Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

A psychiatrist once equated LOVE to be a form of psychosis. Meaning a nazi may fuck the bowels out of a confirmed wiberal and vice versa.
Mere political afflictions do not get in the way of true love. ❤ ❤ ❤
I can just imagine the news headlines now...

Post-apocalyptic: Forum Built on Hate Harbors Neo-Nazis
An ancient Fallout forum full of bitter, longtime fans of Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas has a secret. While many of its users spend most of their time posting about hating Bethesda, one of their most prolific members - making more than 35,000 posts over the years - has found something else to post about.

In a recent news thread, the user was seen sporting a swastika underneath his username while making homophobic and transphobic remarks. It's a callback to the old, wild west days of the internet; a time when the terms "woke" and "cancel culture" would not exist for many years.

The angry post comes in the wake of Tim Cain's YouTube channel being launched. His tell-all videos include many revelations about the games he worked on, but one that gained the most visceral reaction was the video titled "Being a Gay Game Developer".

A surprised user with only a 154 posts - clearly a casual - pointed out the rarity of seeing someone using an LGBT avatar coexisting in the same space as someone with a swastika in their bio. Other users chimed in to explain the apparent discrepancy: they're both being ironic, and the swastika is in fact only being used as a symbol of Paganism.

Although Tim Cain stated for the record that he enjoyed Fallout 3 and played it many times - and encouraged viewers to simply play video games that they enjoy rather than obsess over games that they dislike - another user of the forum simply commented with the following: "This makes me hate Bethesda even more."
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@manny a wadden.
A poster with only 155 posts since 2016 writes a 5 paragraph ramble linking biblical stories to bethesdaism.
If Cain liked playing Fallout 3 and wears a shirt which is emblazoned with 101, in the same colours as a vault suit, he also endorses Fallout 76.
I am un* Abel* to disagree with myself as to the meaning of this obvious support.
I can just imagine the news headlines now...

Post-apocalyptic: Forum Built on Hate Harbors Neo-Nazis
An ancient Fallout forum full of bitter, longtime fans of Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas has a secret. While many of its users spend most of their time posting about hating Bethesda, one of their most prolific members - making more than 35,000 posts over the years - has found something else to post about.

In a recent news thread, the user was seen sporting a swastika underneath his username while making homophobic and transphobic remarks. It's a callback to the old, wild west days of the internet; a time when the terms "woke" and "cancel culture" would not exist for many years.

The angry post comes in the wake of Tim Cain's YouTube channel being launched. His tell-all videos include many revelations about the games he worked on, but one that gained the most visceral reaction was the video titled "Being a Gay Game Developer".

A surprised user with only a 154 posts - clearly a casual - pointed out the rarity of seeing someone sporting an LGBT avatar coexisting in the same space as someone sporting a swastika in their bio. Other users chimed in to explain the apparent discrepancy: they're both being ironic, and the swastika is in fact only being used as a symbol of Paganism.

Although Tim Cain stated for the record that he enjoyed Fallout 3 and played it many times - and encouraged viewers to simply play video games that they enjoy rather than obsess over games that they dislike - another user of the forum simply commented with the following: "This makes me hate Bethesda even more."
Bravo dude, bravo. That was FLIPPING AWESOME!!! I love the creativity!


:clap: :clap: :clap:
He's bringing up the tired ghoul debate 26 year later when he hasn't done jack shit with Fallout since it and considering Fallout is fucking dead anyway as Bethesda will make ghouls the result of fairy dust any time now and retcon whatever the hell they want I think it's a good time to say death of the author. I don't care what his opinion is on what the lore is after all of this time. Ghouls are radiation + airborne FEV from Westtek being bombed. Simple as.
If I was a capitalist pig dog I would use 'The Glowing Ones' in mining operations to dig for metals to make the vacuum tubes, that powered the quantum oscillators that drove the knitting machines.

People forget that you need a warm blanket for the cold nights in the desert.
Tim’s stance certainly is less convoluted, but he completely ignores airborne FEV, which is repeatedly mentioned in the game. Also doesn’t explain how deathclaws can reproduce with quad helix dna.