Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

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Hey man, taking down Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein was good.
Difference is that Weinstein and Epstein victims went to law enforcement and had evidence. Many of these clout chasing thots on Twitter do not and instead go to Twitter to rally a hate mob as, more often then not, mobs act on feelings not evidence which serves them well. How many men must have their careers ruined or have committed suicide before we put our foot down on this internet kangaroo court?
The 13 year old atheist vernacular rears its head again.
Welcome to the Internet haha. People are always gonna plug their beliefs somehow I suppose.
Difference is that Weinstein and Epstein victims went to law enforcement and had evidence. Many of these clout chasing thots on Twitter do not and instead go to Twitter to rally a hate mob as, more often then not, mobs act on feelings not evidence which serves them well. How many men must have their careers ruined or have committed suicide before we put our foot down on this internet kangaroo court?
Unfortunately, with the way the world is going? We won’t. Not unless the thots make a suicide pact.
Difference is that Weinstein and Epstein victims went to law enforcement and had evidence. Many of these clout chasing thots on Twitter do not and instead go to Twitter to rally a hate mob as, more often then not, mobs act on feelings not evidence which serves them well. How many men must have their careers ruined or have committed suicide before we put our foot down on this internet kangaroo court?

So the problem with that is that this kind of thing is incredibly hard to get evidence for and many cases just don't get seen to.
I don't like the idea of things being revealed like this on Twitter, but the systems in place are fucked and need to be addressed.
The 13 year old atheist vernacular rears its head again.

I'm so glad you became an atheist at 13.

Of course, I can go on about how there isn't any theism to be antithetical about anyway, but it would be inconsequential.

There is no evidence and everything can be manufactured. Welcome to the future.

This fucking nutbag went off on Twitter saying, basically; "How dare men have evidence that disproves a woman's claims! This hurts women!"
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She blocked half of Twitter by the way. Between AngryJoe and Chris Avellone I realize that this #MeToo shit was never about helping victims. It was always just a means to take out powerful men in the industry and further their own standing. This is abhorrent to anyone who ever was a genuine victim.
Pretty much, she has the audacity to manipulate anyone in order to gain attention, like a parasitic whore she is.
Personally, I blame the Social Media for their bullshit.
So drunken flirting is sexual harassment now? Apparently also being in a bad and toxic relationship is also sexual harassment? What happened to just dumping shitty romantic partners and that being the end of it?

I don't get it. Don't most people have relationships that end up going badly at some point in their lives? If you bone each other and it's consensual, and you break up a few months later that's not rape or sexual harassment. Right?

Maybe I'm just not woke enough for social media.

Yea I don't fucking get it.

This is the same level of shit thrown against NGT.

These geeks and nerds make passes, don't get it, move on.

That's...bad now? Fuck these guys aren't showing their cocks, or pressing them against the wall. What Chris told some chick he wanted to eat her out? That's not career ending, that's something you apologize for personally face to face if needed.

Fucks sake we should just sit by and wait for the woman to make a move these days. Someone tell all women the impetus is now on them.
I'm so glad you became an atheist at 13.

Of course, I can go on about how there isn't any theism to be antithetical about anyway, but it would be inconsequential.

There is no evidence and everything can be manufactured. Welcome to the future.



Swans is my fav <3

Also, not the it matters anyway, I'm a Catholic, I used to be an atheist.
Yea I don't fucking get it.

This is the same level of shit thrown against NGT.

These geeks and nerds make passes, don't get it, move on.

That's...bad now? Fuck these guys aren't showing their cocks, or pressing them against the wall. What Chris told some chick he wanted to eat her out? That's not career ending, that's something you apologize for personally face to face if needed.

Fucks sake we should just sit by and wait for the woman to make a move these days. Someone tell all women the impetus is now on them.
What is funny is that most of these thots want men to make the first move. It's just that they want those men to look like Jason Momoa or Chris Hemsworth. If a guy came up to them looking like Danny Devito they would immediately take out a rape whistle and dial 911. Welcome to the wonderful world of female hypergamy. It is nothing new and has existed in the animal kingdom for billions of years. With the male of the species so long as a female was fertile they would mate with them, with females they are more picky. They want an alpha who is the handsomest, strongest and fittest of his kind. It is just with human females today that they don't give men the courtesy of saying; "No thanks, not interested" or "No thanks. You're not my type." and leave it at that. Instead, thanks to the wonders of social media, many women stop and think to themselves; "Hmm... how can I use this to make myself out to be a victim and get attention?" or; "How can I use this to further my own standing and career?"
In the words of Dave Chappelle; "Chivalry is dead and women killed it."
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With the male of the species, so long as a female was fertile they would mate with them, with females they are more picky.

Nope. Women and men aren't much different in regards to these prejudices.
Nope. Women and men aren't much different in regards to these prejudices.
Actually, men are more forgiving of average looking women then women are with average looking men:
It balances out with the shit-for-brains and batshit insanity scale. Race as well. White women wear the crown jewel of decadence and don't know what they want but will cry because it gets them attention, while women of other races will favor white men regardless of his looks.

Also women and men react different to stimulus. I know this because I go outside and talk to other people who aren't from LARP land. While all of the variables play part, the ultimate deciding factor is the personality types.

Also attractive for men and women is different. A woman will settle for someone who is "Attractive looking." even if she isn't sexually aroused by them. This is probably the most poisoned generation socially that we have ever seen. If you are under 40, you grew up indoors because in the 70's,80's, and early 90's the biggest fear was sexual perverts. Everyone grew up on TV. They like what the screen says, but just freak out when interacted with in real life. It's quite sad really.
I don’t like being interacted with in real life because it makes me realize that I hate everyone.
Inflated self-value comes from being a digital turd.

I know this because it's obvious that I am amazing.
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I thought that this is a pretty good video by Upper Echelon on the subject. Funny how a lot of these accusations come from women who's careers or channels were in decline but become popular once they make accusations against these men in the industry. It's almost like these women know that there is power, profit and clout in victimhood.
I thought that this is a pretty good video by Upper Echelon on the subject. Funny how a lot of these accusations come from women who's careers or channels were in decline but become popular once they make accusations against these guys. It's almost like these women know that there is power and clout in victimhood.

Upper Echelon is one of the dorkiest hardcore Capital G Gamers on the internet, might be a good video, but none of his videos have given me any sort of pause to reflect upon the position, either because it's a widely held position like "Hey, Microtransactions are bad!" or "Fallout 76 was bad" or the worst takes on planet fucking Earth.

He's almost as bad as CleanPrince, ALMOST
Hey, at least you’re allowing that. I can’t even drop an N bomb with an “a” without starting a brawl.