This ghoul has seen it all

Oh they did bring new things... is just that most of those things were shit.
Oh they did bring new things... is just that most of those things were shit.
Right, so, nothing new.
Oh no, they brought plenty of new things. It's just that the new shit was exactly that: shit.Failed to bring anything new to the franchise.
Oh wait. So did fallout 3.
Yeah, but you can always say ... Bethesda at least tried. A little bit. A tiny little bit. With F4, it doesnt even seem like they want to create the illusion of playing an RPG or to hidde the fact that it's a shooter.Failed to bring anything new to the franchise.
Oh wait. So did fallout 3.
Yeah, but you can always say ... Bethesda at least tried. A little bit.
Not everything! The bad stuff is from Oblivion.
The easiest way I think, would be to tie the use of Power Armore to the repair skill - if it would be still in the game ...On the area of replacing the fusion core balance system with something else... Could power armour overheat? Rather than have a fusion core meter slowly running out, we would have an overheat meter that quickly goes up, and everytime it hits the max, the power armour would take damage. As usual, we could craft and mod the armours to overheat at a slower rate.
You could also learn "Power Armor Training" which would be, in-lore, learning to move efficiently without overusing the servos, and therefore drastically slowing down the overheat rate, which would make it much more useful late-game. That plus having it be rarer and harder to maintain, yet capable of even taking more damage, would definitely fix the system.
I'm not sure if power armour can overheat though, can someone find any facts on that subject?
With F4, it doesnt even seem like they want to create the illusion of playing an RPG or to hidde the fact that it's a shooter.