Corrupt a wish

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Granted. THe world becomes children of men and the lack of kids makes everyone more of a jerk

I wish winter no longer existed
Granted but the shift from Fall to Spring imbalances everything and makes it harder to adapt to the weather changes.

I wish Pokeymanz black and White didn't suck.
Granted. They're now the greatest Pokemon games ever, with thoroughly rebalanced battling and breeding systems, graphics that push the limits of anything a current-gen handheld should rightfully be capable of, and a story that can move players to tears in public. But each one only contains 10 wild Pokemon types apiece. All the rest need to be purchased individually as DLC from Nintendo's online store.

I wish that John Steakley had lived to finish writing Armor 2.
Granted. But to do so, he rose from his grave and started the zombie apocalypse.

I wish Nintendo would officialy release the Mother series in every country on the planet.
Granted, but they are so drastically different from the originals that Mother fans worldwide commit suicide.

I wish I had superpowers.
granted, but by not having any wish come true you lose all hope and lay down and die.

i wish that i wasnt abnormally smart and unattractive.
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