Cheat Code Central previews Fallout: New Vegas

[ ] BioWare
[ ] Bethesda
[ ] Good Fallout

Pick one.

Sure, it would have been better than Bethesda, but it still wouldn't have been as good as it could have been. They would probably cram in a load of sim-dating junk too.
[ ] BioWare
[ ] Bethesda
[ ] Good Fallout
[X] No more Fallout.

Oops, I was never good in those multiple choice tests when none of the options suit me. :P
I really cant wait for this game. I love fallout 1 and 2 and I want to Marry Fallout 3.

In other words my long depressing state will vanish when October comes...(Releases in NZ in October)

Only thing im worried bout is since I got no Xbox live im hopeing they will release DLC in those disc formats like fallout 3 did.
Yes, the Reputation system does seem like a natural extension of Fallout gameplay, almost like it was meant to have been there in the first place.

Oh wai-

Reconite said:
They would probably cram in a load of sim-dating junk too.

To be honest I love the romantic options in Mass effect. I think they are very well implented into the story aswell as into the gameplay. The relationship between the characters is thought through, the dialouges are well written. The whole game feels "real" and "right" to me. Its been a long time since a game has entertained me in such a manner.
Jay-F said:
I really wish Bioware would have buyed the franchise...
pfff and make out of it either a Mass effect or Dragon Age clone.

No thx. Thats almost as bad like what Bethesda did.
If they'd fine-tune the aiming controls and totally eliminate the fucking auto-aim on the console version, then it would be my SP dream game.
Dario ff said:
[ ] BioWare
[ ] Bethesda
[ ] Good Fallout
[X] No more Fallout.

Oops, I was never good in those multiple choice tests when none of the options suit me. :P
Hah, I forgot about that option. They've milked it so much why not just let Fallout die as a classic? :(

Jay-F said:
To be honest I love the romantic options in Mass effect. I think they are very well implented into the story aswell as into the gameplay. The relationship between the characters is thought through, the dialouges are well written. The whole game feels "real" and "right" to me. Its been a long time since a game has entertained me in such a manner.
BioWare can do whatever they want with Mass Effect or Dragon Age but turning Fallout into a dating-sim would be... :puke:
Surf Solar said:
There is always a next step forward to milk it out even more. ;)

That's right! Merchandise, t-shirts, action figures, foods, drinks, key chains, etc.

And most of all, the grand opening of the exciting new place to bring your kids. The Fallout Theme Park!
Khan FurSainty said:
Surf Solar said:
There is always a next step forward to milk it out even more. ;)

That's right! Merchandise, t-shirts, action figures, foods, drinks, key chains, etc.

And most of all, the grand opening of the exciting new place to bring your kids. The Fallout Theme Park!

yes, look at star wars
I know its fair wishing but I still would like Fallout 3 Van Buren to be made and finished to finish of the trilogy properly.

We can imagine in the years after that slowly the world started to recover again and in time the NCR became the new government of the US.

The BoS might in time have joined up with them.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I know its fair wishing but I still would like Fallout 3 Van Buren to be made and finished to finish of the trilogy properly.

We can imagine in the years after that slowly the world started to recover again and in time the NCR became the new government of the US.

The BoS might in time have joined up with them.

thats a good wish, but wasnt NCR enemy of BOS?
During the game yes, but you could solve the conflict between the NCR and the BoS and make them sign a peace treaty.

In one of the better endings you would see BoS members and NCR citizens interacting with each other at Hoover Dam.
The Dutch Ghost said:
During the game yes, but you could solve the conflict between the NCR and the BoS and make them sign a peace treaty.

In one of the better endings you would see BoS members and NCR citizens interacting with each other at Hoover Dam.

where do you find that? can you put the link?
Anyone have any ideas how the BoS will act towards the Wastelanders? Will they have the same attitude as the Outcasts?