Costs of developing Wasteland


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
So, does anyone know what were the costs of developing Wasteland?
Or Fallout, while we are at it?
^Oh you delightfully witty man, you.

Anyway, sorry, google apparently knows nothing, and thats the extent of my knowledge on most things.
I e-mailed inxile a bit ago to hopefully find out something on Wasteland... no joy on that...
Considering the legal complications involving Interplay, The figures for Fallout are probably locked up tighter than Todd Howard's chastity-belt. Wasteland however, I'm not sure.
I don't think that InXile have even planned working on this game.
They are busy with Line Rider and HEI$T .
Sorrow said:
So, does anyone know what were the costs of developing Wasteland?

Apart from the rent on Interplay's office space and the salaries of the people who worked there, probably none. It was all made in-house, for computers that were incredibly simple and limited compared to the ones of today. There wasn't really anything to pay for except people's time.
Very cheap I'd say.
Games programmers back then worked far longer hours for less pay than today. Advertising was cheaper and less sophisticated.
Printing and Duping costs were the only other real expense.

Then again returns were not so high either.
( slow burn does help, Simon the Sorcerer 1&2 is still making money for instance )

Normally you had a team of 3-5 people working on a game.

Todays games can have anywhere between 20 - 100+ people working on them.
Thanks for the info :) .

For some reason I think that it would be cool to make a game that way...
Vault 13 said:
I don't think that InXile have even planned working on this game.
They are busy with Line Rider and HEI$T .

I really do not understand the logic behind further development of Line Rider... To be honest, I'm not sure how the phenomena behind it developed. I really don't see the fun in it. How do they make profits off of it? As I understand, its free?
Maphusio said:
Vault 13 said:
I don't think that InXile have even planned working on this game.
They are busy with Line Rider and HEI$T .

I really do not understand the logic behind further development of Line Rider... To be honest, I'm not sure how the phenomena behind it developed. I really don't see the fun in it. How do they make profits off of it? As I understand, its free?
They are going to port it to nintendo DS and Wii .
But i think they should stop wasting their time and focus on a new Wasteland game ,because this my ONLY hope to see another good Post Apocalyptic role playing game . :cry:
Hello Vault 13,

I agree with you on a 'Wasteland' sequel/remake. It feels that Inxile is teasing us with it by hanging it in front of us and saying "Do you really want it?".

But I worry, Fargo made it clear that he wanted to see how the Public would react to Fallout 3 before considering working on its spiritual predecessor.
Well we know that FO3 will probably be a success, regardless of its quality as a Fallout game and I think Inxile might make Wasteland then also into an action/stat building hybrid.
I am sure he said somewhere in an interview that the Wasteland game they will make will be Darker then bethesda'S Fallout 3.
However he said IF we make a Wasteland game.From the way he talked it obvious that they haven't planned anything yet .
Justified bump...

Sorrow said:
So, does anyone know what were the costs of developing Wasteland?
Or Fallout, while we are at it?

Wasteland was probably well below $100K. Mostly a core team chipping away at it, and they weren't that expensive back then.

Fallout's budget was $3-5 million.
I think people underestimate how expensive RPGs can be. That said, Fallout was a very long, arduous dev project. It needed iteration for GURPS, then SPECIAL, lot of reworking, took years, even if most only with a core team. Voice-acting and talking heads add to cost.

Take out voice-acting, and you can easily make that level of a game for a million. Not much less though, RPGs are complex.