But they should write stories that can put females into the game even if it isn't historically accurate! Right!? RIGHT!? ARRRGRHH!!!!!!
There was never a time when there weren't women around. There are always women. We've just chosen not to tell their stories, and instead focus on the men's stories, to the point of actively excising women's roles in men's stories. Most "but historically" justifications are not actually historically accurate, but only adhere to the popular misunderstanding of history.
And choosing a setting where you can justify the minimized presence of women is also a choice, and deserves to be critiqued as a choice.
Hey, that's actually closer to what he said.
The point was that harassment is tailored.
Harassment in gaming spaces mostly fall into the first two camps here:
The point is that random trolls on the internet choose the most effective attack vector and these attack vectors are usually not equally severe across demographics.
If you're a random guy, you're a fag with a tiny dick whose ass they could easily kick while they're fucking your mom and sister.
If you're a random woman, they want pics of your tits or else they're coming to rape you.
If you're TB, they're coming to force you to watch as they rape and kill your spouse and children, then you.
This says more about the perpetrators than the victims. Specifically, that the perpetrators are likely men with a severe case of the notgays.
That's a nice, charitable reading of what TotalBiscuit could mean. However, it's also completely non-contextual.
He's saying these things in a space where harassment of women has consistently been denied and minimized, and he says it while knowing that it'll give further support to the minimization and denial of women's harassment. More than that, he says it as a comment on a video by Karen Straughan, also known as GirlWritesWhat, also known as the men's rights activist who thinks women have exploited men for the past two centuries, society is set up to make it easier for women, and someone who frequently denies and minimizes the existence of any problems women face. And that includes minimizing harassment faced by women, in the very video he's commenting on. That's what he's agreeing with when he says "I made this point myself."
There's more, though. There's no real indication that he really thinks women face harsher harassment online - every step of that paragraph tries to equate it with harassment of men, from pointing out that some men are raped, to noting that men receive targeted harassment, to noting that men receive just as much harassment. And to make matters worse, he foists off the harassment on a vague group of equal-opportunity harassers -- which, again, pretends that it's just a coincidence that women receive the harshest harassment.
So yes, I feel pretty justified in not taking the most charitable reading possible here.
PlanHex said:
The video his comment is a response to is a response video to the femfreq video about male privilege in gaming spaces. It does not have anything to do with the harassment of Sarkeesian, it has to do with the content on her channel. I doubt he's holding her more responsible than McIntosh.
If you look at the previous paragraph, he lists a series of complaints. All of those complaints have frequently been leveled at Anita Sarkeesian specifically, and not McIntosh. Moreover, the actual person who's been the target of most of the harassment has been...Anita Sarkeesian, and not McIntosh. Even if he were referring to McIntosh, though, it's not like he's been particularly antagonistic either. And even if he had been antagonistic...so? Why does TotalBiscuit feel the need to blame the victims for the actions of, in his words, assholes?
PlanHex said:
Lying was only mentioned in regard to Hitman Absolution, and I'm guessing he's referring to them saying something or other about the player being encouraged to kill random scantily clad women NPCs, while the mechanics of the game heavily discourage killing random people, especially civilians. I vaguely remember seeing people take issue with that a while back.
Very clearly dishonest and misrepresenting the facts if true. Haven't played any of them past Hitman 2, so wouldn't really know, although I remember there was a similar system in place back then too.
Sarkeesian never said that about Hitman: Absolution specifically, only about games that use women as background decoration in general -- but that lie's been repeated so often that everyone believes it anyway. Even if she had said it about Hitman: Absolution specifically, the context was that games encourage people to try these things because they make it possible to do so. That's a specific form of encouragement and you can argue over whether that's fair or not, but it's certainly not lying, nor is it willfully misrepresenting.
Also he concluded his previous paragraph with "Justice achieved through lies is not justice", which suggests he's making a general comment about Sarkeesian and McIntosh lying, rather than just a specific one.
He left the hashtag ages ago, dude. Officially and everything.
That was that thing you wanted, right? Or does that no longer qualify as leaving the movement? Please explain to me in detail why a youtube post expressing the sentiments I've clarified for you qualifies as being part of a group that isn't mentioned anywhere in the video or description. Or write a 3000 word essay on a topic of your choice. I suggest the title "arghblargh i hate tb because of reasons that are totally justified but i can't think of any so just trust me"
Because he
still supports GamerGate. That's from eight days ago, after he said he didn't want to be a figurehead. As far as I know, he has not actually recanted his support at any point since then.
So, let's recap. TotalBiscuit minimizes the harassment women face, blames the victims of harassment for being "antagonistic", proceeds to complain about their unwillingness to engage in "rational discourse" while himself perpetuating falsehoods and straw men, and continues to support the movement that has produced oodles of harassment.
Wait, why am I supposed to be okay with this?