It might just be me but I always tend to get suspicius when people in CEO functions get a personal gain just by buying a company or something similar. Must be a Danish thing, I think ? I don't mind CEOs getting paid their fair share if they have done something over the past 3-6 years to raise the value of the company's stocks or shares.
I don't think I have posted everywhere that this was a scam?
I have posted it here and on the evil avatar forums. On other forums I have expressed my concerns about this deal, and about the oddity that a CEO of Elevation Partners now is the CEO of EA. And as such has bought Bioware. The same concerns have other people voiced at the Bioware forums.
I agree that Mass Effect probably will be a hit. However, I doubt that Bioware will be able to sell the requied 2½ million units for Mass Effect. I hope so, but I doubt it.
I agree with you that this is, of course, a great business opportunity for Bioware & Pandemic. Whether or not it is a great deal for the consumers remains to be seen, I think. It is, of course, a great deal for Bioware. They now have access to a marketing machine called EA that will market their games vehemently and agressively all over the world.
I don''t know why you call me 'naive', though. At the Bioware forums, I have been saying that the two doctors had a seat on the board Elevation Partners. And that they probably voted for the merger - or more precisely - voted to sell their company - to EA.
I have also said, as I think? I have done as well? that the only logical reason this would be two things 1) Bioware wants to go multi-platform, but Microsoft wouldn't let them or 2) Bioware got word from Microsoft that they didn't want to fund their games no more. Of course, these are only guesses at my part. It could well be that there could be a third, fourth or fifth reason for this.
The point about the big fish eating the little fish was just my way of saying that I'm agreeing with you, brother none, that all things seem to turn into big conglemerate corporations that look for ways of how to cut costs pr. unit produced, regardless of whether we're talking about chewing gum or game production.
When I talk about a Bioware sell-out, I'm not talking about the business deal. I'm talking about abandoning everything what Bioware (maybe) once stood for: quality games with great plots, romances, characters, and good decent story that could rival any book, movie or tv-show. As least as I see it.
I probably have another view on Bioware that you have. For me, Bioware games were about making the greatest games first and foremost, not about making money. Bioware just made great games. And then they made money. It seems to me that the money making thing now comes first.
I agree, however, that Bioware games in the future could be Action games with a thinly veiled story or third person shooters like Gears of War. I would be sad
to see this happen, but luckily then I have the choice of, as you see say, not to buy a Bioware game ever again, if this ever were to happen.