First time out of the vault

Yea its more than an essential tag, you cant kill them with the console or anything
Anglish said:I don't think children are tagged "essential" because if they were you would be able to render them unconscious and you can't. I believe its something else.
ok I tried it out myself, I can't figure out how you got to megaton but I cheated myself a fatman and some bottlecap mines inside the birthday party. it seems that child models are non-dismemberable.angiras said:Not sure about the dismemberment. Ive only played around with her a bit in Megaton. The residents there have killed her, but there were no big criticals.
Change two lines in your fallout.ini file to
Then target the children and type in console "Agerace 1"
This will make them teenagers.
Millenia said:Only at NMA can a thread about child killing be the most popular in that section >_>
why? in a world where raiders hang women on meat hooks outside of their camps and super mutants regularly raid towns to kidnap people, butcher them and leave their body parts laying around in "gore bags," somehow the whole world is going to be united in outrage because you killed a child? why aren't there bounty hunters laying siege to that slaver camp that has slave children in it?Culturecide said:If someone does make children killable, then it should become a complete mod, including a child killer perk, lowered karma, and bounty hunters and a posse from the places you killed the children come hunting you down.
I'd have to agree with you for the most part, but you should still at least get a slightly worse karma penalty for killing kids than adults. Even in a post-apocalypse world, people are still going to be a bit put off if they watch you dismember a child.oihrebwe said:why? in a world where raiders hang women on meat hooks outside of their camps and super mutants regularly raid towns to kidnap people, butcher them and leave their body parts laying around in "gore bags," somehow the whole world is going to be united in outrage because you killed a child? why aren't there bounty hunters laying siege to that slaver camp that has slave children in it?Culturecide said:If someone does make children killable, then it should become a complete mod, including a child killer perk, lowered karma, and bounty hunters and a posse from the places you killed the children come hunting you down.
the protectiveness toward children is in our world, not the post-apocalyptic one
oihrebwe said:why? in a world where raiders hang women on meat hooks outside of their camps and super mutants regularly raid towns to kidnap people, butcher them and leave their body parts laying around in "gore bags," somehow the whole world is going to be united in outrage because you killed a child? why aren't there bounty hunters laying siege to that slaver camp that has slave children in it?Culturecide said:If someone does make children killable, then it should become a complete mod, including a child killer perk, lowered karma, and bounty hunters and a posse from the places you killed the children come hunting you down.
the protectiveness toward children is in our world, not the post-apocalyptic one
milali said:child killing isn't in so the game gets a teen/mature 15+ rating with child killing it would instantly be AO 18+ and banned in Australia etc.
Child killing should only be modded if it has the repercussions like that of fallout 2 making the game near impossible if you do it. With hordes of mega pro bounty hunters tryn to take you down.
If someone adds this please make sure the repercussions are added also. Otherwise your all a bunch of sicko's who need help.
milali said:child killing isn't in so the game gets a teen/mature 15+ rating with child killing it would instantly be AO 18+ and banned in Australia etc.
Child killing should only be modded if it has the repercussions like that of fallout 2 making the game near impossible if you do it. With hordes of mega pro bounty hunters tryn to take you down.
If someone adds this please make sure the repercussions are added also. Otherwise your all a bunch of sicko's who need help.
if you kill someone in a community everyone already turns hostile, the same would go for children. they'd still forget after 72hrs though.Culturecide said:No, you're not getting my point.
If you kill Lucas Simm's kid in Megaton, you should expect to have Lucas lead a posse to hunt you down and try to kill you, as well as reposess your home.
It would be pretty dumb if you killed his kid and he kept thanking you for disarming the bomb, don't you think?
Obviously, if you rescued the slave children from Paradise Falls and killed them right after in the middle of nowhere, it would affect nothing but your karma.
What i'm advocating is a complete adult themed mod, where killing a child will have some effect on how you interact with NPCs with good karma, and who know/witnessed you doing it.
Why? Just because you are a lying, cheating murdering bastard, it does not follow that you like people who kill children.Skynet 2.0 said:Also, if there is a penalty when talking to very moral characters, there should be a bonus when you're talking to evil NPCs. They would respect you more if you had the child killer perk, and would give you better deals on items, be willing to give you more money for quests, etc. The perk should at least have some benefits, although the downsides should still outweigh them.