Change to Fallout 3: Morphine becomes Med-X

Dopemine Cleric said:

XTC isn't shit.

Anyways, most of the censorship laws of today are based on the old socratically twisted morals of western civilization; Where-as violence that protects the state or life in general shouldn't be censored for it gives stories of heroes and choirs and ect. Might be a conspiracy, considering the game "Americas Army" gets kids to facillitate in violence to get them interested in being recruited. While drug use, and sex encourages population growth and foreign people to make money, so those are bad.

Or something.
Song was decent, but not something I'd listen to everyday.

Anyways, I'd have to say I agree with you. These double standards really annoy me, to tell you the truth.
Seymour the spore plant said:
EnglishMuffin said:
UncannyGarlic said:
One would think but it's quite possible that Fallout 3 doesn't handle addiction as harshly as they've inferred.
They don't. The game warns you when you are on the verge of becoming addicted.

That, plus the fact that you can cure addictions at any local doctor. Which is all the more lame considering how cool going cold turkey in FP could be implemented, with side effects that seriously impact the gameplay (like delirium tremens settling in and your aim going to shit).
Right :facepalm: , I remember that now that you mention it. Too many issues to keep track of and yet another system that goes in the face of a mature game. Do we know if you can go cold turkey and eventually overcome additions that way as well or do you have to see a doctor (I'm doubt it with their crippling system)? I personally think that someone could really have fun and do cool things with hallucinogens in a game though I'd be surprised if beth did...

Dopemine Cleric said:
XTC isn't shit.
Good lyrics but the music doesn't grab me.
UncannyGarlic said:
What bothers me most is that they changed it in all versions because of censor ship in a specific region and a that region wasn't the one it was even being developed in. Should the name have been changed? Yes, but not for the reasons it was and certainly to something less bland than Med-X which sounds more like a brand name or an unidentified drug than any in particular.

Why is Bethesda willing to make a version of the game just for Germany with the violence removed, but they don't want to bother with minor edits to the regions that complain about the drugs? I don't think morphine should be in the game, but surely they could at least come up with a better name than Med-X? Also, I don't see what was wrong with the chems they had in FO1+2. If they wanted a way to ignore crippled limbs, as some have suggested, they could easily just add that to Psycho, and ramp up the negative effects.

Also, I just don't like the name. Rad-X in the original games gave you resistance to radiation, but I'd always be happier with a few RadAways in my inventory. The only place I bothered with them was the Glow, but that's only because I didn't want to have to get rid of 1000 REMs, and have almost 100% chance to get addicted.
Beth can't come up with anything better than Med-X because they don't have anyone that talented on their staff. They are trying to do the best they can with the assets that they have.
You do have to realize that it's entirely possible (hell, I tend to believe it's true) that Bethesda did this as a pure advertising device. Hey, they're forced to change something in their game, it must be because it's such a bad-ass game. Remember the controversy around GTA boosting sales.
And Fallout 3 had only one drug with a real-name. Don't you think it's just a little bit weird?
Okay, why does no one seem to remember Bethesda putting morphine in their 2005 game, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, and still calling it morphine? It helped your character maintain control when critically injured, until you could heal yourself. But it could still be abused, and with proper consequences. Bethesda didn't compromise for censorship purposes that time, and everything was fine.

I personally would prefer a fantasy name, only because it's in the Fallout universe. Otherwise, I really hate when game companies fold to the bitching of the public. Look what happened with Manhunt 2. Aside from the fact that the Manhunt games sucked anyway, its developers originally made an AO-rated game, but were scared it would get bad media attention and/or would not sell as much as an M-rated version. By cracking under the pressure, they sacrificed dignity and failed to take a stand against the frail public and media who find any excuse to whine. Bethesda and the morphine is not as severe a case, but had this been in a non-Fallout game, and they changed the drug name to silence the bitching, I would have been very disappointed in this company.
didnt morphine put you nearer to losing your grip on reality in dcote? hmm gotta find that game and reinstall.
Yawgmoth43 said:
Okay, why does no one seem to remember Bethesda putting morphine in their 2005 game, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, and still calling it morphine?

Bethesda was only the game's publisher. Though I suppose it counts for something that they didn't twist Headfirst devs' arms into changing it like some publishers might, that decision wasn't theirs alone and so it's not like they were being bastions of integrity there.
Well Bethesda is listed in the credits for doing the voicework on the game, so they did have there fingers in more than just being the publisher.

The game seemed like it was given a very limited release on the X-Box. It's like.. it's released and then.. POOF! It's gone. Never seen the PC version. Maybe that's just Wal-Mart's bad management at work.
FeelTheRads said:
You do have to realize that it's entirely possible (hell, I tend to believe it's true) that Bethesda did this as a pure advertising device. Hey, they're forced to change something in their game, it must be because it's such a bad-ass game. Remember the controversy around GTA boosting sales.
And Fallout 3 had only one drug with a real-name. Don't you think it's just a little bit weird?
I hadn't thought of that for this but it's fitting and sounds the most probable. All press is good press and "bad" press over contraversial material is even better for a "mature" game.
FeelTheRads said:
You do have to realize that it's entirely possible (hell, I tend to believe it's true) that Bethesda did this as a pure advertising device. Hey, they're forced to change something in their game, it must be because it's such a bad-ass game. Remember the controversy around GTA boosting sales.
And Fallout 3 had only one drug with a real-name. Don't you think it's just a little bit weird?

it's the perfect crime! but... wait. aren't they changing it to avoid even more controversy? because surely if they were looking for controversy to sell the game, wouldn't the headlines "game contains useable morphine, convices twin five year olds to overdose on drug" be more effective? why, these sneaky devils must be using that as a smoke-screen!

UncannyGarlic said:
I hadn't thought of that for this but it's fitting and sounds the most probable. All press is good press and "bad" press over contraversial material is even better for a "mature" game.

no, not all press is good press. but shit, this isn't even bad press, it's not press at all. a name got changed.
When did Bethesda become pussys?

They published Call of Cthulhu and we had morphine as a drug in that game. Swear there was a second real life drug as well, or was that something that got cut during production?

mind you, at one point we had cigarettes in, if you smoked one, you regained a small amount of sanity...

Society has become a sad bubble-wrap parody of itself...
I hate the way society is becoming soft and stupid.
CodeZombie said:
mind you, at one point we had cigarettes in, if you smoked one, you regained a small amount of sanity...

That would have really come in handy the first time you come face to face with the shoggoth. I had to hide behind the crates for a few minutes until the PC could see straight.

Ah well, at the same time it also seems silly that your PC would actually take time out to smoke when they're having to fend for their life. :P

No big loss though, since I don't believe in smoking. [spoiler:5bcf75be39]Then again I don't believe in suicide either but that never stopped our protagonist did it?[/spoiler:5bcf75be39]
CodeZombie said:
Society has become a sad bubble-wrap parody of itself...
I hate the way society is becoming soft and stupid.
That bit reminded me of that Radiohead song, the one with the speech-to-text voice singing the song. Huh. :crazy:

Anyway, I tried searching the OFLC database for any word on a ban on Call Of Cthulhu. I can't find anything, maybe it was banned.