The hockey stick graph abolished completely the medieval warm period too. Some e-mails even talk about how they planned the fraud about the two arguments (tree-rings and warm period).
About the flawed part i thought you were talking about something else sorry, but you still have a point.
Actually many more scientists are claiming the Sun is actually a main force drive, but its still in middle of the study at best, altho we see some correlations it is not certain how much influence the sun does produce (if it is the main or not).
But many studies support it does influence, at what point thats the question.
I hope i dont have to cite to you wes hehe
On the models: http://sppiblog.org/news/fun-with-computer-models-dont-bother
from there you have a explained essay from the author (link not shown directly tho - if u have problems finding it tell me) and he gives you two more references (that i still have not consulted tho).
Edit: going off topic but i found another topic on that site that was funny but sums it up the real agenda :p http://sppiblog.org/videos/in-case-anyone-doubts-the-global-warming-political-agenda
The hockey stick graph abolished completely the medieval warm period too. Some e-mails even talk about how they planned the fraud about the two arguments (tree-rings and warm period).
About the flawed part i thought you were talking about something else sorry, but you still have a point.
Actually many more scientists are claiming the Sun is actually a main force drive, but its still in middle of the study at best, altho we see some correlations it is not certain how much influence the sun does produce (if it is the main or not).
But many studies support it does influence, at what point thats the question.
I hope i dont have to cite to you wes hehe

On the models: http://sppiblog.org/news/fun-with-computer-models-dont-bother
from there you have a explained essay from the author (link not shown directly tho - if u have problems finding it tell me) and he gives you two more references (that i still have not consulted tho).
Edit: going off topic but i found another topic on that site that was funny but sums it up the real agenda :p http://sppiblog.org/videos/in-case-anyone-doubts-the-global-warming-political-agenda