Risewild I think they had hoped that mods could fix a title they still had some doubt with even if they liked some of the contents of the base game. "Man this is not very good or to my liking, I hope at least that modders could fix or change that" is probably what they are thinking.
Here is the thing, modders aren't required to fix a game's fundamental flaws, that is the duty of the developers.
Yes modders in the past have 'fixed' a couple of games in the past, but these were in general enjoyable titles that just had some rough edges that could use some polishing or just needed some more patchwork to run stable than the official patches did. But mostly the title was already liked despite some of the problems and people had no doubts about this stance, it did not not need to fixed up in order for it finally to be fun.
But now that it becomes obvious that some developers are doing more and more of a half assed job at developing the base games it seems that some fans start to expect other fans who can code and mod that they use their spare time to fix up the titles they want to enjoy. And you have already seen the reactions on what happens when FO4 mods are brought to the consoles and they turn out not to be working right because they require certain code expansions or clash with other mods.
Modders in general probably just want to add content, things they like or they think other people might like, and some people do enjoy being an unofficial tech service that helps people enjoy some games even more by going through the coding and fixing flaws. They probably also really enjoy finding out what is 'underneath the hood', learning new knowledge and skills as they go through it.
And now we also have publishers who want to cash in on what modders make, wanting that the more complex mods that modify and add content are sold and wanting a percentage of that money on the basis that the provided the base game and the SDK that came with it.
I can understand that some modders would appreciate that they get some form of compensation for the effort they have done, especially for massive mods that add new lands, NPCs, quests and so on, and I have no problem with it that they open some kind of 'tip jar' such as a Paypal account or Patreon account.
But if this eventually also leads that mods that actually fix the base game needing to be bought and a publisher like Bethesda expects to be paid a percentage of that, than I say "Screw them."
If they expect to get money from the mods that actually make their games fun or stable then I think their fan community must really do some introspection of themselves and if this is a company they want to support.
Guess what, the market does not always know what is best, and companies will always try to cut back on whatever can be removed in order to make higher profits.
I hope that modders eventually will abandon Bethesda products because of Bethesda's antics and that the people who buy titles like Elder Scrolls and Fallout come to discover that these flawed games they buy will not become better, not even by additional Bethesda DLCs.
So I think after the most recent DLC announcements the question of the topic is answered in terms of "WILL DLC save this one": No. No, DLC won't save shit. Only two big story-based DLCs, one of which already turned out to be "meh" at best, four crafting DLCs of which three turned out to be utter bollocks and just copy-pasted mods with an official paintjob.
I think by now that it is obvious that Fallout 4 is the biggest disappointment in the franchise since Fallout Brotherhood of Steel (and Fallout 3). It has failed to continue the RPG standards and traditions of its founder, it has a half assed design with content that is just all over the place and barely well used despite that some material could be used to make well written quests, NPCs, and locations, it is even more streamlined in gameplay (forced voiced protagonist, limited dialogue, written quests in general replaced with radiant quests, reduced character building options, the player is once again expected to be a certain archetype with a certain morality, trying to be evil amounts to be a sarcastic dick with destructive tendencies), and most of its DLCs focus on a mechanic that has barely anything to do with what drives a Fallout game in general.
And what is released that is about adventuring and role playing is as half assed as the main game because the designers seem to think that more just means more random stuff that is all over the place.
From what I just read about Nuka World it will 'fix' something that should have been in the base game to begin with: join-able raider factions.
Fallout 4 can not even claim the same impact Fallout 3 did when it took the franchise into a whole new direction. It is just more of the same and the cracks in the design and the laziness and cluelessness of the developers is finally starting to show to regular gamers.