Children Patch to Fallout 1?

Jay - can you do me a favor and enable BBCode in your profile? If you have some specific reason for having it off that's fine, but it makes reading quotes in your posts really annoying.
Jay said:
Todo said:
Jay, most of us AREN'T yanks. We don't have a CLUE what's 29 Palms base. Well, the ones who are UFO freaks might...but you get the point. :roll:

Naw, it's not a UFO base, that's Area 51 in Roswell. Twenty-nine Palms is a mofo HUGE military transportation hub and training ground used by all branches of the US military (but primarily the USMC) in California. In strategic importance, it would be a primary target for anyone shooting nukes at the US.


Well duh! Everyone knows what AREA 51 is. The "UFO freaks might" was just an example. I meant that people not living in the United States of Embarassement don't know what is a 29 Palms base. But yanks and people interested in thingies like that propably do.
Montez said:
Jay - can you do me a favor and enable BBCode in your profile? If you have some specific reason for having it off that's fine, but it makes reading quotes in your posts really annoying.

It's on now...better?

Montez said:
Jay said:
It's on now...better?


Definitely, thank you.

Cool, now I know how to do those quote pyramids I've read so much about! :wink:

But, back to the bodies in the Glow...I went by there with a character the other day and checked, there are at least two that are identified as "vault dweller", a couple of "pesants", but I didn't see any labeled "child" (US v1.1).

Ok, I made the children patch for fallout yesterday and uploaded it today. It should be available soon...
All I remember about the Glow was descending about 2 levels then losing all my hair and projectile vomiting to death.
There are no children in my version of Fallout, and the rumour that this can be fixed with the FO2 Children Patch is, well, just a rumour.
But I am interested in Skynet's patch...
I have a friend who has played Fallout 1 US a billion times, and he says that one of the kids in Shady Sands carries one of the best weapons in the game. I think he said it was an energy weapon ... is that true?
Wolfguard said:
I have a friend who has played Fallout 1 US a billion times, and he says that one of the kids in Shady Sands carries one of the best weapons in the game. I think he said it was an energy weapon ... is that true?

All I have found on the kids at Shady Sands were rocks and a BB gun (but not the cool LE one). Certainly no energy weapons. The best weapon I found in the whole town was a hunting rifle (carried by Seth).

The normal BB gun is not very good. But the LE BB gun is superb! But I'm not actually sure if there is one in FO but there most certainly is one in FO2.
I think you can find the LE BB gun in a random encounter in FO, not completly sure though, but I think so!

I just discovered that I actually found the BB gun somewhere I can't remember (but not from a child of course) ... that must have been a few days ago. I just didn't notice the name of it, because it was a really bad weapon. I just gave it to Ian so he could store it, and forgot all about it since.
Melchoir said:
I think you can find the LE BB gun in a random encounter in FO, not completly sure though, but I think so!

FO1 you find the LE BB gun at the Bob's Used Cars encounter...

Bob's Used Cars? I think I've had that encounter only ONCE. I started the game with the premade thief character. And after a few squares of travelin from V13 to the south I got it. Did it have scorpions?
Hi Skynet,

Great ... but I have some questions:

1. I couldn't find your patch in the file section, where did you say it was placed?

2. Do I have to start a new game before it'll work? (I'm still in Junktown now)