Cheat Code Central previews Fallout: New Vegas

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Cheat Code Central previews Fallout: New Vegas, though nothing indicates if it's from first-hand or if it's another summation piece.<blockquote>The V.A.T.S. system from Fallout 3 is returning in New Vegas, which allows you to freeze the action and strategically target specific enemies and their individual parts. A new upgrade to V.A.T.S. adds special attacks with unique effects to melee weapons. For example, a golf club weapon called the 9 Iron has a special attack that can potentially knock enemies off their feet. If getting up close and personal isn't your thing, New Vegas still has plenty to keep you satisfied. New Vegas features twice as many firearms as Fallout 3, including ridiculously powerful weapons like a rapid-fire grenade launcher and the Helios One orbital laser. You can even customize your weapons with scopes, larger magazines, and more.
The reputation system is a good yardstick for Fallout: New Vegas as a whole. It, along with most of the other changes, seems like natural extensions of the core Fallout gameplay. Fallout: New Vegas looks like it will offer up more of the same gameplay that players loved in Fallout 3, while offering up new content that keeps things fresh without feeling out of place. More of the same would be enough to make another Fallout game one of our most anticipated titles of 2010. The fact that Obsidian went the extra mile makes us want to play it even more.</blockquote>
Along with the additional weapons, several other features debut in New Vegas. After you create your character, you'll be asked if you want to play in Hardcore mode. Despite the name, this isn't a new difficulty setting - you can play Hardcore Easy or Hardcore Hard.

this is new
So hardcore only means that the game will be more realism not more difficult.
It's like Realism Mode in Left4Dead 2, basically. It's harder than the normal modes, but there are multiple difficulties of it.

And once again, nothing new. Give them a new fucking build, Obsidian. I'm tired of hearing the same shit.
Brother None said:
It, along with most of the other changes, seems like natural extensions of the core Fallout gameplay. Fallout: New Vegas looks like it will offer up more of the same gameplay that players loved in Fallout 3
I'm going to go cry, brb.
Brother None said:
The reputation system is a good yardstick for Fallout: New Vegas as a whole. It, along with most of the other changes, seems like natural extensions of the core Fallout gameplay.
I saw that quote and nearly facepalmed myself into a coma.
Well, gameplay was fine. I mean, it was the fine part of the game. Vats or waste 900 bullets in a FPS scenario.

gameplay is just the shooting and running around part. that HAS to be the same as its the same engine. Shouldnt wig out for that comment. Now if it said story, dialogue, dialogue tree and things like that, well, then you can smack your head with your hand.

I hope the weapons won't be too strong for the opponents.
Tremer said:
Along with the additional weapons, several other features debut in New Vegas. After you create your character, you'll be asked if you want to play in Hardcore mode. Despite the name, this isn't a new difficulty setting - you can play Hardcore Easy or Hardcore Hard.

this is new
So hardcore only means that the game will be more realism not more difficult.
Though if there is a hardcore hard and hardcore easy, what will the other mode be called ? Chicken hard or Chicken easy ?
The difficulty itself (easy,normal,hard etc) affects the HP of the enemies and maybe their resistence. Activating hardcore affects then more the gameplay, dehydration and so on.
Multiplayer doesnt work proper with the VATS system.
Also I dont reall think that adding a Multiplayer part to it has a priority.
Surf Solar said:
Multiplayer doesnt work proper with the VATS system.

I don't agree about the V.A.T.S. statement. It will be perfect in the New Vegas wild west type world. 2 players on the main street. On the command of "Draw" they push the V button. The one with the fastest computer and most skills in small guns wins.

Also I dont reall think that adding a Multiplayer part to it has a priority.

Of corse it has. After all, people will want to gloat about the new clothes they just found.
Khan FurSainty said:
The one with the fastest computer and most skills in small guns wins.

No, fastest internet in the right region. Someone is say, Australia wouldn't be able to play that.
The autor should learn the difference between strategy and tactics. So nothing realy new here it seems :(
Wretched Flamingo said:
No, fastest internet in the right region. Someone is say, Australia wouldn't be able to play that.
nah I disagree, I'm from the US and I have lots of mates from Aussie land that say, "my yankee connection is shit".

No, your not understanding me. Your "Yankee" connection might be shit (Which i doubt as a FYI, Aus net is fucked), but it doesn't change the fact your almost universally about 200ms lower in ping at least than us because your closer to the servers. If you were to put that on Xbox live, i can tell you right now it would be unplayable here, even if we had exactly the same speed connection.
Brother None said:
<blockquote>The reputation system is a good yardstick for Fallout: New Vegas as a whole. It, along with most of the other changes, seems like natural extensions of the core Fallout gameplay.</blockquote>

so now Fallout 3's gameplay is "core Fallout gameplay"?

Brother None said:
<blockquote>The fact that Obsidian went the extra mile makes us want to play it even more.</blockquote>

you mean by incorporating stuff that was actually there in the original games?
