Please answer my question. No more statistic wanking. Let's get to the core of it.
Why would that be such a problem? Why would it be a problem if (more or less) 50% of the leaders in our world would be females.
none. it wouldnt be a problem. i wouldnt give a damn if 90% of the world leaders were female. but to think the goal is some magical hard number or hard % is a fallacy.
Nope. If women make up 50% of the world's population, then it stands to reason that they should make up 50% of the employed workforce and be equally represented in all aspects of life.
nope. it wouldnt. to expect a 50% representation in all aspects is a pipe dream and a fallacy denying of reality.
i mean fuck, MEN are severely under-represented in some fields.
or do you just mean until women make up 50% of the "good" jobs there is no equality?
where are all the women in ironworkers, sewage workers, commercial welders, garbage collectors, etc
or that women do not make up 50% of the homicides and suicides is a huge tragedy! we need to kill more women and drive more women to suicide for equality!
I know it's a radical fucking idea, but maybe that claim is just full of shit? Why would women be inherently disinterested in high paying, high technology jobs? Why would women be inherently disinterested in leading a country or participating in politics? Why would women be inherently disinterested in working in mining, in factories, or holding jobs?
The problem with your line of thought, your entire line of thought is that you take the status quo for granted and accept cultural conditioning (that women shouldn't be interested in certain types of jobs) as a biological imperative.
Somehow, and bear with me, because this might be hard to grasp, somehow, I think, maybe we didn't evolve in an environment full of computers, politics, working sewage infrastructure, and mines all over the landscape. Maybe, just maybe, the appropriateness of certain jobs for certain genders is a purely cultural construct?
i have never made any claim of a biological imperitive. i have made the claim of their choice could be a driving factor, and that saying its all sexism or discrimination is an easy out and in a vacuum of personal choice.
and that could very well be the driving factor. and older women that i know that i have asked and talked to honestly about this, all seem to be saying they wouldnt WANT to do a job that requires 12-16 hour days and 80-100 hour weeks. you do know that is a very common thing for executive level employees, the medical field, engineers, and especially in technology/IT?
nobody at my job likes the hours. we work 12 hour days in a rotating shift where we can all be called in at any time to cover any shortage. i work friday nights and every other saturday night. when it rains, i work. when it snows, i work. when we have a fucking hurricane, i work. when they shut down the military base because of hazardous conditions, i can get on base and work. if there is a federal/national holiday? i work. you know thanksgiving and christmas and new years day? i work.
a lot of the studies i see posted, they all cite "quality of work-life balance". they also cite where they didnt feel like their contributions are valued. you know what, thats damn near universal. day in and day out i get told that i am an idiot and my ideas are useless and im wrong all the time. if i actually believed that shit, you would think im one of the worst people there. you want to know how i know that is all bullshit? when there is a problem, i am the one they ask for help. when someone calls out and they need someone to cover it, i usually get a phone call.
maybe the low participation from women in these fields IS a social/cultural construct, one in which they do not have to accept positions that require such "commitment" from the employees?
in a way, you guys are all close to the mark, but you all miss it. women in IT/Tech and even upper management are desired. i keep saying this. the problem is finding women who want to do the job within the established structure.
you guys keep saying sexism and discrimination within the societal/cultural structures, but having been in IT i can tell you, you are wrong for every place i have been. i have seen a lot of women complaining about not getting promotions or pay raises, yet when the managers call people to come in off schedule or to work overtime, its not the women that come in, its pretty much always the men that come in. if i see it as a lowly worker drone, you dont think the people who watch for these factors and track these things see the same thing? you dont think my mom saw this at her work too? thats partially what my mom was trying to get across i think when she was talking about productivity stats.
there are women willing to show up. there are women willing to do the jobs. there just isnt a lot of them. its not sexism. its not discrimination. its the nature of the jobs. there is a reason these jobs are high paying. its because the number of qualified people willing to do these jobs is small. its economics. the companies have to pay people enough to entice the "pool of workers" willing to do these jobs is small. if there were a lot of people willing to do these jobs that were qualified, they wouldnt pay as much.