It Wandered In From the Wastes

Why are you even debating us then?
We are not debating.
Why are you even debating us then?
Because Fallout is supposed to be a rational, believable world. Surprisingly enough, Bethesda only made two Fallouts (3 and 4). There are four other Fallouts out there made by other studios (F1-2, tactics and NV) that present a story taking place in a believable world.Then why are you trying to rationalize everything?
Discussion in 'Fallout 4'We are not debating.
In 210 years, the commonwealth citizen haven't built anything. They haven't moved anywhere. No political power emerged anywhere. No town has been built. Not a single government was born. Nothing was repaired or discovered. No resource has been produced. No new art and culture was achieved. Nobody repaired Sanctuary, or Boston, or Concord. Yet, everything stands still, every tree, every building, everything has been standing still for 210 years without human intervention, without the animals taking over.
We established that the Slavers were trading with the Pitt.they established the majority of these raiders work for the Pitt.
*SlaversWe have non-crazy Raiders too in Paradise Falls.
The people of the Capital Wasteland/Commonwealth/Whatever aren't tribal societies.There are some tribal societies which are, literally millennium old and relatively unchanged because of environmental factors. It's almost like the Capital Wasteland is a toxic environment where the primary concern of the populace is survival.
The Fiends are far more believable. Firstly because they aren't literally everywhere in the game. They are the largest gang of Raiders, but are still concentrated around one area, and there aren't really that many of them.Also, the Fiends are the same way in New Vegas.
There are places in the Wasteland that aren't nuclear hellholes(Look at anywhere pre-Fallout 3). Why stick around a really shitty area, when there is literally nothing stopping you from packing your bags and moving elsewhere?Really, I'm stunned at how people ignore the fact it's a NUCLEAR HELLHOLE when discussing how easy it would be to rebuild things.
Cause both games sure as hell don't try to.Then why are you trying to rationalize everything?
@mithrap, they established the majority of these raiders work for the Pitt. So, no, they haven't been raiding for 200 years. There's no evidence in the game they have been.
So, no, they haven't been raiding for 200 years.
Doesn't seem to be a problem. They only have dirty clothes.
They established the Pitt raiders are a separate faction. None of the raiders in the CW work for the Pitt. The only raiders that do anything related to the Pitt in the CW are the Evergreen Mills raiders, but only because they supposedly sell slaves to Paradise Falls, who then sell them to the Pitt.
You're telling me that the raiders dressed in old mattresses and car tires, hopped up to the eyeballs on all manner of drugs, who attack anyone on sight, hang around all manner of crappy locations, somehow work for the Pitt? In what capacity? What do they do for Ashur?
Why exatly are there not more people living in real towns like Rivet City or Megaton? Or just living in the DC ruins with actually well barricaded and armed guards (like, maybe THE TALON COMPANY). There's no thing saying "they can't actually settle and make a good living".I'd like to know the rationale really for the weird "they're not really poor, they have enough water and food to survive" thing. Life is clearly a constant struggle for people in the Capital Wasteland and they have signs it is because they've only managed to build a small number of subsistence communities.
So, which is it?
Do they have an easy life because they can survive in the CW or do they suck because they haven't been able to build anything more than bare survival?
I still never read anything about that from official sources, that is why I would like a link or article or something so I could read for myself.Bethesda has always been upfront about that but I thought it was obvious. Otherwise, Morrowind would have like a couple of hundred people.
We already had this discussion in a different thread before. ashur's does not trade with Raiders, it trades with Slavers. They are different factions.Ashur's organization works as a backer for the Raiders in the Capital Wasteland.
Never in the game it says he sends his troops to steal, we never see a raid party coming or going, we never have anyone saying they are raiding the capital wasteland. We have one guy saying that getting shot in a raid will kill you but he never says they are raiding. He might have raided before joining Ashur's army but not anymore, for all we know.He recruits whoever proves themselves to be badass (through the Pitt or people recruited from the Wasteland who are already raiders) and then sends them out to steal as much as possible while buying Slaves kidnapped for his factories.
Not that hard when you shrink down or enlarge regions, all accounting cells, becouse yes, they are using the same engine since TESIII.Okay, will do. In the meantime, we have this:
Ashur's organization works as a backer for the Raiders in the Capital Wasteland. He provides as much ammunition as they need and other material support in exchange for them providing the raw materials to keep his ill-advised scheme to rebuild Pittsburgh going. He's, effectively, running a really shitty version of Caesar's Empire.
He recruits whoever proves themselves to be badass (through the Pitt or people recruited from the Wasteland who are already raiders) and then sends them out to steal as much as possible while buying Slaves kidnapped for his factories. We know he's working with the CW's Raiders and Paradise Falls because we fight his agents right above Paradise Falls. Is it a ridiculously long journey to do that sort of raiding? Maybe but they have a trainline to transfer directly to it.
The fact they're an undisciplined gang of murderous psychos doesn't mean anything as Ashur has bigger problems than HOW they get the supplies they need--they just need to get the supplies he needs. It does, however, explain why there's so many damned raiders, though. It's an army--just a army of thieves and whores.
We already had this discussion in a different thread before. ashur's does not trade with Raiders, it trades with Slavers. They are different factions.
Never in the game it says he sends his troops to steal, we never see a raid party coming or going, we never have anyone saying they are raiding the capital wasteland. We have one guy saying that getting shot in a raid will kill you but he never says they are raiding. He might have raided before joining Ashur's army but not anymore, for all we know.
Ashur is not an evil person and he doesn't like killing for no reason, he even punishes his troops very harshly if they kill or harm his workers too much. He want's to rebuild the Pitt after finding the cure for the mutations and have an industrial paradise so people won't need to be slaves anymore and get work of their own free will and reap the bounties of industrialization. He wants to make a nice place to live for future generations.
You always say stuff like he sends his army to raid and kill and plunder but by talking to him we know he would never do that.
According to what? You really think gangs of roving lunatics are able to provide the Pitt with enough raw materials regularly to keep his empire going? And if he's giving them ammunition, why is he giving them shit guns? The ammo the Pitt makes would be more valuable to the Pitt raiders, so I seriously doubt they'd take the time to somehow transport mass amounts of ammo (IIRC we have no indication the Pitt can make guns, they're only confirmed to have an ammo press) to the CW and somehow give them to raiders who would most likely just kill them anway.
Also, why would CW raiders give a fuck what Ashur wants? They've been doing their own thing anyway. Even if they did get guns from Ashur, nothing says they'd keep their word.
As Risewild has said, we've had this conversation before. There's the one line to the Pitt with a handcar that can fit two people standing and maybe a couple more sitting. There's no room for them AND cargo nor a large number of people.
We know Ashur works with Paradise Falls because the slaver Ramsey "Hey. Are you the guy from The Pitt?" Nothing about the raiders. The raider hit squad after Wernher are clearly from the Pitt and are not CW raiders.
How does Ashur keep in contact with all these raiders? When do they know when to meet the Pitt guys? How do they transport the supplies back? What could they scrounge that Ashur would find useful? Why would Ashur give all the guns the Pitt army could use to mass numbers of trigger-happy, kill on sight psychos?
EDIT: The CW raiders just wouldn't be reliable. The logistics would be a nightmare and Ashur would lose more than he gained.
-Aaand now you're contradicting yourself. What happened to the "insane cannibals" from around two pages ago, exactly?You're treating the Raiders as if their treatment of the Lone Wanderer is the beginning and end of their behavior.
The Raiders in the Capital Wasteland are ordinary human beings, not insane or deranged despite theories about them being the descendants of Vault dwellers. Jericho is a former Raider and returns to the lifestyle if he joins an Evil Lone Wanderer. After all, you wander around the Wasteland murdering people for loot, don't you?
I also speculate the Pitt Raiders are the same Raiders as the Raiders in Evergreen Mills and other locations with most of them recruited by it.
You're treating the Raiders as if their treatment of the Lone Wanderer is the beginning and end of their behavior.
The Raiders in the Capital Wasteland are ordinary human beings, not insane or deranged
Fallout 3 Loading Screen said:Raiders take whatever they want, whenever they want, and their favorite pastimes are torture and murder.
I also speculate the Pitt Raiders are the same Raiders as the Raiders in Evergreen Mills and other locations with most of them recruited by it.
We don't know the history of the Raiders in the Capital Wasteland. It may be they may have been much more modest in their efforts before they had an employer trying to populate and feed a city.
The handcar doesn't have to be the only transport to and from the Pitt. It's possible they may have caravans from it and HAVE TO if they're transporting literally HUNDREDS of slaves there.
I don't see why they can't be both. No reason not for them to be since they dress and act the same.
None of these are particularly hard questions to answer. The thing to remember if Ashur is employing the Capital Wasteland Raiders that their looting and murdering is WORKING as the Pitt is functional with slaves, food, and soldiers. He'd not be the first warlord to have a stable base (The Pitt) and his men running wild outside.