
What would best describe your smoking habits?

  • I smoke occasionally

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  • I've quit smoking

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  • I've tried smoking a couple of times

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've never smoked ni my life - wtf, I though I added this option already?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I've never thought it cool to smoke and never will... I've seen what it has done to some of my friends and it's terrible...Yellow fingars, yellower teeth....And then sometimes they just have to smoke... Darn that must hasve been annoying not being able to smoke for a long time if u were addicted... Like when you get really horny just got to do something about it... :wink:
@Loxley: Ah you mean snuff? Chaw? Smoke-less tobacco? The stuff that they put fiberglass slivers into to you get more nicotine into your lips by cutting them? Yeah, how wonderful :roll:

Just in case some people don't know about it...

I Don't Smoke
This is the best smoking essay that I've ever read! Cheers to the AOF.
Count me in with the anti-tobacco cabel. I think RJ Reynolds should be burned to the ground and the words Philip Morris be swept from the pages of history.

It's personal.

ANd yes, On occassion I have smoked, and still occassional have a puff of a cigar or a pipe.
Ozrat said:
@Loxley: Ah you mean snuff? Chaw? Smoke-less tobacco? The stuff that they put fiberglass slivers into to you get more nicotine into your lips by cutting them? Yeah, how wonderful :roll:
Its better than smoking, and that fiberglassthing is over, they don´t do that anymore, atleast not here in skandinavia. Now i don´t snus myself, but my brother used it to stop smoking long ago, and i´m glad he did.
But your teeth get all disgusting with snuff....And I believe it to contain more nicotine that cigarettes is that true?

Last night I just realized something.

Lately, I've been having up to five smokes a day at the most. On Friday I probably had two tops. Saturday night I had one. Sunday, none. Monday, none. It's now tuesday, and I'm still smoke-free. And I'm not even trying! Am I outgrowing my nicotine habit? How long can I go?

If I'm not having any urges to spark one up, I might as well try quiting now. Better now then when I'm some old geezer like Briosafreak still puffing away, right?

Tell me if you support my quiting...
Actually I would like to say to all you youngsters out there, Don't start smoking!
You know, it sounds weird, but I think my Mormon parents for one thing in terms of social interaction- putting the fear of God into me about smoking.

Though I do light up the occasional joint.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
You know, it sounds weird, but I think my Mormon parents for one thing in terms of social interaction- putting the fear of God into me about smoking.

Where in the bible does it say smoking is bad? Wasn't jesus a smoker?
I'm not sure, but it definitely wasn't tobacco. That stayed in the Western Hemisphere until at least the 1500's.

I do remember reading something about the wreaths on Jesus' head being made out of hemp however. I wouldn't be suprised to find out that he indulged in the occasional toke. Hell, a large number of influential members in the world's history smoked some canabis at one point or another.
The best reason to quit...

Do you want to be bored for eternity or ammused for a moment?

Enjoy yourself and have fun while you can. Smoke, drink, take drugs, have unprotected sex with multiple partners and die at 200mph. With any luck, your cancers will die of cancers before they get the chance to kill you.

Says an ex-smoker...
Hmm..I've smoked since I was around 15 years old and I've never had any libido problems..usually it's up before I am..
Odin said:
Hmm..I've smoked since I was around 15 years old and I've never had any libido problems..usually it's up before I am..

Same here. Been smoking since I was 16 and got no problems with my Super Toolkit whatsoever.

Still: I'd love to quit smoking, but this isn't quite the right time for me. I'm way too stressed out as it is. Maybe later (yeah, maybe later...).
Same here, I'd like to quit.. Just have to, you know, really want to quit..
Man, I still haven't had a smoke since last Saturday... I'll think about cigarettes, but I won't really get any cravings. In fact, I've only had one strong craving since I quit about ten days ago and that was when I was going outside with my friend so we could talk and she could have a smoke. My craving only lasted for about five seconds and it disapeared.

The funny thing is that in the past I've had desires to quit, but I never followed up on them. This time I just stopped smoking them out of the blue. After a day, I realized that I hadn't had one for a while and decided to just see how long I could last. So far so good.

My senses of taste and smell have definitely increased since then. My mouth and throat feel like they're in a better condition before. I'm getting these little phlem balls coming up my thoat whenever I cough, but that's probably still happening because up until very recently I was still smoking, so of course there's still going to be tar down the breathing tubes. Now if only I still ran like I used to then I could be in peak physical condition in no time!

I'm still carrying around tobacco, rolling papers and a lighter with me everywhere everyday, but I have no desire to take them out and perform magic with them. I have the tools within reach, but there's nothing that's making me use them.

I had my first smoke when I was about fourteen or fifteen I believe. I'm almost twenty now and I just might be able to say that I quit before my second decade in life. I do believe that I am done smoking here in Canada, but the real test will come when I go back home to Wisconsin for the holidays and see my old chums who smoke. Or when I go back to work at the camp. That place is nortorious for making ex-smokers return to their filthy habits because they need some avenue of relieving their stress. We'll see, but for now I'm free from the nicotine bonds.

I have a friend who's going to school in Minnesota who just started to stop smoking as well. He's having completely different symptoms however. Instead of being easygoing about it like me, he's having a hard time doing it and is snapping at everybody because of it. He'll hang up on people for the slightest reasons. He'll start spazing out on you and call you all sorts of vulgar names.

How did I do it without any real reason or strong desire? I always thought I'd be going through hell when I would finally do this. Instead, I've barely given any thought to lighting up another one. Isn't this supposed to be the most addictive drug in the world?

Anyways, keep supporting me just in case I run into some harder times.