Create your own Fallout nation!

I wonder what that hypothetical faction would think about all the anti-semitic stuff, I can't imagine judaism is very popular in post-war America, so I wonder what they'd substitute jews with.

Well, I think a decent twist is that there isn't really a group of people to hate as they are so rare you'd more than likely never meet one.
So in a weird way, they are forced to just be nice to people, even if their views did cause a World War.
Just a short thing I thought of, but I thought it would be fairly funny if there was an area where books are rare, and a group of people worship Mein Kampf as a holy book.
Not only that, but they are seen as one of the more helpful factions in the game, like the irony that the World is so twisted and fucked that Nazis seem nice in comparison.
Ha imagine putting Nazis as a good faction in a game, I would wish the PR and marketing departments the best of luck in their dark days to come
Ha imagine putting Nazis as a good faction in a game, I would wish the PR and marketing departments the best of luck in their dark days to come
It's something I actually plan on putting in my own story (be it game or novel) mostly to show just how fucked up the World is. If anyone tries to say anything, my argument is "They are good in comparison."
It's something I actually plan on putting in my own story (be it game or novel) mostly to show just how fucked up the World is. If anyone tries to say anything, my argument is "They are good in comparison."
Yeah, though there is also the problem that many people don't like nuances. People like to see other people as assholes and morons, like I'm doing at this very moment.
My faction would be Unified States of Chicago, we would be set in the Midwest, the flat land would be useful for raising crops and animals. We would be like the NCR where we are a bunch of tribes, gangs, and groups where we grouped together to form a nation.

Our main sources of income would be farming and running/guarding caravans (because of being in the middle of trade routes). We could also find a way to rebuild boats (a la fallout 2) and run boats up and down the Mississippi River for trading and taxiing people around.

We would be welcoming but weary to outsiders due to history with the Enclave in Chicago. We would allow mutants to some extent, no super mutants though.

We would try to settle things peacefully at first but are not afraid to pick up a gun and start shooting.

Our leaders are in a council fashion, 1 leader for every tribe that joined. These leaders debate about the future of the USC and other things.

This is just a rough draft of what I want to have, but it's all I got right now.
This is my twist on the whole Mein Kampf religion thing, Just want to know what you guys thing, also they don't just read mein kampf they read some other nazi related stuff but didn't like it as much but followed stuff like having a fuhrer.

Faction name: Hitlers Disciples
Tag: HL
Leader: Fuhrer Richard La'monte
Religion: The main one is where Mein Kampf is a holy book and they treat it like god, to them Hitler is the prophet of god and mein kampf's are god's words.
Government: Fascist, but less y'know anti-Semitic.
Technology level: 4 they have basic and some military grade Power armour, laser weaponry, combat armour, Vertibirds and some armoured vehicles. They have a strong engineering force able to fix/ build these things.
Military power: They have a army 5 million strong, about 1/4 with function power armour. 50 vertibirds,
Industry(the hard industry means the mining,tank creating,the easy industry means Wheat,clothes): They have a hard industry.
Minorities: Ghouls (8.78%) Super mutants (0.65%)
Farming: They farm a lot of Brahmin, Tatos, Mutfruit, razorcorn.
Resources: They have a lot of coal, steel, fusion generators and other assortments of mines and resources.
People: 12.5 Million people
Enemies: Pennsylvanian Legions, Super Mutants, Raiders.
Allies: BoS, Caesar's Legion
Settlement area: Utah, Colorado, New Mexico
Capital: Salt Lake City, renamed 'The Beacon'
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This is my twist on the whole Mein Kampf religion thing, Just want to know what you guys thing, also they don't just read mein kampf they read some other nazi related stuff but didn't like it as much but followed stuff like having a fuhrer.

Faction name: Hitlers Legions
Tag: HL
Leader: Fuhrer Richard La'monte
Ideology: We'll not knowing who Jews are they just picked one and used the Children of Atom as their Jewish counterpart.
Religion: The main one is where Mein Kampf is a holy book and they treat it like god, to them Hitler is the prophet of god and mein kampf's are god's words.
Government: Fascist, but less y'know anti-Semitic and kinder in a sense.
Technology level: 4 they have basic and some military grade Power armour, laser weaponry, combat armour, Vertibirds and some armoured vehicles. They have a strong engineering force able to fix/ build these things.
Military power: They have a army 5 million strong, about 1/4 with function power armour. 50 vertibirds,
Industry(the hard industry means the mining,tank creating,the easy industry means Wheat,clothes): They have a hard industry.
Minorities: Ghouls (8.78%) Super mutants (0.65%)
Farming: They farm a lot of Brahmin, Tatos, Mutfruit, razorcorn.
Resources: They have a lot of coal, steel, fusion generators and other assortments of mines and resources.
People: 12.5 Million people
Enemies: Pennsylvanian Legions, Super Mutants, Raiders.
Allies: BoS, Caesar's Legion
Settlement area: Utah, Colorado, New Mexico
Capital: Salt Lake City, renamed 'The Beacon'

lol riech fag. You lost all wars you started.
Faction name: Colorado Mountain Men.
Tag: CMM.
Leader: Governmental Marshal David Lepoure.
Ideology: They just want to expand and make the whole western coast of the wasteland theirs or maybe take as much as they chew until they get ready for the next bite.
Religion: Varied.
Government: Authoritarian.
Technology level: 5 they have very strong power armour, vertibirds, laser and some plasma weaponry and some armoured vehicles.
Military power: 2.25 million soldiers, 305 vertibirds, 500 armoured vehicles.
Industry(the hard industry means the mining,tank creating,the easy industry means Wheat,clothes): Hard Industry
Minorities: Ghouls(6.09%) Supermutants(1.22%).
Farming: Brahmin, Bighorners, Radstags, Wheat, Tatos, Mutfruit.
Resources: Oil, steel, coal, solar energy, fusion power.
People: 5.5 million.
Enemies: Caesars Legion, Hitlers Disciples.
Allies: NCR.
Settlement area: Colorado.
Capital: Vault 125, The vault was to see what would happen if you tried to fit a whole cities' population in a vault under a strict authoritarian government. With very strict laws. they call it 'Capital Eden'.
Well, here's my hand at the nation creation game.

Faction name: Vermonter League ( Officially, the United States of America, but de facto the only state is Vermont.)

Leader (Or what his/her title is called): There is no actual head of state, but the commander of the Green Mountaineers, the republic's military force, would be the Captain-Commandant.
Government: Direct Democratic Confederation, divided into Cantons which in turn are divided into ward republics. The few urban cantons also have a second branch of government, consisting of syndicates, or guilds, that represent the workers of different industries. Even the military, the Minutemen/Green Mountaineers, subscribes to the notion of democracy, with elected and recallable officers.

Location & Capital: Vermont, though they had conquered a large portion of former New Hampshire and parts of Northern New York. There is no capital, though Montpelier is the biggest city.

Technology: Prewar with some minor improvements.

Ideology: Jeffersonian/Antifederalist Republicanism. Every citizen is part of the military and government. "Civic virtue" is encouraged through service in the Minutemen (Green Mountain Boys being the Vermont section.) and universal property ownership. In urban, industrial contexts, this usually means worker's cooperatives. So, Mutualism and Syndicalism end up being central tenets of the Vermonter economy. The third major tenet of the Shaysite ideology is American Ultranationalism. Indeed, the main focus of Vermonter foreign policy is to reunite New England and eventually the United States of America, the term for it being "the Resurgence". This is usually corresponded with regionalism and localism for New England, Vermont, and the various localities.

Religion (?): Secular, even bordering on antireligious. Both the Puritan church and the Wiccan religion are banned. There is a "Sons of Reason and Liberty", though it is less of a religion and more of a highly popular patriotic civic organization. Extremists have advocated for it to be mandatory for all citizens to instill a "Republic of Virtue".

Currency (?): The US Greenback

Other/Foreign Affairs: Vermont is only one of several states within the "United New English Commonwealths", a loose "confederation" of states in New England. The reality is that Vermont often ends up in wars with Massachusetts, due to the constant conflict between Shaysites, who have the support of yeoman farmers, artisans, and workers, and Hamiltonians, who have the support of wealthy merchants and industrialists along with the illusive MIT. Vermont supports the former, whilst the central government of Massachusetts is often under the control of the latter. The "Gunners" mercenary company often competes with the Minutemen for title of the military of Massachusetts. The Shaysites, in all of New England, additionally seek to achieve something of an American "Risorgimento" or Resurgence. Vermont also finds itself often in proxy wars against Puritans, with Shaysites often engaging in brutal wars with the Puritan church. Similar disdain is shown for the practitioners of Wiccan rituals, despite their common enemy with the Puritans.

National Motto: E Pluribus Unum! (And, give a proper Bellamy salute to the flag whilst doing it.)

State Motto: Freedom and Unity!

Timeframe: Around 20-40 years after 2077. Vermont may or may not have succeeded in Resurgence. Whatever the case, Fallout 4 is not canon.
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Faction name: modern surrey constitutional
Leader (Or what his/her title is called): it is 8 way leadership but the founder is a man called jason bennet
Location & Capital: its main capital is a newly built city called new surrey in england but it also has controll over lots of the london ruins and has controll over tortonto and places like around tortonto.
Ideology: to take control of land and to set up a new society of soaclism and for there ro never be one ruler but to be eight.
Religion: science is taught instead of reilgon
Technology: they use anything they can get their hands on but manly use chemical weapons and stealth is their main approach
Currency (?): MSC unit
How nation was started, etc: the first eight founders were 4 four boys and 4 girls who were extremly talented in different areas. the were trained by the army just before the great war in the specalilty delbritly to start up civlistion after the war the way the army and british government saw fit. they were put in cryogenic sleep for over 170 years and came out to see how horrible the world has become and built up their own faction but choose not to do what the old army wanted them to but to try to form a new way of living. they manged to travel to tortonto by and pre war miltary boat that they new about from their time in the miltary.
Faction name: the Wiggles
Leader : Murray Cook, he's known to his followers as the "lead singer"
Location & Capital: they formed in the ruins of Australia. In my fanon, Australia was bombarded by nukes in Sydney and Canberra. Meanwhile everywhere else went to shit because of lack of imports and shit. I know Canberra is the capital, but the Sydney Opera House would make a much better primary base.
Ideology: They believe in spreading happiness throughout the wastes of Australia, and somebody hope to build an airship, so that they might have a world tour. They will not hesitate to dismember you and display your corpse for everyone to see, however they only do this if you don't like their music. They hate synths, but because they're in Australia they don't know what synths are.
Religion (?): They worship Murray as if he's a God, so that counts. On sundays only the highest ranking members of the Wiggles are allowed to play music. Anyone seen with an instrument (the voice is an instrument remember) is publicly stripped naked, dipped in tar, and then banished to the harsh outback (where they say a ghoulified LoneVaultWanderer will lore rape your ass).
Technology (?): they use brass and woodwind instruments, and have perfected the air guitar. They can restore pianos to working condition, and have developed their own center of science in an attempt to create the perfect synthesizer.
Currency (?): Wiggle dollars. They're regular Australian dollars, but with the current Wiggle leader's face printed onto it.
Faction name: New Papal States
Faction name: Purgatorium or some other fancy Latin name.

Leader (Or what his/her title is called): Archabbot Michael. He is elected from a council of Abbots, and Abbess.

Location & Capital: South of France (Gascony, Languedoc, Provence, Dauphiné, Savoy, Auvergne, moving to more hostile North to flee from the Papal influence), Switzerland, Tyrol. Capital is in Avignon at the Papal Palace.

Ideology: The Great War is the Last Judgement. The world has become the purgatory. Each living humans left are souls who have been touched by God's grace, but are still imperfectly purified. It is then the mission of everybody to live a life of prayer, and follow the example of the Christ, so they can go to Heaven. They believe in some sort of reincarnation. They consider the Pope as the Antichrist. The society is built around monastry, who follow various monastic rules (the dominant is the rule of St Benedict). Being a monk, or a nun isn't compulsory, but anybody can join at any age after a period of test, to judge if the person is spiritually ready for joining the monastery. They are pacifists and to some extent anarchists.

They are quite divided on the questions of Ghouls. The actual consensus is that they are horrible sinners that should go straight to Hell, but the fact that they survived show that they have been given a second chance by God. It is advised to the Ghouls to take the vow, and in some case are forced (especially if they are unrepentant), even if they aren't made for monastic life, or refuse to (in which case they are locked in a room, with a guard in front of the door who have to chant prayer all day to purify him). In rare cases, some Ghouls live a secular life, and live more or less accepted among smooth skins farmers, which is quite dangerous as some Christians see them as demon to be slaughtered.

A particular order is the Monastery of Saint Antony (former bishop of Avignon). They are errands monks who consider the whole world to be a monastery, and that everybody is a pilgrim. They made the vow of eternal pilgrimage, and to never stay on the same place for more than a year. They go to remote place to give spiritual guidance, religious ritual, and aid in farm work in exchange of food and shelter, or visit monastery to discuss theology/philosophy/science/history/or whatever they are interested in. Those too old to continue their physical pilgrimage, retire in monastery, or become hermit to continue the spiritual pilgrimage. They are prone to some heresy, but are respected, and generally considered as harmless.

Religion (?): Catholic Schism/Benedictain/Fraticelli

Technology (?): 18th Century Pre-Industrial, with some pre-war tech mainly used for crafting farming and construction tools.

Currency (?): No currency. Collectivist society, view money as a mark of the devil. Mainly an agricultural economy built around self-sufficient Abbeys, which help each other in time of need, or for large scale project, like irrigation, dykes, or large furnace, that need a lot of manpower, resources, and skilled specialized workers. The society is principally rural.

How nation was started, etc: It started as the Ecumenical Council of Rome in AD 2256-2257. The clergy of Southern France who went to Rome were horrified by the corruption of the Roman Church. The bishop Antony of Avignon decided to leave Rome in the middle of the Council, and went back to his diocese. Being a prominent spiritual leader in Provence, many of the Southern French clergy followed him, and hold an Ecumenical Council at Avignon from January to June in AD 2257. Bishop Antony was elected as Anti-pope, the Pope of Rome was excommunicated, all the clergy faithful to the Roman Church, all the bishopric in Provence were all disbanded to be replaced by abbey. 2 years later the bishop Antony abdicated and formed an order of errands monks. He died in 2268, was beatified and canonize the following year, his errands monks order then took the name of Monastery of Saint Antony. They quickly spread their faith outside of the Italian peninsula from the Alps to the Atlantic.

.Military power: 2.25 million soldiers
People: 5.5 million.
Is it even possible to have 2.25 million soldiers in a post-apocalyptic setting? The only country in our world that have such gigantic number of soldiers is China, and they've got a really large population to support their military. 5.5 million population isn't enough for the industrial and agricultural power necessary for such number of soldier. The population should be about 300-500 millions. Or maybe it isn't a standing army, and follow the model of peasant-soldiers like the Han or Romans (the number of the army is still too big), where soldiers are posted at the frontier to cultivate (to support themselves to some extent) improve infrastructure, and colonize newly conquered land.
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Is it even possible to have 2.25 million soldiers in a post-apocalyptic setting? The only country in our world that have such gigantic number of soldiers is China, and they've got a really large population to support their military. 5.5 million population isn't enough for the industrial and agricultural power necessary for such number of soldier. The population should be about 300-500 millions. Or maybe it isn't a standing army, and follow the model of peasant-soldiers like the Han or Romans (the number of the army is still too big), where soldiers are posted at the frontier to cultivate (to support themselves to some extent) improve infrastructure, and colonize newly conquered land.
The military tbh is just like a few people in leather armour with a pipe rifle
Faction name: Old world remnants\Clevelanders

Current Leader (For the next 5 Years): Marion Keith
Founder: Reagan Gabby, a ghoul that lived his life normally before the bombs fell.

Location: Cleveland

Religion: None

Technology: All pre-war tech they could find, because they have mos of survived pre war minds, they can crete most of it, including vehicles. They will willingly allow people who bring the GECKs to them to lhave a Citizenship in their city.

Currency: Custom made bottlecaps from a modified press at Cleveland location of nuka-cola factory, they also have wannabe banks that can exchange NC bottlecaps to Clevebucks.

Ideology: Rebuild the old world and not repeat errors of the past.

Population: ~4000 people.

The faction, or more like nation, is a Monarchic nation, most of the nation is ghouls that survived bomb drops, those include scientists and politicans.
Nation was founded in 2088 by ghouls from necropolis and overworld. Now they have most of CL.
Most of the tech in CL can make BoS jealous, because they pre war geniuses they can produce\repair:
Advanced Architecture
Power Armor (Partially, because most materials for it are not available in Cleveland)
They have a pretty green place, because on one day, 2150, one strange brought htem a GECK, The leader ath that time, Lawson Fox, accepted the stranger in their city, gave them citizenship.

Part of CLChronology:

2088 - CL Founded by Reagan Gabby

2089 - Reagan finished restoring constitution of US

2090 - After long conflicts with citizens, constitution is accepted.

2095 - Giant Raider gang attacks CL, most of the city is burning, constitution is torn in 2 pieces, one is destroyed, 2nd is used as a cape for raider leader, Reagan is dead.

2095-2114 - CL is in anarchy, nobody is controlling people, there are no laws, no army, nothing. This is known as "The great Chaos"

2115 - City of CL Finally gets a new leader, a close friend of Reagan, Lawson Fox.

2135 - Lawson Created army force, most of it was gone to the raider camp to retrieve the constitution part, camp destroyed, Raider leader injured and is held hostage until execution.
6\7\2135 - Lawson built a prison where Raider will be sitting for his life

2138 - Lawson reclaimed remnants of Reagan's constitution, Started re-writing it

2150 - Raider leader died of old age, Lawson almost finished constitution, a strange man, called Wade Nelson, brought them a GECK, he is now a city hero..

2151 - Lawson Finished constitution.

2152 - CL goes on contact with a small group of Prospectors, got info about abandonet vault that is code locked, scout division sent to the vault with Lawson himself, his brother is in control of the country while he is gone.

2153 - Lawson opened the vault, the code was: 532055, birthday of the last US President, Vault numbers are worn out and are unreadable. This Vault is actually Cryogenic vault full of pre war people, Total number is 304 future citizens.

2154 - Scout division returned with new citizens, but without Lawson, he got heart attack during the trip.

2155 - One of the vault citizens, John Etkins, is now a leader.

2156 - Etkins Adds a part in the constitution that restricts Leading time for 5 years.

2156 - a large group of pre-war ghouls got citizenship in the city, population grew to ~3500

2158 - CL goes on contact with BoS, after some trading BoS gives them blueprints of some advanced post-war tech

2159 - Old Chrysalis factory is found, after some tinkering, CL became the only nation in the wastes that build vehicles.

2160 - Government finds 23 different abandoned mines. Materials in them are more than enough to build wannabe power armor. Stanley Erevard is now a leader.

2165 - CL Mechanical armor design is finished. Tests Started. Randy Elsdon is now a leader

2168 - Tests of MA are better than with original PA, No Deaths recorded so far.

2170 - MA is in production, and is used by the army of CL. Edgar matty is now a leader.

2180 - CL army and ambassador are sent to the west to find people in Necropolis and to find other nations. Edgar Matty is changed to Grover Isaac and Isaac is changed to Foster Moss.

2181 - Necropolis found, everyone is dead. Found NCR Capital, CL proposes aliance with NCR.

2182 NCR Starts aliance with CL, Caesars legion declares them an enemy.

2185 - City is full of rumors aout cryogenic vault in boston, Marion Keith, new leader, ignores this.
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