Comic books

Let's just say that if you'd read the comics, you wouldn't be asking that question. I don't know what he's referring to specifically, but having read a good deal of them I can agree with the sentiment that they done fucked up a lot of things.
Let's just say that if you'd read the comics, you wouldn't be asking that question. I don't know what he's referring to specifically, but having read a good deal of them I can agree with the sentiment that they done fucked up a lot of things.

Your right, I've never read them. I unfortunately don't have a location that sells graphic novels or comic books in my community. But I just wondered why he thought Telltale butchered the lore because apparently Telltale worked close with Bill Willingham while making TWAU and apparently Bill didn't mind if they "messed around" with some stuff as long as it wasn't too far from the source material and it was interesting.
But I just wondered why he thought Telltale butchered the lore because apparently Telltale worked close with Bill Willingham while making TWAU and apparently Bill didn't mind if they "messed around" with some stuff as long as it wasn't too far from the source material and it was interesting.
Personal, irrational hatred of anything Telltale, basically. Apparently a character and dialog driven game has to have world-changing choices like it's Fallout, and not just character and dialog changing choices, like a character and dialog driven game would.

I personally don't think they can do no wrong, as I could tell just from the trailer that their new Game of Thrones game was going to be rather pointlessly heavy on the cameo shoehorns, and I've heard reviews verify as much. But I see the games for what they are, and as such, I've found what I've played of their work (so far) enjoyable.
The more I read Fables, the more I hate Wolf among us and tell tale, they butchered almost everything so throughly it's obvious they didn't read the comic past the first story...

How so? If you don't mind me asking.
Characterization of almost every single character, specially Bigby and Snow, their romance turned from a masochistic back and forth into Snow just making Doe eyes at him whle Bigby acts like a brooding hero who just wants love. The fables weirdly enough are horrifyed at the prospect of medieval values returning, this despite the fact that Fabletown is proudly "traditional" in the comic, to the point were values dissonance is an intencional part of the narrative. The characters also had very flowery speech even when saying vulgar things, in the game they just throw the f bomb like mad. There is also the thing with them ignoring integral elements of the world, like Bigby's net of spies, Frau Totenkinder, the Fabletown office constant teamwork and scheme, etc. By how incomptent the Fabletown office is in the game you would think they hve only been at it for a few months, while in the comic they have been at it for Centuries.
Then there is also the little things, like Bigby somehow allowing Flycatcher to be "fired" from his job, or the idea that Fly actually has a job, their implication that Pinocchio is istill made of wood in the story, very basic stuff.

And then there are the tpical stupid narrative decisions TTG has on everything they write, n sense of pace, characters are completely passive until the plot stumbles upon them, bad qte sequences, superfluous choices and very amateurish writting overall.
The very idea that bigby can somehow miss he existence of a prostitution ring in their small community or that he can somehow get incapacitated by a shotgun is ridiculous, so is the idea of him being a brooding hero hat acts alone or him needing someone to tell him that he is not as bad as everyone says... I mean talk about amateurish heart strings pulling...

You know, because is very illogica to ask the game that sells itself as having incredible writting, and hard and lasting choices at the beginning of every episode to actually have any of those things, everybody knows "character driven" is a blanket denomination that allows writters to write crap but be applauded for it. TTG fanboys are a funny bunch, they want to feelsmart because their game is super well written and has hard choices, but the moment someone points out their flaws they just retreat into nonsensical defenses like "you expected the choices to have too much impact" or "you actually expected a game with no gameplay to have a cohesive story?" And so forth.
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I don't mind the new style of Telltale Games either, but read a bunch of the comics while playing the episodes of Wolf Amongus and had a large list of grievances at the end. Boils down to "basically everything to do with the main plot is contradicted expressly or indirectly in the comics and the characters act completely contrary to their comic counterparts way too often, if not constantly".

If he actually worked close with them on it, that just means he doesn't give a shit and favours rule-of-cool over established lore and characters, further devaluing a comic series I already lost interest in reading around half-way through the back issues.

awww, I got ninja'd.
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Or he just doesn't care about forced tie ins, how many shitty movies based on other stuff have claimed close work with the original writer and then t just turns out to be nothing more than token contributions? A lot, The Last Airbender comes to mind.