Clothes : your particular style


Vault Fossil
What style of clothes are you going with right now ? What will be your style during winter ? What would you wear if you had the opportunity to ? What kind of clothes do you like in general ?

Right now I'm going with the casual skater style but I hate it. I only do it because it's too fuckin hot in here to wear anything else. But I will definitely go back to the "Ville-Valo-like" style during winter :


( wheelchair not included )

Or go for a dandier pop art style, do not know yet.

What about you ?
you're squeezing your ass together pretty hard there Pope-y... were you afraid that an Orderite would get you?

anyhow, as for the 'style' thing? i dont care about style, fashion or whatever. i just usually wear wide pants with side pockets (but not cliché skater or wankster wide) and blank, two-tone (grey+balck for instance) or metal T-shirts (Machinehead, Tool, etc). in the summer usually a pair of shorts (til below the knee) and a shirt (shortsleeved or longsleeved rolled up).
Ville Vallo is the most faggertly faggot ever to faggot the earth.

On a brighter note, I wear black or ocher cargo pants and t-shirts during summer and black or ocher cargo pants and sweaters and a black coat during winter.
Stag said:

I wear cargo shorts and Firefly t-shirts.

What the!?! Thats what I'm wearing now... But with jeans... with some holes in them... They just fit so well!

You all do realize that NMA's critics are going to pick up on this thread and advertise, "NMA - Out of the closet."

i have a sense of style, but i dont know how to describe it.

i like snug fitting pants and form-fitting button up shirts rolled up at the sleeves. :D

classy AND casual.
I'm not into fashion or trends, but I do like to keep my closet up-to-date; I could never wear them tennis-shirts, though.

I do have visions of myself with my own particular style, a style combined with culture and comfortable clothes. A unique style; my style. Of course, I will not share this vision with anyone, not just yet, as I might make it come true someday. And fashion is all about being original, right?