Can DLCs save this one?

There is even a FO4 bobblehead mod that changes them into a vault girl and of course it has a nude version...
Now that is a mod the world needed.
I wonder if there'll be a sex-mod where you can insert those bobbleheads into yourself.
There's a little Pip-Girl in you~~.
Well, if they made a DLC that actually gives you an evil faction and evil missions to play with, then maybe. The fact of the matter is the game has 0 replayability right now because you can only play 1 type of character, a good guy. There's maybe 5 evil options throughout the entire span of missions in the game, and none of them are even really that bad besides maybe the Cabot one.

I want to be able to lead my own Raider faction. Make it to where we don't need to side with the Minutemen, we can side with the Raiders instead and fill our settlements with them. Instead of millions of missions involving saving settlements, now we can be part of raiding parties that are sent out to destroy and loot settlements. I think that'd be pretty fun.

Of course, I really doubt this would happen seeing as Raiders are one of the main enemy types. I doubt they'd let you side with them because that eliminates lots of enemies from being a problem. Though maybe they could make Minutemen patrols a thing or something, like the Talon Mercs in Fallout 3 or the NCR/Legion Bounty Hunters in New Vegas.

They should make it like the Powder Gangers in New Vegas. Those guys are essentially armored raiders with dynamite, but if you make friends with them, they don't attack you anymore and actually become friendly and give you free dynamite. You can even help them take over one of the towns. Now imagine the takeover of Goodsprings but on a much much larger scale, where you help raiders take over every settlement in the Commonwealth. Hell, maybe even Diamond City and Goodneighbor.

So far though it doesn't look like any of the current 3 DLCs will give you the option to be evil. I guess with the Mechanist one you could build a giant robot to destroy everyone, and with the Arena one you could send Settlers you don't like to fight for your amusement against Deathclaws, akin to Rome's Coliseum where they sent early Christians to "fight" lions, whereupon they'd be mauled to death.
Of course, I really doubt this would happen seeing as Raiders are one of the main enemy types.
A simple solution to this (and one that is already found in older Fallout games and New Vegas) is to add different raider factions instead of implying that every single raider in the Commonwealth are all allied to eachother. Make it like New Vegas where you had diverse groups of raiders like the Fiends, Jackals, Vipers, Great Khans or Powder Gangers. Then you could pick one to ally yourself with and use your more advanced knowledge of tactics and weaponry to aid them in taking over the others (kinda like a certain character from New Vegas did).
Well I did not mean Bethesda should make a Cthulhu Mythos RPG, rather just don't smuggle references into Fallout other than as Easter Eggs.
Still it seems clear that some of the people in the development team have a big interest in Lovecraft, so perhaps they should transfer to a team or studio that works on such games instead.

It's funny that you had mentioned a Cthulhu RPG, since not long after your wish, the studio that made the cool goblin stealth game "Styx: Master of Shadows," announced recently they are developing Call of Cthulhu.

Release Date 2017. Praise to be to Dagon its not being made by Bethesda. :smug:
So I think after the most recent DLC announcements the question of the topic is answered in terms of "WILL DLC save this one": No. No, DLC won't save shit. Only two big story-based DLCs, one of which already turned out to be "meh" at best, four crafting DLCs of which three turned out to be utter bollocks and just copy-pasted mods with an official paintjob.
So I think after the most recent DLC announcements the question of the topic is answered in terms of "WILL DLC save this one": No. No, DLC won't save shit. Only two big story-based DLCs, one of which already turned out to be "meh" at best, four crafting DLCs of which three turned out to be utter bollocks and just copy-pasted mods with an official paintjob.
It surprises me people still think DLCs or mods will fix any Bethesda game from Skyrim forwards (Hell, Skyrim was already ruined for me, but I still could understand how some people would like it)...
Anyone that have consumed Bethesda games from Arena/Daggerfall or even Morrowind and Oblivion can see the trend of what Bethesda thinks a RPG is and the games it has been releasing... Wishful thinking will not change anything.
Risewild I think they had hoped that mods could fix a title they still had some doubt with even if they liked some of the contents of the base game. "Man this is not very good or to my liking, I hope at least that modders could fix or change that" is probably what they are thinking.
Here is the thing, modders aren't required to fix a game's fundamental flaws, that is the duty of the developers.

Yes modders in the past have 'fixed' a couple of games in the past, but these were in general enjoyable titles that just had some rough edges that could use some polishing or just needed some more patchwork to run stable than the official patches did. But mostly the title was already liked despite some of the problems and people had no doubts about this stance, it did not not need to fixed up in order for it finally to be fun.

But now that it becomes obvious that some developers are doing more and more of a half assed job at developing the base games it seems that some fans start to expect other fans who can code and mod that they use their spare time to fix up the titles they want to enjoy. And you have already seen the reactions on what happens when FO4 mods are brought to the consoles and they turn out not to be working right because they require certain code expansions or clash with other mods.

Modders in general probably just want to add content, things they like or they think other people might like, and some people do enjoy being an unofficial tech service that helps people enjoy some games even more by going through the coding and fixing flaws. They probably also really enjoy finding out what is 'underneath the hood', learning new knowledge and skills as they go through it.

And now we also have publishers who want to cash in on what modders make, wanting that the more complex mods that modify and add content are sold and wanting a percentage of that money on the basis that the provided the base game and the SDK that came with it.
I can understand that some modders would appreciate that they get some form of compensation for the effort they have done, especially for massive mods that add new lands, NPCs, quests and so on, and I have no problem with it that they open some kind of 'tip jar' such as a Paypal account or Patreon account.

But if this eventually also leads that mods that actually fix the base game needing to be bought and a publisher like Bethesda expects to be paid a percentage of that, than I say "Screw them."
If they expect to get money from the mods that actually make their games fun or stable then I think their fan community must really do some introspection of themselves and if this is a company they want to support.
Guess what, the market does not always know what is best, and companies will always try to cut back on whatever can be removed in order to make higher profits.

I hope that modders eventually will abandon Bethesda products because of Bethesda's antics and that the people who buy titles like Elder Scrolls and Fallout come to discover that these flawed games they buy will not become better, not even by additional Bethesda DLCs.

So I think after the most recent DLC announcements the question of the topic is answered in terms of "WILL DLC save this one": No. No, DLC won't save shit. Only two big story-based DLCs, one of which already turned out to be "meh" at best, four crafting DLCs of which three turned out to be utter bollocks and just copy-pasted mods with an official paintjob.

I think by now that it is obvious that Fallout 4 is the biggest disappointment in the franchise since Fallout Brotherhood of Steel (and Fallout 3). It has failed to continue the RPG standards and traditions of its founder, it has a half assed design with content that is just all over the place and barely well used despite that some material could be used to make well written quests, NPCs, and locations, it is even more streamlined in gameplay (forced voiced protagonist, limited dialogue, written quests in general replaced with radiant quests, reduced character building options, the player is once again expected to be a certain archetype with a certain morality, trying to be evil amounts to be a sarcastic dick with destructive tendencies), and most of its DLCs focus on a mechanic that has barely anything to do with what drives a Fallout game in general.
And what is released that is about adventuring and role playing is as half assed as the main game because the designers seem to think that more just means more random stuff that is all over the place.

From what I just read about Nuka World it will 'fix' something that should have been in the base game to begin with: join-able raider factions.

Fallout 4 can not even claim the same impact Fallout 3 did when it took the franchise into a whole new direction. It is just more of the same and the cracks in the design and the laziness and cluelessness of the developers is finally starting to show to regular gamers.
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I would argue that the DLCs made the game worse.
What I mean by this is Bethesda tried to shove out a pre determined character for the Player, he was good. He didn't do anything bad or so.
But then they put out DLC like vault construction where you get to play the bad guy, which goes against what Bethesda tried to make you be in the first place. It appears Bethesda are trying to have their cake and eat it. Really, you can't have it both ways, you're either good or bad. If Bethesda was smart, then being able to role play an evil character would have made those DLCs make a tiny bit more sense.
But you can't even pick a morally grey character, it's just 'you're the good guy, do good things' which is another reason why I don't include Fallout 4 as part of the canon. I know someone will say 'But it's made by Bethesda, it has to be canon because they said so'.
Okay, it's officially canon, it actually happened in the Fallout Universe. That means we have a good character who is the Wasteland Jesus force his settlers to fight and try to bring back Vault tech. If that's canon, fine by me. It's Bethesda's canon, but it sure as hell isn't Fallout canon.

The sad thing is, DLC could have saved it, but Betlhesda relied too much on ripping off mods and copying their own content (seriously, Far Harbor is just a remake of Point Lookout) to actually be anything good.
What angers me the most is that no one wanted more workshop DLCs, the PC crowd have better mods and I doubt I will even install them (seriously, why would I want to create my own Vault?). Nuka World is the last chance that this game has, maybe even the last chance that Bethesda has.
They need to make it good, if they fuck up, then they wasted an entire game and all of our time/money.

I still stand by what I say about Fallout 3, whether you like it or not, we needed a game like it at the time. But we don't need a game like Fallout 4 when so many other companies do it better.
I thought they might be able to fix it with some quality DLC. If they did something really good, something on the same wavelength as The Pitt (a brilliant bit of DLC), I could have forgiven them for fucking up the game.
But they have come out with some Deathclaw arena settlement thing, which I don't care about. I have better shit to do than what Deathclaws fight in an arena.
I don't give a shit about automatron because I can just get a robot making mod of nexus.
Contraptions workshop is a pile of shit. They could have easily added stuff like elevators and greenhouses into the original game, but they wanna make money so no. Bethesda is making the slow transformation into EA.
I like the idea of Vault Tec workshop, but being able to build a vault does not convince me to forgive them. Its nothing like enough.
I'm not sure about Nuka World because they have not released much information about it. It just looks like a bunch of dangerous theme park rides and massacring raiders, which is not enough.
And this Far Harbour thing looks shit, its basically a clone of the Fallout 3 Point Lookout, but they fucked up the cloning process and managed to make it worse.
Is it humanly possible to make a bad game several times worse, and make lots of money in doing so?

Yes, because Bethesda.
So I think after the most recent DLC announcements the question of the topic is answered in terms of "WILL DLC save this one": No. No, DLC won't save shit. Only two big story-based DLCs, one of which already turned out to be "meh" at best, four crafting DLCs of which three turned out to be utter bollocks and just copy-pasted mods with an official paintjob.
Just because someone tells you there's a pony in that pile of shit he just sold you doesn't mean that there actually is a pony in there. Bethesda fanboys will never learn, though.
Part of the problem is, that most Bethesda games, including Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3 - can't talk really for F4 here, have a lot of promising features and gameplay. It's not like I hated EVERYTHING I saw in their games. For it's time Oblivion was not a bad open world game when it came to some of the visuals. And Skyrim improved on that part. Fallout 3 got really a feeling for the Wasteland and the art style was in general good. But it's all on the surface. There is no meat to the bone, to say it that way.
I think Toront said it best, if I remember correctly. Their games have a lot of potential. But you can't play potential. And thus, people often feel that mods will add that missing quality, this debth. It does to some extend. But sadly, it can't fix everything. Definetly not the crucial part, like the shitty writing, the boring quests, shallow NPCs and more.
I'm surprised they haven't released a DLC that fixes the minutemen glitch where they send their highest ranking officer to fight raiders attacking a house.