CAD can't wait for Fallout

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Major online comic Ctrl-Alt-Del is running by his $.02 on Fallout 3 in this comic, to the extent of "I can't wait for it." Tim Buckley doesn't share any further thoughts on the topic in CAD's news section, though he noted this in reaction to the teaser:<blockquote>Fallout has been my favorite game series for the past 10 years. It was the first game I bought myself when I saved up all my tips from waiting tables in high school and bought myself my first computer. I've given countless hours of my life over to the Vault, through Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics (yes, I loved Fallout Tactics).

I have intently followed the up and down roller coaster production of Fallout 3 for years, from it's near-death at Interplay due to bankruptcy, to it's revival a couple of years back when Bethesda bought the rights. If the game manages to maintain the style and sense of humor from the previous games by Black Isle, then that's all I need. I really don't care which camera perspective they use.</blockquote>Thanks Stag.
Kill! Kill! Kill!

I will feast on his flesh! How dare he express excitement! The scum! :roll:
So basically he just aped what Penny Arcade said/did a long time ago, while stripping Penny Arcade's signature pseudo-intellectual flavor from it.

Yep, that's news. Yep, that's CAD.

So. Desperate for anything to make a news post about? That is, anything other than the Attack of the Clones?

NukaColaClassic said:
He's a blasphemer! Burn him!
If you burn, you aren't irrational enough! If you don't burn, YOU NEED MORE BURNINGS

(Don't rag on Brother None, guys. He isn't the problem. Go look in either of the Ron Burke threads and those who are will become abundantly clear.)
Weird post, Kan-Kerai.

No, we're not exactly starving for newsposts. But we've always posted CAD's notes on Fallout.
has anyone noticed online stores pre order and ship in march 08?maybe they just want to make you think its over a year away then surprise you
The way to think of release dates as written by online shops, or any shop for that matter. Don't even count on'em. The people who write those dates really know LESS then we do on when it will ship.

Its done when Bethesda says its done, not a day before,
Anyone remember how much CAD anticipated Oblivion? It seemed only days later, perhaps the next day even, they started to make fun of Oblivion.
I find CAD unfunny to the point that I get headaches reading the comic

even the drawing style is plain and lifeless.

he should hang out with the "Cyanide and Happiness" guy and they can just suck each other off for eternity while Scott Adams types a memo about it.

unfunny trash, it's just like Garfield, if Jon were real he'd be gay or have killed himself by now
NukaColaClassic said:
He's a blasphemer! Burn him!

Was that supposed to be a joke? I'm sorry to say that you really shouldn't go into comedy.

Tim has been a major Fallout fan for years, we will have different views on the game, no doubt, but that doesn't make him less of a fan.
I want to agree with Tim, but...Fallout is an RPG. RPGs need TB to retain the PnP sim...So...Fallout 3 needs TB.

I like reading CAD, it's not always highlarious, but it's fun enough.
Paladin Solo said:
Anyone remember how much CAD anticipated Oblivion? It seemed only days later, perhaps the next day even, they started to make fun of Oblivion.
Yes, but in a light-hearted manner. Tim did note Oblivion's flaws, but still loved the game.

.. what? Fallout 3? No, I want to punish him because the beginning of that comic promised a gasoline/yeast/microwave related explosion and it didn't pay off.
When it comes to the comics, I think C+A+D is overall funnier than Penny Arcade, but there's a simple reason for that.

Penny Arcade requires you to read several paragraphs of self-praising, promotional text that explains the backstory behind each of their comics. Only a handful of their comics can stand out on their own, needing no introduction and/or no buildup.

C+A+D at least keeps this to a minimum. If you don't understand a particular C+A+D comic, try reading the ones before it.
I stopped taking anything Penny Arcade had to say seriously when they said Final Fantasy Tactics Advance was a good game.
Penny Arcade is unfunny pretty often. They also seem to rely fairly heavily on the "swearing is fucking funny!" idea, as well.
I can't shake the feeling that people don't like CAD just because it's the "in" thing to dislike. Puh-leeze, PA just comes off as so arrogant and condescending.
I think PA, CAD and PvP are all fairly mediocre webcomics that either depend on predictable conventions or in-jokes to drive the comic. Not a bit of creativity amongst the three of 'em