Companion you hated most on a personal level?

Wish I had a cool name9

First time out of the vault
I hated Arcade. The reason is that he turns his back on vengeance and forgives those who killed his family and destroyed his home. In his place I would never forgive.

Instead of hunting down his enemies as my favorite character does he thinks he's above it, instead he'd like to treat wounded thugs in freeside and acts like he's doing something significant. He doesn't get mad at you if you wear Brotherhood or NCR attire but won't talk to you in Legion uniform. WTF?

No one else turns their back on the good fight (not copying 3dog), and by good fight I mean staying loyal and fighting for your community, your comrades, your country(notice country as opposed to government and the Enclave might as well be a country just like the Legion and the NCR really there just a advanced military tribe). Boone licked his wounds waited for proper revenge against the Legion, the Khans waited for revenge against the NCR as did the Powder Gangers, but yet Arcade stands above it all. I don't see this as noble, I see it as a snob who turned the Enclave on its head and said he was too good for the wasteland where hope for revenge and survival are all anyone has.

Really in Arcade I just saw a spoiled brat who lived all his years being protected by better men. I wish I could have gotten a more impressive Enclave companion.

Boone and Veronica were the only ones that I didn't kill or leave to die.
Cass. Something she said specifically really pissed me off but i cant remember exactly what it was.

A very hypocritical statement involving the ncr.
I always disliked Boone, because the guy felt completely reckless. Making the legion instantly hostile is probably enough to keep me from using him on a regular basis, but his back story really bugged me. Shooting his own wife was. . . rash to say the least. If Boone managed to infiltrate so far into enemy territory that he could snipe her at the slave auction, I can't but feel that he could found an opportunity to actually rescue her at some point.
I always disliked Boone, because the guy felt completely reckless. Making the legion instantly hostile is probably enough to keep me from using him on a regular basis, but his back story really bugged me. Shooting his own wife was. . . rash to say the least. If Boone managed to infiltrate so far into enemy territory that he could snipe her at the slave auction, I can't but feel that he could found an opportunity to actually rescue her at some point.
Yea but he had been fed a lot of propaganda, at one point he talks about how he never considered the mercy killings he performed on crucified soldiers, or killing those kids at bitter springs, it wasn't till his wife finally died till he took a long hard look at his life.

Also unlike the NCR the Legion isn't stupid enough to give their slaves explosives that they could use to escape, they patrol the roads, the merchants actually like them and would probably report boones wife if they saw her to earn legion favor. I'm not saying he did the right thing, I'm saying that this one of those no win situations you hear about. Think about it in modern times, women and girls who get trafficked are usually never seen from again, we don't know if they get killed, die, who kills them just never ending statistics.

I like Boone because he has personal honesty, unlike Arcade who makes up for his parents being enclave by being a liberal douche, or veronica who when her information gets people killed she becomes a hermit, Boone accepts who he is, a killer.
Wish I had a cool name9 said:
Yea but he had been fed a lot of propaganda, at one point he talks about how he never considered the mercy killings he performed on crucified soldiers, or killing those kids at bitter springs, it wasn't till his wife finally died till he took a long hard look at his life.

Also unlike the NCR the Legion isn't stupid enough to give their slaves explosives that they could use to escape, they patrol the roads, the merchants actually like them and would probably report boones wife if they saw her to earn legion favor. I'm not saying he did the right thing, I'm saying that this one of those no win situations you hear about. Think about it in modern times, women and girls who get trafficked are usually never seen from again, we don't know if they get killed, die, who kills them just never ending statistics.

I just don't buy it. It's not like his wife disappeared never to be heard from again; he tracked her down and even laid his eyes on her. He had already done the really difficult part.

Carla was stolen in the night once, so she could be stolen in the night again. If anyone had the skills and audacity to accomplish it, it was Boone.
But she was / would be in the heart of legion territory. The only way to even get to her would be for Boone to join the Legion, as any other movie hero would have done. And even then: Freeing and getting her out of there would still sound like madness for only one person.
I liked pretty much all of them. My favourite being Boone. The only one I didn't like was Lily. I found her to be annoying and not very useful as a companion.
Wait so you hate Arcade because he is not a violent asshole and didn't like the Enclave?
That about sums it up. Really, Arcade is a great character, since he humanizes a fundamentally psychotic, genocidal faction that was made of jackbooted stormtroopers in black armor in Fallout 2. With the exception of Cookie, they all just begged to be shot.

Plus, Arcade has no reason to love the Enclave. First, he was born after the oil rig was blown up and the Enclave had its back broken. Second, the Enclave is responsible for his father's death (as any commander is). Third, Arcade is aware of what it was: a paramilitary, fascist organization.

The most hated companion has to be Dean Domino. Viraya deliberately shot him in the face.
Dean Domino is a great answer. He was a manipulative, egotistical piece of shit that I took great pleasure in blowing his head off. Very well-written though.
I don't hate any companion, even at their assholish they are good characters. Dean Domino is a compelte prick, but I only kill him when he tries to kill me first.
Walpknut said:
Wait so you hate Arcade because he is not a violent asshole and didn't like the Enclave?
lmao I know right?

If it was real life I would probably dislike Cass or Boone the most. Cass just has a pretty grating personality, and makes dumb jokes like "Long dick Johnson". Boone is a war criminal who executed a bunch of noncombatants; and while he has the decency to beat himself up over it afterwards, his belief that he's due a karmic punishment for it almost certainly played a part in his decision to murder his wife- he views her death as part of his punishment, and without Bitter Springs weighing on his mind he might have actually tried to rescue her, and even might have succeeded. He's a really well-written character but that's a person I'd stay way the fuck away from.

dean as well. He's the slimiest piece of shit there is. Last time I played I let him live for the last time. Next playthrough I'm going to deliberately antagonise him the whole way through :twisted:
I found Cass grating to, but she was such a minor character it didn't matter.

Boones the kind of guy I'd want watching my back in real life if we had a nuclear holocaust.

The only one I didn't like was Lily. I found her to be annoying and not very useful as a companion.
Agreed, I like my companions not to be senile. I think I left he to die at some point as I am want to do with companions I don't like.

Wait so you hate Arcade because he is not a violent asshole and didn't like the Enclave?
He seems rather ambivalent towards the Enclave, more inclined to either criticize NCR or the Legion. He doesn't belong a wasteland hellhole, he should work for the human resource department at a insurance firm.

I also hoped he would have given us a better look at what it was like to be in the Enclave, their ideology, how they saw things, Moreno did a better job than Arcade.
He outright states that the Enclave was a Facsist Paramilitary and he wishes to hide any and all links he might have to them, and considering he is with the Followers as a doctor and he prefers the Path that helps the most in need one can easily infere that he is not fond of the Enclave, what with their "kill everyone" mentality and goal.

Also Arcade was born when the Enclave was already falling so he wouldn't have any way of showing us what it was to be on it... The only thing he knows is that there were some good people in the organization but he still disaproves of their ideology and methods.