Chris Avellone thinking about Kickstarter and Isometric RPGs


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

Send him some tweets @ChrisAvellone telling him "fuck yes please"

Especially if the community is allowed to help out with Beta testing and such (we all know Obsidian's track record on bugs)

Seriously, I'd slap down 50$ right this minute for an Isometric turn based RPG done by Obsidian if they promised Feargus, MCA, & Tim Cain (imagine if they could contract over Jason Anderson and Chris Taylor (I'm sure with FOOL essentially canned he is probably interested in finding work.) would work on the project personally.
Re: Chris Avellone thinking about Kickstarter and Isometric

Eternal said:
(we all know Obsidian's track record on bugs)

With the Onyx engine it's actually pretty great so far (just 1 game but still)
Yea, imagine a new old school-esque game from Obsidian, based on the Onyx engine. Shit get's real then.

Seems like Obsidian board is down right now. I am imagining an unintended ddos by lots of interested people who are reacting on Chris Avellone's latest twitter.
Fuck yes². I am still doubtful about it, but a man can dream... On what I have seen so far, lots of people want a partybased Isometric turn based game.

Count me in the "fuck yes" group. I'd put down some cash now and still pay full price on the game's release.
An old school Fallout with the Onyx engine could be pretty cool, if Bethesda approves. Alternative for me is a new Planescape game (not based on Torment). Ehw, in fact, I could be friend with every idea, as long as it doesn't involve Zombies in some kind of big, post-apocalyptic kind of way.
I'd like to see something new in the Planescape setting (just no continuation of Torment) - but don't forget they lack the license to do it Lexx. :/
This just made me lose the little common sense I have left. This is going to happen. With the ridiculous amount of interest that this seems to be generating (such as the unintended DDOS;-)), and the very recent success of Double Fine, it would be plain idiotic not to pounce on the opportunity.

The only problem is that they seem to have their hands full at the moment with other projects.
Yeah, the site got broken by the influx. Kind of funny.

I'll pat myself on the back by stating I was the first one to suggest this to MCA on Facebook. The Kickstarter model is perfect for a small labor of love RPG from Obsidian. Really don't care about the setting or even mechanics, as long as it's something they really want to do. They have enough RPG sensibilities that I don't worry about it once you take out publishers.
yes I dont care which setting it is as long the dialogues and story is mature (and I am not talking about boobs here if you know what I mean).
One thing people need to keep in mind for this though, is that the situation is very different for both companies. Point and click games aren't very expensive to produce, and Double Fine has a lot more goodwill than Obsidian does. They could ask a low price and get a huge response.

It won't be that easy for Obsidian. RPGs are just more expensive even with an engine ready, especially if they want to do what they should: make complex RPG and choice-and-consequence mechanics (I could care less about setting and choice of story as long as those two things are in). Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Not to crosspost from another forum, but I don't believe they will make a Planescape, KOTOR, Arcanum, NWN, or AP game.

The end result will be a balance between reality of mid-budget game-making and the market demands, and will end up being something like a spiritual sequel to Dungeon Keeper or, in the very best case, something akin to Dead State.
Pretty much. Plus, keep in mind the license costs for stuff like Planescape, KOTOR, Arcanum, NWN or AP game. Most likely would be something totally new- which I would be fine with too.
Brother None said:
One thing people need to keep in mind for this though, is that the situation is very different for both companies. Point and click games aren't very expensive to produce, and Double Fine has a lot more goodwill than Obsidian does. They could ask a low price and get a huge response.

It won't be that easy for Obsidian. RPGs are just more expensive even with an engine ready, especially if they want to do what they should: make complex RPG and choice-and-consequence mechanics (I could care less about setting and choice of story as long as those two things are in). Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Do you have an idea how much it would cost to make a game like FO1 (in terms of size and tech)?