post defending it. Tres apropos
Hey, no claims they beat Napoleon.
They beat Napoleon.

...Do I really need to explain to you what's wrong with that sentence? I think a lot of English people would be very insulted at the thought of you being proud about an English victory. Leave them their own national pride, don't overstep the boundaries, stinkin' yank. You have your own military victories to be proud about, few as they may be numerically compared to English victories.
Most of my ancestors where still on that side of the Atlantic in 1815. Well, a lot of them.

Funny how you insult British nationality in a post defending it. Tres apropos
John Uskglass said:
...Do I really need to explain to you what's wrong with that sentence? I think a lot of English people would be very insulted at the thought of you being proud about an English victory. Leave them their own national pride, don't overstep the boundaries, stinkin' yank. You have your own military victories to be proud about, few as they may be numerically compared to English victories.
Most of my ancestors where still on that side of the Atlantic in 1815. Well, a lot of them.[/quote]

Oh, so you're yet another American with an anglophile identity crisis or why do you care?

Funny how you insult British nationality in a post defending it. Tres apropos

How ... mature.
John Uskglass said:
I share my last name with a British PM. My Grandparents are Brummys. You tell me.

Sorry, I just get Omen/Revelations twitches when I hear stuff like that.

"And so the unholy son shall be borne from two twinings of the same family tree; once from British nobility, and then with Yankee Redneck branching in, for the ultimate self-congregation of evil."


Back on topic...that fucking stuns me. How the British Navy, with their rigid adherence to tradition and ceremony, could ever allow this? Damn, that is pretty much all I can say. When the Brits piss on their pride, there goes quite a lot of national decorum all around.
John Uskglass said:
Oh, so you're yet another American with an anglophile identity crisis or why do you care?
I share my last name with a British PM. My Grandparents are Brummys. You tell me.

My parent grew up in the Congo.

Excuse me while I go dance naked around a campfire now, thankyouverymuch.
A Red and Blue team? I guess this is what playing too much UT will lead to...

In any case, hey, that statue of Nelson is up there on Trafalgar Square 24/7! GUERRE! :roll:
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Besides the British lost their only attempt at ruling mainland Europe when a little blond girl bested them in France so long ago.

Yeah, but she kind of got a little burned at the stake. Hah! That'll teach you to try and do a Man's job! :P
DJ Slamák said:
A Red and Blue team? I guess this is what playing too much UT will lead to...

Just pray they'll get the same announcer to do the commenting for that reenactment.

I wanna hear a "Godlike" every couple of kills.
@Jebus- stop dancing naked in front of a fire.

Reds vs. Blues almost sounds like they are doing last years elections again.

Unbelievable how people are afraid of history being insensitive. History is history- leave it be and get over it.

I agree- the Brits should have more balls.

This battle recreations can be lots of fun. I've seen one for the French and Indian War, one for the Revolutionary (die you Redcoat scum!) and one for the Civil War (Gettyburg goes for three days).

What I would love to see is a recreation of the Japs bombing Pearl Harbor- that would kick ass.
Hey our first ever president was once crossing the Delaware in a boat and wig freezing his tootsies off so he could give some pain to the Brits.

He might have worked for the Brits once- but that was the French and Indian War, a much underappreciated and understudies war with some really cool stories. (Die you French pussies and your Indian allies too!)

I think we should also have a reanactment of the Normandy landings...... Maybe the Battle of the Bulge? No -those have been done in movies already.
Normandy? You can't possibly do that? I mean, that'd be portraying the Nazis as bad and you'd make them lose. That'd be so unfair!
Mikey said:
Normandy? You can't possibly do that? I mean, that'd be portraying the Nazis as bad and you'd make them lose. That'd be so unfair!

Perhaps but it would make a lot of Europeans happy to see all those Americans slaughtered on French beaches. Besides, I think the Germans have a pretty good attitude when it comes to taking guilt for World War 2. They made museums out of their deathcamps whereas the Japanese seem to be in denial.

But of course if you did World War 2 what would stop you from doing Korea or Vietnam? Pork Chop Hill or Pusan and Hamburger Hill and My Lai?