Obviously I can. It's not so much a problem that people do it, like in the anti-gaming-feminist sketch you seem to have made of my views in your brain, rather that I think it's silly. I don't give a shit if -female character here- is showing off skin in the "I'm confident" kinda way or "a guy with no class designed me" kind of way. (Fucking boobplates, fucking armor that literally fails to protect I swear to god. HEELS IN A WAR SCENARIO?!) Of course, I'll happily admit the majority of the feminist views I see are from forums and websites that post them as a kind of "you believe this shit?" kind of way. Although not most of the time, most of the time it's just kind of like: "Hey I found this argument I disagree what do you guys think?" kind of way.
Now, when I say 'the big picture', I meant it in a statistical way. There's no way either of us could know whether most feminist-related comments on the internet are getting uppity about showing skin or whether that gal is strong and don't need no man.
And, I guess I could take a looksee at feminist content on games in a more direct manner. But the thing is, I only really care about the part of feminism I don't agree with. Allow me to explain. If the good part of feminism, online, where games are concerned, merely makes many of the completely reasonable and good arguments you make, there's nothing for me there. If I already agree with the ideals, I don't give a shit about any kind of discussion that tries to establish whether any game is close enough to it or not. Because it's fuckin' videogames and I don't give a shit about political shit in games. Also making moral arguments about media/art/bideo james equals el oh el. I really don't see the point in embracing a political stance onlineor in the personal space at all. Besides, if they focus on triple A games, I mean, gee, If they focus on most games I don't give a shit by default because I ignore basically everything. The last game I even enjoyed was Shadowrun: Dragonfall, and before that Dark Souls. I really don't play new releases almost ever nowadays. I guess I'm in the discussion here mostly for the exercises in debate, and the fact that I've been watching this whole scene from the sidelines it's fun to partake now.
Edit related to ancient history in internet terms: It wasn't abliest, it was ENABLING. That's the word I meant. Duh doy.