Child Killing


First time out of the vault
A mod I'm personally wondering about it child killing. I see a lot of ideas here that will never see the light of day because of skill needed to make it happen and or limits of the F:CS. Killable kids however could range anywhere from very easy to do to hard but very possible and because many people want it, its got enough backing to be a worthwhile endeavor for anyone with the skill if its needed.

For those here that have played around with the TES4:CS you probably know that in Oblivion some NPC's were made un-killable by having an option called "essential" checked off in the CS in the NPC section. If making kids killable is a simple matter of just unchecking their essential tag in the CS then this mod could be done in 20 mins.

I'm thinking it will be harder then that though. If anyone remembers oblivion was released as a Teen rated game until someone found a nude skin in the gamedata and released it for the creation of nude mods. After this the game was re-rated as Mature. If Beth felt that a Child Killing fix could end up getting this game re-rated from M to AO, then they might have gone to greater lengths to keep that from happening.

Things aren't all bad however. I remember posting in a child killing topic on the official forums many many months ago and I said that I didn't care if kids are killable in this game as long as they are in the game. Modeling, animated, texturing, voice acting, the kids is 90% of the work and by far the hardest part. Now that we know the assest are there it should be very possible to find a workaround to turn these kids into regular old killable NPC's.
One thing I have to wonder though is how did they go about making kids kids un-killable?

We probably wont know the answer to this until we can look at them in the CS. I don't have the game yet...picking it up tomorrow but I doubt just playing it will tell me much.

Any thoughts?
Anything that would make this game closer to the originals would be much appreciated.

Thanks for bringing up the possibility.
Anglish said:
A mod I'm personally wondering about it child killing. I see a lot of ideas here that will never see the light of day because of skill needed to make it happen and or limits of the F:CS. Killable kids however could range anywhere from very easy to do to hard but very possible and because many people want it, its got enough backing to be a worthwhile endeavor for anyone with the skill if its needed.

For those here that have played around with the TES4:CS you probably know that in Oblivion some NPC's were made un-killable by having an option called "essential" checked off in the CS in the NPC section. If making kids killable is a simple matter of just unchecking their essential tag in the CS then this mod could be done in 20 mins.

I'm thinking it will be harder then that though. If anyone remembers oblivion was released as a Teen rated game until someone found a nude skin in the gamedata and released it for the creation of nude mods. After this the game was re-rated as Mature. If Beth felt that a Child Killing fix could end up getting this game re-rated from M to AO, then they might have gone to greater lengths to keep that from happening.

Things aren't all bad however. I remember posting in a child killing topic on the official forums many many months ago and I said that I didn't care if kids are killable in this game as long as they are in the game. Modeling, animated, texturing, voice acting, the kids is 90% of the work and by far the hardest part. Now that we know the assest are there it should be very possible to find a workaround to turn these kids into regular old killable NPC's.
One thing I have to wonder though is how did they go about making kids kids un-killable?

We probably wont know the answer to this until we can look at them in the CS. I don't have the game yet...picking it up tomorrow but I doubt just playing it will tell me much.

Any thoughts?

I get the feeling some dev's at Bethesda thought about it, since this would be one of the first mods people would actually think of making.
So I am guessing there will be something like an option in the future CS. Cross my fingers.
One downside to this is that while we'll almost certainly be able to mod this in the game, we probably won't be able to get the same animations we do for the adults, not without a *lot* more work that I don't think the casual modding community has in them.
I have a lingering suspicion that the animations may already be there. *shrugs* You're most likely right though.
Is it possible to knock the kids out? Because you can edit the .ini file to allow chars that normally get knocked out to be killed instead.

I tried to shoot a kid but the whole town of Megaton went mad on me and killed me, I will try again when I get a minigun :twisted:
I would love to get child-killing in here for when I play through as evil. Child killer and a slaver forehead tattoo would make it just about perfect
You know its kind of funny. In the old Fallout games, I never played as a child killer or general bad guy for very long without feeling guilty and having to change how I played :)

But in this game, the npcs talk, act, and are such wankers that it is actually fun :)
Has anyone seen how attempting to kill children is handled in the game? Like taken a hunting rifle and shot a kid in the head? Do they just get back up without any injuries, or run away, like some people suggested? Depending on how Bethesda set it up, this mod could be either very easy or very hard.
I tried shooting some kids right off the bat, but all I had was that poncy little pistol you start with.
VATs wouldn't target them, so I thought a couple of well placed head shots would do the trick, but after the first shot I was pretty much dead from the whole town going nuts.
By whole town, are you just talking about folks in the vicinity, or a whole horde from everywhere?
Well it happened in Megaton, and thats a pretty cramped in place. I shot the kids down by the bomb and was swamped by the hord :)

To be honest it may have only been in the immediate vicinty, but since its such a cramped place, most of the npcs could 'see' what I was doing :)

Try it, kill someone in the middle of the town.
Hi guys, been a stalker for a long time, but HC fallout fan and oldschool NMA fan. Anyways, I think I can clarify on this childkilling.

The effect I have withnessed is that you can attack and knock down children, but after a while they will get up again.

So it should be easily moddable as the knockdown animations are definately there.
Slaver tattoo on the forehead! Nice straws! I forgot about that! Problem with that is ...unlike morrowind, each race in oblivion used one head mesh. It seems to be the same for F3. In oblivion at least you could change the age and therefore change the skin texture. If you added a tattoo to one of the other age textures you could have multiple tattoos per race. In F3 however you can't age and you only have one skin texture per race, so from what I can tell so you'd have to create a new race to have a slaver tattoo on your forehead. If you put it on a regular race then everyone of that race in the game would have the tattoo as well.
If you did create a serperate slaver race then you could change all the other slavers in the game to that race and they'd all have the tattoo also! That would be cool.
I'm personally really dissapointed with the character generator. It has less options then the TES4 version and when you move one slider others move also which was the biggest complaint it had when TES4 came out and Beth obviously did nothing to fix it. Figures.
I think Bethesda spit in the face of the whole child killing thing. Look at Little Lamplight. A town, with nothing but children, and you can't touch any of them. ARG!
I spent 20 minutes firing Fatmen at the children in Rivet when they were on the deck. Despite looking like bad-arses, cowering in small nuclear explosions, they were unharmed.

So no, children are not killable.

And I tested this theory on Lamplight. I also tried this in Quasipleasantville which did nothing to Our Bestest Friend nor the person responsible for the bestest friend.

In sum: The Fat Man sang two inches from the kids' faces for about ten minutes each and all they did was cower in explosive concussions strong enough to rip atoms apart. Kids be invincible; also our future.
Tyshalle said:
One downside to this is that while we'll almost certainly be able to mod this in the game, we probably won't be able to get the same animations we do for the adults, not without a *lot* more work that I don't think the casual modding community has in them.

You underestimate the community.

Fans have completely redone oblivion (Every single texture/mesh/model), and fixed thousands upon thousands of bugs left in-game.

I really don't think fixing the unkillable kids would pose much of a challenge, outside the lack of tools.
Firgof said:
I spent 20 minutes firing Fatmen at the children in Rivet when they were on the deck. Despite looking like bad-arses, cowering in small nuclear explosions, they were unharmed.

So no, children are not killable.

And I tested this theory on Lamplight. I also tried this in Quasipleasantville which did nothing to Our Bestest Friend nor the person responsible for the bestest friend.

In sum: The Fat Man sang two inches from the kids' faces for about ten minutes each and all they did was cower in explosive concussions strong enough to rip atoms apart. Kids be invincible; also our future.

Not only that but they're assholes! "You don't scare me mungo, I'll fuck you up!"

That is where I should immediately pull out my combat knife and play a game of "Name that organ" with the little shit :mrgreen: