I still don't think he gets slave shipments that often. All the slaves we see in the Pitt are already in late stages of the unique radiation disease from the Pitt, they look more like a cross of a ghoul and a human. That stage takes months or even years to happen before the final stage (which has three different results. The most common is death, then the second most common result is to turn into Wildmen and the least common result is to turn into Trogs).
If Ashur would get slaves every couple of months then we would see a large percentage of slaves not looking like this:
For some reason the site seems to shrink the last picture whic is the one I reference a lot, so I will just put the link to it here:
You can notice in the last picture that the bridge is totally blocked by car and truck husks. You can also notice in the distance a turned sideways truck that literary blocks all the length of the bridge. Then you can also notice those radioactive barrels that litter the entirety of the width of the bridge lane, those are actually radioactive and our character will get radiated and die from radiation poisoning if it stands around for too long (brahmin are not fast), then we can also see those small dots around littering the bridge, those are proximity mines and while they are wide enough (for a few cases) for a human to avoid triggering them if very careful, I don't think a brahmin can avoid exploding them.
I think that bridge was set to be a deathtrap by humans, the safest path (and I think it is on purpose and it is probably the one Ashur's raiders and slaves will usually take) is the pedestrian sidewalks that are littered with bear traps (second picture), but they are too small for anything besides a human and are even blocked by makeshift constructions that are impassable (we can see those in the last picture too) and protected by a sniper.
If Ashur would get slaves every couple of months then we would see a large percentage of slaves not looking like this:

I still think it would be impossible for a brahmin with a cart or otherwise to be able to pass the only bridge that has access to the Pitt:They could use brahmin carts. Not faster, but it saves some strenght as they don't have to carry everything nor have to make everyone walk. Or they can make a longer trip. Or Ashur has other, closer, suppliers.

For some reason the site seems to shrink the last picture whic is the one I reference a lot, so I will just put the link to it here:
I think that bridge was set to be a deathtrap by humans, the safest path (and I think it is on purpose and it is probably the one Ashur's raiders and slaves will usually take) is the pedestrian sidewalks that are littered with bear traps (second picture), but they are too small for anything besides a human and are even blocked by makeshift constructions that are impassable (we can see those in the last picture too) and protected by a sniper.
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