Children of Men


First time out of the vault
I just saw this, and thought that maybe you guys would be interested in it. It's kind of a post-modern apocalypse-in-progress movie. It's about all women on Earth suddenly becoming barren, and of course, there's one pregnant woman that may hold the key to keeping the human race alive.

Children of Men

Yes, that first couple of lines are pretty cheesy, but I have some faith in Alfonso Cuaron. This could turn out terrible, or fairly interesting. The actors involved also happen to be pretty enticing. I love Micheal Caine.

Looks like the opposite of the ol' Polish "Sexmission" :) might be funny to watch (no I couldn't see the trailer - no quicktime here) or it might be a philosophically overloaded saving the world again crap :(
Interesting looking flick. I will go see this. It has to be radiation causing the sterility. Pop, your avatar is quite freaky, it reminds me of a manchick I saw in Sao Paulo.
Makdaam said:
Looks like the opposite of the ol' Polish "Sexmission" :) might be funny to watch (no I couldn't see the trailer - no quicktime here) or it might be a philosophically overloaded saving the world again crap :(
Yeah, I've heard of "Sexmission" :) The thing about this movie is that the sci-fi/thriller aspects of the story don't seem to be particularly showcased. It very well could turn out to be a moralistic story, or some kind of heavy-handed metaphor.

Ghoullove said:
Pop, your avatar is quite freaky, it reminds me of a manchick I saw in Sao Paulo.
Heh, yeah. Genesis P. Orridge is a manchick ;) He's Crazy dude.

The look of it (at least the crowd scenes and the internment camps) reminds me of Half-Life 2, more than anything.
Kind of looks like a high-budget non-violent 28 Days later. I still don't see why people would get so pissed off about women not being able to have children though.
The Overseer said:
I still don't see why people would get so pissed off about women not being able to have children though.
Bwahahaha! Down with our condom oppressors!
Yeah, I mean it can only be a good thing. Not worry about anyone getting pregnant, no poopy pants and waking up in the middle of the night for a few years because of screaming, no teen rebellion, etc.

You don't lose your job when you turn 40 because some young lion with a fancy education takes over after you, no young people roaming the streets vandalizing things and robbing people. No bullying, no school budget.

But sure, I can understand the feeling of a total lack of purpose. The desperation of knowing that the Human race will end in 50 years, that the Earth will forget us. That nature will carry on, and overwhelm millenia of accomplishments. Visitors to the planet will come upon odd ruins if they dig deep enough, ruins that tell the tale of a species that ultimately destroyed itself because of its own greed and short-sightedness. Noone will be able to tell them our tale. No children to carry on the thoughts and memories of the ancients, no bold explorers or innovators taking over space, expanding endlesly.

Why the UK though?
So, where does greed and short-sightedness factor into all women being barren?

Also, the next 50 years would be the new time of poopy pants.
They did mention pollution as a possible factor. And I think that's what the movie wants to convey.
Pshaw. Environmental disasters are such an old meme when it comes to this type of sub-genre.

It would've been better if the cause had been left a mystery, like Y: The Last Man. Then again, they probably aren't trying to tell a good story, but a moral play.

These guys never watched The Outer Limits? Not the old one, I mean the new one that kinda sucks donk because they love gratuitous partial nudity.
I can't help but laugh at the trailer.

Acclaimed director of Harry Potter and The Prizoner of Azkaban? What? Adding to the effect is the "dun dun DUN!" music playing along with it. Classic.
Stag said:
Acclaimed director of Harry Potter and The Prizoner of Azkaban? What?

Alfonso Cuarón is a fairly well-known and semi-established director, probably best known in "the West" for his semi-classic Y tu mamá también. "Acclaimed" is a roughly correct title for him, though he hasn't done too much.

He's a good dark mood director, that's for sure.
Stag said:
I can't help but laugh at the trailer.

Acclaimed director of Harry Potter and The Prizoner of Azkaban? What? Adding to the effect is the "dun dun DUN!" music playing along with it. Classic.
Yeah, you would think they'd shy away from that (as critically acclaimed and commercially successful as the Harry Potter movie was, it was still a kids' movie) and focus more on, say, Y tu Mama Tambien, which was notable for its.... graphic sex scenes. Incidentally, it was also critically acclaimed. Alfonso Cuaron is one of the big names in new wave Mexican cinema, I guess.

Looks like he's going in a Pedro Almadovar direction with this one.

*edit - Ah, Suffer beat me to it.
This movie actually look pretty interesting. I'm definitley going to see it.

Also, Clive Owen FTW.
I saw this preview with Miami Vice (shut up). Looks pretty cool, but I'll wait for video.
Yea looks like a pretty good movie, long long time since i have seen anything promising coming out at the cinemas...