Courier Names

Almost all my PCs in Fallout games have used a variation of A.C as their initials for the male PCs, just to harken back to Albert Cole.

I think I also did something similar for the female PCs too.
I don't do theme naming. Because really, your parents give you a name, but at the moment of your birth you can't tell what your kid's personality is gonna be like. The names I tend to give my characters tend to be bland to empathize that they start out as nobodys. The only thing they have in common is that they are names that emphasize they are culturally Americans and not remotely tirbalized
I've gone with South Park names (PC Principal, Princess Kenny), names culled from anime and video games, and even a few historical ones (as a foil to Caesar and Ulysses). Wish there was a bigger character limit like in Oblivion, though, because I tried using "Two Bears High-Fiving" and it wouldn't fit.
I called my courier Mr. Feck when I was doing the independent ending and replaced Mr House’s job as overlord of the strip.
Last character I played was a female named Veronica, who unironically ended up using power fists and power armor.
For males, I usually just go with whatever name pops into my own head or use my own name. Nothing tooo fancy.
I name mine according to the play style, or what i am role playing as(usually a dumb reference). I like your name choices btw
I named by character Bernard. Because that's a pretty solid name. Bernard. A number of my first play-throughs of rpgs are named Bernard.
I like to give my couriers stereotypical Hispanic names like Jose Chavez or Juanita Alderez because my abuelita beat me with a twig
Robert Lee, because it's a fairly normal American name but it thematically fits in opposition to Ulysses (naming himself after Ulysses S. Grant) and I imagine Ulysses being as mired in symbology and titles as he is would probably get tweaked out by the Mojave Courier coincidentally having that name. Makes the whole thing about him reacting to your name strongly looking at the list on the Express more interesting to me IMO.
It depends, usually I roleplay as myself so I just use my name, other than that I name him Jake after the Chinatown character and make him a misteryous and dangerous fella. On all fallouts I like to play with the low intelligence charater callled Dumb Fuck Joe