About one package of Marlboro Lights a day. I used to smoke Van Nelle Mild Tobacco (the best tobacco in the world, and you can quote me on that), but I couldn't stop rolling and smoking that delicious stuff, so I had to do something (change brands).
Anyway, I'm still thinking about quitting. I hope to fall in love with a cute girl one day who will ask me to quit smoking because she simply hates it. It's a stupid thought, but I just can't pull it off by myself. Sometimes, I wake up and destroy all of the cigarettes in the house (I hold them under the faucet and drown the bastards), but after an hour or so, I start to think about how shitty my life is and how I don't have any real pleasures besides cigarettes, and then I hurry to the grocery store or the supermarket or whatever and I buy a new pack of cigarettes and start smoking again.
Smoking is a pretty cool thing to do too, I must admit. I like them old movies from the fifties and the sixties in which the actors smoked like hell ("Diner" is soooooooooooooo cool when it comes to smoking). But I also have to admit this: it's unhealthy (cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, ...), it's smells like shit (especially Marlboro Lights), and it makes your mouth feel like something rotten.
* lights another one *
Hehe. Sorry, can't help it. I really need that cute girl I mentioned before.