So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I see lots of complaints here about Fallout 3, but surprisingly through a while of searching, I haven't found many posts complaining about creatures they messed up the lore on. Granted there are posts regarding Super Mutants, but those are explained. Here are a few creatures that they (Possibly irreversibly) changed the lore of
- Centaurs: This is one of the obvious ones that is mentioned quite regularly, but since we're on the topic of creatures Beth changed without any rational explanation, thought I might mention them. There is no lore-wise explanation as to why the Capital Wasteland has centaurs, I mean odds are there wouldn't be any animals in Vault 87, and by the time the Super Mutants left the vault, there would be no way they would be able to perfect the correct the formula for Centaurs. And besides, what happened to their second heads?, And why aren't some of their features Dog-like like in the earlier games?
- Dwarves: In fallout 1 and 2, you could see radioactive dwarves pretty much everywhere. What happened to those guys?, Have they just totally vanished from the lore?
- Ghouls: Lenny in Gecko clearly mentions that Ghouls cannot run, and now all of a sudden pretty much every ghoul ever knows how to run. Something change here?
- Mole Rats/Pig Rats: What happened here?, In the original games, Mole Rats were giant hairy rodents, where as Pig Rats were the small hairless rodents. In 3, it seems like Beth just got rid of Mole Rats, and renamed Pig Rats to Mole Rats. Maybe this could come down to Beth taking the term "Mole Rat" way too literally, but I would still like an explanation for this.