Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

MSD said:
Mikey said:
Heh. Slavs.
Eah, say it now 'cause you wouldn't have a chance in the future :twisted:
Woo Hoo! Race hate.

Perhaps it comes from not giving a shit about my own ethnicity, but I couldn't really give a shit about yours, his, your neighbours' or anybody elses.

Borders change, they have changed throughout history and people on the "losing" side (ie. the one that lost any particular territory) will continue to complain that they are culturally, historically or ethnically linked to the people of that area.

Great, so you are somehow closer to them than the rest of the human race? Do you "relate" to them? Do you send them all birthday cards?

The degree of similarity is pretty much identical to that with the rest of the human race, especially with the increased cultural mingling (mostly due to increased population mobility) of modern times.

I'm not saying that we are all "united in diversity" or any of that shit, but more or less the opposite. People will continue to find things to squabble or fight over. Your current one is against the Greeks. I tend to think, though, that you would find some other bee in your bonnet to cry about if that were not the case.

No, I'm not denying any alleged war crimes, ethnic cleansing or any of that shite, because I know essentially nothing about the history of the area. I'm simply saying that the whole concept is bullshit.
Hovercar Madness said:
Awesome. I learn something new every day. Though it does make me marvel even more at the stupidity of Dutch topography.

It's not stupid, it's because Zeeland is not a very old province, historically, and it belonged to Holland, historically.

No joke, man, the Hague, for some parts, is classier and more social, and the other parts all talk funny

It used to be much worse, man. We had burning crosses all over the place back in the day. Good thing the canine civil rights movement came along.

'ey, I'm not kidding. Most of the longer stays I have in Amsterdam are for dog-sitting my aunt's dog. I hate walking a dog on a leash, it's stupid and unnecessary. I want him to be able to frolick, not to be banned from half the parks and strangled as he walks along.

The very name Troy, Troja is Slavic on the account that it is very similar to Slavic towns like Trojani, Trojane, Trojaci…; even Troy’s second name Vilusa corresponds to a small number of Slavic towns on Balkans; in Slavic mythology we have god Trojan also known as Trojglav or Triglav (three headed).

So what about its name being Ilion?

Also, Troy/Ilion was not in Greece. They weren't Greek, so what does it have to do with Southern Greece? Kidnapped rape victims?

I can give you more evidences about Troy

That would be good, you ignorant-ass piece of shit, because so far all your "evidence" consists of comparing words from languages, which, considering we're all included in the same Indoeuropean language group, means absolutely FUCK-ALL.

Also, you (more insults), your maps shows the same spread of the old Bulgars as did Jebus' maps, so what're you doing, agreeing with him?

And excuse me for not putting faith in a site that proclaims "Greece is an Unworthy European Union Member". One day you'll wake up and realise actual historical studies don't say stupid shit like that
Was ist? ? ? said:


I mean


I don't get shocked very easily, but my monocle just fell out.

Do you really read that? Do you really believe that?

Because that is... hate speech. Nothing more, nothing less. If someone were to write a website like that in Belgium, he'd be thrown in jail.

Holy crap dude. Stop reading crap like that NOW, or there's not telling where you might end up. Really.
Hasn't Kosovo teached you anything, Was Ist? ? ? Hasn't it teached you a lesson on blind hatred and historical distortion?

Good lord.

*picks up monocle*

1. The very name Troy, Troja is Slavic on the account that it is very similar to Slavic towns like Trojani, Trojane, Trojaci…; even Troy’s second name Vilusa corresponds to a small number of Slavic towns on Balkans; in Slavic mythology we have god Trojan also known as Trojglav or Triglav (three headed).

Haha, funny.

I've only been able to find one of the names of those town listed, and thats Trojaci. And Trojaci is found in...



Also, Troy is (was) over 3500 years old. In those days, you didn't have any towns in the Balkans. Unless this 'historian' can prove that those other towns were founded at the same time or before Troy (which is so incredibly, utterly unlikely), there's 99% chance those towns were named after Troy. After all, the Illiad had been a myth in the Hellenic world from about that time too. And, en contraire to what your good friend the hate mongerer in those links says, Macedonians are quite Greek.
There's a town in the USA that's called Troy too, y'know.

2. The most important fact concerning the ethnical identity of the Trojans can be found in Troy’s neighboring lands. “Trojan neighborhood” has been identified with Bryges, Thracians, Paeonians, Veneti and other, which were almost all allied with Troy;

Hehe, that's funny too.
Aside from the Thracians - who I have already explained are not Slavic before; the Paeonians had lived in the Balkans since about 2000 BC (about two and a half millennia before the Slavs arrived in the Balkans); and the Veneti lived in... ITALY. Northern Italy. Hence the name 'Venice'. Not only that, but the Veneti were an Etruskan tribe. Not only that, but the Veneti were an Etruskan tribe that couldn't possibly have the technological or diplomatic means to be in contact with the Trojans. AND NOT ONLY THAT, they didn't yet inhabit the Po regions yet in 1200 BC, so there's oh so little chance they ever had anything to do with Troy.

according to ancient authors (I believe Herodotus) the Bryges partly migrated to Asia Minor. They become known as Phrygians in the land of Phrygia. Scholar Anthony Ambrozic has managed to translate the Phrygian text with the use of contemporary Slovene language and undoubtedly proven they were a Slavic speaking people. Roman authors Livy and Ptolemy identified Trojans with the Phrygians.

A Slavic speaking people? A Slavic speaking people in Asia Minor in 1200 BC?

Oh God.

The name of the Phrygian capital Gordium in my opinion derives from gord > city (Rus. gorod; Srb. grad…)

Haha, sure. They called their city 'city'.
How clever.

but also it could mean gordi > proud after its great king Gordius.

^^^ That's what the city was indeed named after, after their KING GORDIUS. Pretty logical.

Unless of course he was actually a Slavic king named 'King City'

A large number of toponyms from the area of Troy and Phrygia Mr. Ambrozic identified as Slavic ones. More about the discoveries of A. Ambrozic can be acquired in his books, more info at

You know. I did a little search on Anthony Ambrozic.

This is one of the first sites I stumbled across

Pretty bland article, agreed, and filled with more übermensh Slavic nonsense. And when I reached the third paragraph, it said this:

What was Dura-Europos? It was a fortress on the Euphrates in present-day Syria, founded by Alexander the Great.

See? I only had to read eight lines before he makes his first mayor historical error. Dura-Europos wasn't founded by Alexander, Alexander only founded Alexandria's. Dura-Europos was founded by Seleucos.

That's something every history student learns in his first year of college.

But I'll take a wild guess good mr. Ambrozic never went there.

I can give you more evidences about Troy

Please, please don't. It makes me sad.
Kharn said:
Also, Troy/Ilion was not in Greece. They weren't Greek, so what does it have to do with Southern Greece? Kidnapped rape victims?
Troy was in Turkey!I ment Turkey.
Many(I am not sure ,if they are all) of the tribes, in Southern Greece were Slavic - relatives with Troy.

Kharn said:
Also, you (more insults), your maps shows the same spread of the old Bulgars as did Jebus' maps, so what're you doing, agreeing with him?
Jebus said:
The short-lived Bulgarian empire at its maximum never reached nowhere that far.
The maps I showed refute Jebus' statement about the short-lived BG empire.

Kharn said:
And excuse me for not putting faith in a site that proclaims "Greece is an Unworthy European Union Member". One day you'll wake up and realise actual historical studies don't say stupid shit like that
I told you - Only the maps.Don't see the other :wink: I don't mean that Greece is an unworthy EU member!

Also - NOOOOOOO!!!!NOT VIRTUAL MACEDONIA FORUM.Nooooooooo.Propagandistic site, full of hationalists!
Was ist? ? ? said:
Jebus said:
The short-lived Bulgarian empire at its maximum never reached nowhere that far.
The maps I showed refute Jebus' statement about the short-lived BG empire.

The Bulgarian Empire only existed for about a hundred years, when the Byzantines were too occupied with wars in the East to be able to defend their Western lands from the Bulgarian horde, right?
I'm no expert on Bulgarian history, but I seem to remember the Byzantines re-conquered everything the Bulgarians had took the moment they were done with the Persians.

Yeah well. As I said, me no expert.
This website that Fas Ist posted said:
Denmark is a member of the EU. It remains a mystery that Greece is too.

Damn. I might have never learned that had I not visited that site! Did you guys know about this?

I am almost enjoying watching your thread being slowly choked into the pain of eternal death by Was Ist.

"Jebuvienna" is a silly name, you should have just written outright "The Council of Jebus".
Silencer said:
"Jebuvienna" is a silly name, you should have just written outright "The Council of Jebus".

It's a witty reference to the Council of Vienna.
Big T said:
Woo Hoo! Race hate.

(snip goatse)
Uh, we love you, but please stop taking this thread seriously now. I don't believe anyone else is.

Okay, maybe except Was Ist ? ? ?, our cousin in Slavdom, but he's more like the kind of cousin you want to keep locked up in the basement, I guess.
DJ Slamák said:
Big T said:
Woo Hoo! Race hate.

(snip goatse)
Uh, we love you, but please stop taking this thread seriously now. I don't believe anyone else is.
I don't think I was either. I rarely use the prhase "I don't give a shit" in serious conversation.

Odin, Rosh, Kharn, Welsh.

Can we please make a rule for banning bucolic imbeciles? Please?

Or do we want them around for the kids to smack and laugh at?