Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

Mikey said:
I was always taught that Cornwall and Britanny was celt area, not slav...

Didn't you hear? The Celts were Slavs!

And CCR: Yay for Parthian catapraktoi!
John Uskglass said:
Only Was IST??? could come up with a map that incredibly stupid. Damn. No slavs in Estonia or Finland, but Slavs in Turkey, southern Greece and fucking FRANCE?!

It's a good thing this map shows only Europe. Who knows what else he has on his mind. Slavs in China, Indonesia and Antarctica? Not impossible, according to Was Ist.
Don't forget - The Americans had to deal with Big Chief Sitting Slav and his <s>Indian raiding parties</s> Slav hordes.
[Rusty Chopper said:
Kharn said:
MSD said:
I personally prefer Amsterdam :lalala: but Holland cheese will fit as well :twisted:

Rusty said:
Holland is a beautiful country.

What's this, then, bad jokes?
You aren't satisfied with your Motherland? For me, sitting here in Russia the Netherlands look like the Kingdom of Heaven.
Hah :arrow: Pays-Bas - a kingdom of heaven.
I like the Netherlands too, awesome country.People there are very rich.But if you had their money, you wouldn't want to live there.Moscow, Sankt Peterburg, Ljubljana or Praha are better places for living, if you have enought money of course.

Slavs in Turkey, southern Greece
Hotel California said:

and the green part is ruled in the old fashion viking way, with cristianity kicked out and norse mytholigy as the new national religion...
[Rusty Chopper said:
]You aren't satisfied with your Motherland? For me, sitting here in Russia the Netherlands look like the Kingdom of Heaven.


a) "I personally prefer Amsterdam" is kind of a stupid remark when you talk about the Netherlands, since that city is the bloody capitol of our country.

b) "Holland" is a great country to live in, though it's degrading somewhat, but it is *not* beautiful. Cities like Rotterdam and Nijmegen look like shit as they were bombed into bits during WW 1, cities like Amsterdam and the Hague smell funny and the country-side consists of endless stretches of flat, boring farm-land. Maybe beautiful when compared to the dreck that is Winter-time non-tourist Moscow, but not beautiful per sé

c) don't feel like getting into it, but...Holland is not a country, Holland is three provinces of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

d) sitting in Russia makes quite a lot of the rest of the world look like the kingdom of heaven, ey. Do not whine, though, there're many parts of the world that are quite less well off.

e) The Netherlands is not a she, the Netherlands is a he. Hence I do not have a motherland, I have a fatherland, much like ze Germans
Jebus said:
Troyans were Hittites. Hittites aren't Slavs.
Trojans. And they where not nessicarily Hittites, but related. Not slavic. The map seems to trace the maximum extent of the Bulgarian Empire more then anything,
John Uskglass said:
The map seems to trace the maximum extent of the Bulgarian Empire more then anything,

What? The short-lived Bulgarian empire at its maximum never reached nowhere that far. This is all it ever amounted to:


Biggish, yes, but nowhere near as big as that map.
Kharn, I dare say,

Cities like Rotterdam and Nijmegen look like shit as they were bombed into bits during WW 1

Don't listen to him folks, we were happily neutral during that particular world war. We even let the good Kaiser stay for a while and chop down several thousands of trees.

don't feel like getting into it, but...Holland is not a country, Holland is three provinces of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Lies, lies I tell you! Holland is two provinces, you cad, North-Holland and South-Holland. You're thinking of the "randstad" which is Holland+Utrecht

Amsterdam and the Hague smell funny

Amsterdam and the Hague are not to be mentioned in the same sentence.
Also, Amsterdam does not smell funny.

I'd like to close by saying that nobody should ever visit Rotterdam, seeing as it's exactly as shit-ugly as Kharn said. Word.
Hovercar Madness said:
Don't listen to him folks, we were happily neutral during that particular world war. We even let the good Kaiser stay for a while and chop down several thousands of trees.

2, man, 2, it's one letter next to it, typo.

Rotterdam was bombed by the Germans.

Nijmegen was bombed by the English. By mistake. Honest.

I lived in both bombed-out cities all my life, neither are what I'd call "pretty"

Hovercar Madness said:
Lies, lies I tell you! Holland is two provinces, you cad, North-Holland and South-Holland.

And Zeeland.

Hovercar Madness said:
Amsterdam and the Hague are not to be mentioned in the same sentence.

True, the Hague is cooler than Amsterdam.

Hovercar Madness said:
Also, Amsterdam does not smell funny.

Not if you live there or if you're stoned or if you go there too much. I tend to avoid the city. I don't know what they toss in the water, but it ain't right

Plus the dog-hating thing gets me down

Hovercar Madness said:
I'd like to close by saying that nobody should ever visit Rotterdam, seeing as it's exactly as shit-ugly as Kharn said. Word.

Rotterdam, City of Shit.
And Zeeland.

Awesome. I learn something new every day. Though it does make me marvel even more at the stupidity of Dutch topography.

True, the Hague is cooler than Amsterdam.

har har

Plus the dog-hating thing gets me down

It used to be much worse, man. We had burning crosses all over the place back in the day. Good thing the canine civil rights movement came along.
Jebus said:
John Uskglass said:
The map seems to trace the maximum extent of the Bulgarian Empire more then anything,

What? The short-lived Bulgarian empire at its maximum never reached nowhere that far. This is all it ever amounted to:

Biggish, yes, but nowhere near as big as that map.

You <strike>too</strike> two(Only the maps!)
More maps:

1. The very name Troy, Troja is Slavic on the account that it is very similar to Slavic towns like Trojani, Trojane, Trojaci…; even Troy’s second name Vilusa corresponds to a small number of Slavic towns on Balkans; in Slavic mythology we have god Trojan also known as Trojglav or Triglav (three headed).
2. The most important fact concerning the ethnical identity of the Trojans can be found in Troy’s neighboring lands. “Trojan neighborhood” has been identified with Bryges, Thracians, Paeonians, Veneti and other, which were almost all allied with Troy; according to ancient authors (I believe Herodotus) the Bryges partly migrated to Asia Minor. They become known as Phrygians in the land of Phrygia. Scholar Anthony Ambrozic has managed to translate the Phrygian text with the use of contemporary Slovene language and undoubtedly proven they were a Slavic speaking people. Roman authors Livy and Ptolemy identified Trojans with the Phrygians.
The name of the Phrygian capital Gordium in my opinion derives from gord > city (Rus. gorod; Srb. grad…) but also it could mean gordi > proud after its great king Gordius. A large number of toponyms from the area of Troy and Phrygia Mr. Ambrozic identified as Slavic ones. More about the discoveries of A. Ambrozic can be acquired in his books, more info at
I can give you more evidences about Troy