combat armor

And get some like those in the pic PsychoSniper didn't chose for comparison to the Combat Armor, they look much more spot-on.
well, ive done some checking at all the used sporting goods stores in my area, as well as the new ones... and no one carries adult shoulder pads... so it looks like im going to have to buy new online...
Just go to your local highschool/college and put some Want signs up for used old football shoulder pads, I'm sure you'll get a couple of replies.
ok, after doing the flier thing at the local highschools, i smacked myself silly for not remembering that it is currently football season...

so i went ahead and ordered this

Ive also been working on the gun, which is a severely cut down Brass Eagle TigerShark Paintball marker. getting it preped for painting today, so pics will be up within the week.
Now you have to figure out how to make that look like the combat armor and still be able to get in and out of it. :P
well, once i get a good look at the pads, i can figure out how to do the chest plates. I want to use fiberglass for looks, but i lack the skill and know-how to use it effectively. :(
I wanna see the end results of this project. Hmm, combat armor rocks.

I already scrounged together a leather jacket, all I have to do is amputate the right sleeve, get a black shoulder guard and tada!!! I have Leather jacket...
unfortunately, my camera broke just before i put the finishing touches on the gun... so no pics until i can secure another camera.

I have finished building the little light thing that goes on the helmet... but i am still lacking the helmet.

i went out and picked up some canvas to make the backpack, i figure i can make some belt pouches out if the scrap. now if i could only find a suitable pattern... but i guess i could always wing it.

Im not sure whats happening with the football pads. Their website says the order's been processed, but they havn't charged my account yet, and the tracking number hasnt been activated. I sent them an e-mail last week, but havn't gotten a reply yet.
What gun were you modeling your prop on? It would be fairly simple to make something that looks like a combat shotgun out of PVC and some other bits. Use black gloss paint on the "barrel"... Mmm...
mmmm noo... you'd want to use Flat Black paint on somthing thats supposed to be a military weapon.
well, unfortunately i didnt have the creative genious to really plan ahead. all i knew is i wanted a pistol, and i was basing it off of a paintball gun... so i ended up with a hand-cannon looking thing. maybe ill work on a combat shotgun and sniper rifle after i get done with the armor.
alrighty, the football pads are supposed to be here tomorrow (the 22nd), i found this out when i decided to give up on e-mails and just call them
hey, for the grey sleeves underneath, buy some grey under-armour. its a skintight athletic garment, it should work perfect.

and I think the black around his eyes is a visor...
hmmm... fat man in a skin tight outfit... interesting idea... but i think ill pass. i was planning on going with a grey long-sleave t-shirt

the visor has already been taken care of, found some slightly tinted shooting glasses at a garage sale about 2 weeks ago

alright, got the pads, and im already planning on cutting them up. they sit way too high up, and seeing as they arnt going to be functional, i figure i can cut out some of the padding and support straps and it should fit perfect.
well, im back... had a few hickups with the design, but i think the money from my newly aquired job should help fix most of them. I get to pretty much pick my own presents for christmas... so i went out and bought some comfortable combat boots and an inexpensive plastic helmet at the local army surplus store. I still need to do something about the harness... im thinking a generous application of craft foam and paperclay.

oh, and btw, in case you were wondering what my job is... I now sell guns for a living... at Target World in Sharonville, Ohio...

also, you might want to take a look at the FN Five Seven pistol... its neat
Glad to see the project hasn't been abandoned. Looking forward to the finished result.

Unfortunately, I'm three years too young to work at a firearms shop so I'm kind of screwed. The FN Five-seveN is indeed an interesting weapon but I think I'll stick to something that isn't made to go through military-grade body armor. ;) - Colt
Yeah, here in the states you have to be military/lawenforcement to get anything that uses that round.