CD-Action magazine plays Fallout 3

LuckyOasis said:
As far as narative goes, I find it far more compelling to hear that the game features a hooker who won't sleep with you because you're too young (although maybe "innocent" is a better word), than simply being able to walk up to a hooker, hit a button, and lose some money with nothing to show for it. (...)
Huh? Why are you limiting options to only two? Don't be silly. In Fallout you couldn't sleep with some woman unless you fulfilled certain conditions i.e. you had to have stats high enough or for example you had to save the world first and have enough cash o course. Also sleeping with some woman brought implications such as woman's husband wanted to kill you.
Not letting character have sex just because he's only 19 is plain stupid unless stats are fixed too and character is as ugly as a pig. No one here wants Fallout to become hentai game but there should be left some liberty. And AFAIK in USA it isn't uncommon for 16 year old children to have sex.
Bodybag said:
You can't EVEN begrudgingly giggle...
Wait, there was something humorous in one of your posts? Let me look again...

Nope, still not seeing it. Just because people aren't laughing doesn't mean they have no sense of humor.
Bodybag said:
In fact, when some bad guy would run up and punch me, I'd pull out the biggest gun in my inventory and fuck his shit right up, with complete disregard to things like "splash damage" or "area of effect."
This, I believe, is the passage (or at least part of the passage) in question. Still don't see the big joke. Whatever floats your boat though.
raskijan said:
I am shocked no one has mentioned this yet...

* When throwing grenades and during hand-to-hand combat, while you can use V.A.T.S., you can't aim at specific parts of the body.

...I actually broke my lurkerness and registered to comment on that.

I can only think that they did not have the time to do the animation required by their cinematic slow-motion masturbatory gore-machine, or the engine was not able to handle it correctly, or the reviewer got it completely wrong....

because why, OH WHY, would you not be able to punch someone in the head using a targeted attack?! If you are not able to make targeted attacks using V.A.T.S. in melee *trails off...* I just don't know, it becomes a shallow, desiccated and skeletal brahmin husk, only not even worth scraping the skin off and using the skull as a hat!

Wait, it would be just like Oblivion melee combat. Just. Like. Oblivion.


For a lot of people the game has been long dead. I suppose the reason for this is the one thing they liked the most in the orignal Fallout games finally got the axe. For me this was melee and unarmed combat. What in the fuck is the point of having a ripper if you can't target specific body parts? Seriously, what the FUCK were they thinking?
You see, you can attach the Ripper to your gun, and have gun ripper battles with people who also yield gun rippers.
Just like Gears of War!
The real bitch of it is if you are playing a close quarters combat character against a game of ranged attackers you would REALLY need that tactical advantage. Think on that shit, what possible advantage could there be in playing a CQC character and sneaking up on an opponent and attacking his weapon hand with three queued attacks from VATS in an attempt to disarm? How could that possibly advance gameplay? How could it ever appease the insatiable gods of "balance"? The level of sheer idiocy in this is obscene.
LuckyOasis said:
Bungie, BioWare, and Rockstar are a few others that have my respect for consistently trying hard to give the public a good all-around experience.

Let me guess, you didn't play a Bungie game prior to Halo. If you had, there's no way you'd include them in your list.
Even modern Bioware is a very rough prospect compared to the Baldur's Gate days.
Rockstar are the only company on your list that deserve my respect.
I think in general none of the developers deserve our respect.

Not even Valve, sure they made some good stuff, but they really screwed us with the Half Life 2 episodic format.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I think in general none of the developers deserve our respect.

Not even Valve, sure they made some good stuff, but they really screwed us with the Half Life 2 episodic format.

They more than made up for that with TOB; which is absolutely untouchable on the cost to quality chart.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I think in general none of the developers deserve our respect.

Not even Valve, sure they made some good stuff, but they really screwed us with the Half Life 2 episodic format.

Thats harsh come on now...

Gas Powered Games
id Software
the guys behind Galactic Civ and Sins of a solar Empire

if you are going to nit pick there is always something to bitch about each of them but thats hardly the point is it ? they do a proper job and most of them are dedicated to the PC audience which is not seen as keeping up with the console frenzy.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
They more than made up for that with TOB; which is absolutely untouchable on the cost to quality chart.

I like the Orange Box, I really do, but did we actually have to wait three years for this?
They could have skipped Episode 1 and gone for this direcly.
Better, just make all the Episodes simply one expansion: Aftermath like how the first Episode would have been called; Half Life 2.5.

radnan said:
Thats harsh come on now...

Gas Powered Games
id Software
the guys behind Galactic Civ and Sins of a solar Empire

if you are going to nit pick there is always something to bitch about each of them but thats hardly the point is it ? they do a proper job and most of them are dedicated to the PC audience which is not seen as keeping up with the console frenzy.

Sorry but that is how I feel on the moment.

Blizzard, well I read Corith's posts and exchanged PMs with him and I believe him when he says they're in general a bunch of assholes.
Talented assholes but assholes none the less.

Gas Powered Games, never bought any of their games.
They did Dungeon Siege right?
And now they are making Space Siege, another sci-fi cliché fest

Valve, just told my opinion on them.

Relic, I haven't bought any games from them since Homeworld 2, and its story sucked compared to Homeworld 1.

ID software, I can't say much on them really.
I played Doom years back and loved it but you can't always live on on the legacy of your past.

the guys behind Galactic Civ and Sins of a solar Empire

I have only played Galactic Civilizations 2 so far, its good but I am going to be careful before I praise them.
I like Gas Powered Games for Supreme Commander which was by all means excellent ....

i dont like Dungeon Siege but it was a proper action RPG and has many fans...

id software didnt really evolve in gameplay over the years but because of the engines, the huge Quake 3 scene, its policy of supporting the scene via freely releasing source code and picking up Splash Damage and supporting Enemy Territory is worth something

Relic ? - Warhammer and Company of Heroes
Ah, well I have never been much of a RTS fan, in general I suck at these games.
Only when the storyline really interests me I go for it.
LuckyOasis said:
People on these boards complain all the time about Bethesda not putting in enough grey areas regarding moral choices in the game. I have repeatedly read that a lot of you think the game looks too black-and-white. This is a great example of a grey area. The hooker who accepts cash for sex won't sleep with you because she has some sort of a moral compas inside of her that prevents her from doing so.
How's that an example of a gray area? It's a perfect example of black-and-white treatment.

Ausir asked a very pertinent and valid question and you dodged it by attempting what seems to be a justification of mankind's moral hypocrisy.
generalissimofurioso said:
Perhaps he is like me and finds the usage of Smileys to be irritating.

Smileys were a joke. Jesus.

Bodybag said:
You can't EVEN begrudgingly giggle without melting down (over a post in another thread[that was relatively benign]).

Zounds! I think I see what you did there. You pulled a 180 on me and now we're supposed to take everything seriously while I was still making light!

Bodybag said:
Have I really gotten under your skin that much?

Well, you see this note that BN left on the fridge with things to do? Item #4 clearly reads "Call Bodybag on his obtuse remarks", and so... no, wait. Serious now. Damn.
"choice of gender has been marginalized and its importance will be minimal."
"at first glance, fallout 3 looks like a typical fps."
"...she tells the player character that he's too young to use her services."
"the pc version has the same interface as the x360 one..."

the more i hear about sellout 3, the more i throw up.

this game's only hope is the editor/sdk. without it, there is not much hope for quality mods. sure, bigfiles can be extracted, textures redone, dialoge rewritten. in time, there will be selfmade content, editor or not. question is, will it be enough to undo all the flaws?

quite pessimistic about the editor, though. smells like a screw-over...
MikMan said:
I hope they didn't take gambling away because it is... what? Sinful?
You'd think they would make a minigame for the one, well, GAME from the originals.