black isle

  1. TheKingofVault14

    Tim Cain's Unofficial Involvement with Fallout 3: Van Buren's Cancellation.

    So, what do you guys think of this revelation? Personally for me not only is it interesting,(of course) but it also shows how badly Interplay Entertainment was struggling financially during that particular point in time. And as Tim put in the video, they've would've cancelled it either way...
  2. TheKingofVault14

    What Happened To These Four Characters From Fallout 2?

    You know ever since I beat Fallout 2, I've always wondered what happened to these four characters after the events of the game. Canonically I mean, because we never really found out about whatever happened to them after the fact. Oh, and here are the four that I'm talking about BTW... The...
  3. TheKingofVault14

    Black Isle Studio's Cancelled Fallout 4.

    You know, it's crazy to think that we would've gotten a Fallout 4 made by Black Isle Studios if Van Buren wasn't cancelled, and that the IP for Fallout wasn't sold to Bethesda back in 2004. Now just to be clear, even though the Van Buren Development Team was talking about making FO4 due to...
  4. TheKingofVault14

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    Huge kudos to @Diggfinger! for sharing this on the General Fallout Discussion Forum, I wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for his post. So thanks man! :clap: On April 27th, 2023 the creator of the Fallout series Tim Cain started making videos on his YouTube Channel simply called...
  5. TheKingofVault14

    Does Anyone Know The Story of How NMA Got Access to FO3: Van Buren's Tech Demo?

    I just realized that yesterday would be the 16th anniversary of the time when Fallout 3: Van Buren's Tech Demo was leaked to The Internet, by none other than this very website! And ever since I first heard about this fact, I've always wondered how that came to be. You know, like how the heck did...
  6. The Dutch Ghost

    Van Buren in Fallout New Vegas

    Hello all, I have not seen an article about it anywhere else yet (if there is one, just delete this message or merge it with that post), but I just found out that some modders are working on recreating Van Buren in Fallout New Vegas. This TC will ignore the events of FNV, sticking to the...
  7. hexer

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Older NMA members will remember how I started creating Van Buren using FOnline engine way back in late 2013. After working like a maniac for one year on it, I put the project on hold because we had serious technical issues with FOnline, we couldn't afford 3D cinematics and professional voice...
  8. hexer

    Fallout 2 Beta

    OK, let's try this - maybe something comes out of it. It was the summer/autumn of 1998., a month or two before Fallout 2's release. The 15-year old me was a mischievous teen, my parents just got divorced but all I cared for in this world was the sequel to the first true RPG I played -...
  9. Risewild

    Van Buren's Technical Demo 2007-02-05

    Van Buren was the Codename given to Interplay's Fallout 3. Text from "": Featuring a fully 3D engine, that Black Isle had made for Baldur's Gate 3, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Engine. Black Isle Studios planned to include a dual combat system in...
  10. Earth

    Fallout Cultural Influences

    I thought it would be interesting to look at the different cultural (and pop cultural) influences on the different writers of Fallout. I've been reading a lot of New Vegas trivia recently and it's astonishing how much thought was put into almost every story point and location detail. Mad Max and...
  11. Earth


    I'm a weirdo who likes looking at pictures and want a place where I can look at these pictures anytime together. Basically I just want to use this thread in a similar fashion to a soundtrack compilation. I can't get enough of the old graphics and character designs. This is mainly a...
  12. Atlas

    How were Ghouls made before Bethesda?

    I'm almost positive this has been answered before, but for some reason I'm suffering some massive brain fog today. I know that, originally, feral ghouls were just people who went mad from the pain of living. That, because of the state of their body, they weren't able to move quickly, and that...