Creatures that 3 messed up the lore on.


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
I see lots of complaints here about Fallout 3, but surprisingly through a while of searching, I haven't found many posts complaining about creatures they messed up the lore on. Granted there are posts regarding Super Mutants, but those are explained. Here are a few creatures that they (Possibly irreversibly) changed the lore of
  • Centaurs: This is one of the obvious ones that is mentioned quite regularly, but since we're on the topic of creatures Beth changed without any rational explanation, thought I might mention them. There is no lore-wise explanation as to why the Capital Wasteland has centaurs, I mean odds are there wouldn't be any animals in Vault 87, and by the time the Super Mutants left the vault, there would be no way they would be able to perfect the correct the formula for Centaurs. And besides, what happened to their second heads?, And why aren't some of their features Dog-like like in the earlier games?
  • Dwarves: In fallout 1 and 2, you could see radioactive dwarves pretty much everywhere. What happened to those guys?, Have they just totally vanished from the lore?
  • Ghouls: Lenny in Gecko clearly mentions that Ghouls cannot run, and now all of a sudden pretty much every ghoul ever knows how to run. Something change here?
  • Mole Rats/Pig Rats: What happened here?, In the original games, Mole Rats were giant hairy rodents, where as Pig Rats were the small hairless rodents. In 3, it seems like Beth just got rid of Mole Rats, and renamed Pig Rats to Mole Rats. Maybe this could come down to Beth taking the term "Mole Rat" way too literally, but I would still like an explanation for this.
I'm fine with Bethesda re-designing creatures slightly, but the examples I gave above seems WAY too extreme.
They were planning to put in Wannamingoes to despite the species being rendered extinct in Fallout 2.
Wannamingoes are genetically tailored weapons but their creation did not involve FEV nor were they widespread.

Also think there was some talk about putting Floaters in Fallout 3 as well but they did not make it to the final cut.

Problem with a lot of Fallout 3 (and with some of 4) is that a lot of Fallout 1/2 content has simply been transplanted to the East Coast without it making sense or not that creatures, factions and so on from the West Coast would make sense here.
It all came down to 'these are iconic elements of Fallout'. Perhaps they are, then they should be kept on the West Coast and if you want to damn play with them, put your game on the West Coast as well.

Fallout 3 IMO was the result of various marketing meetings, showing how devoid of imagination and hell bent on making a buck the industry has become.
Carnivorous plants got removed too. Which is somewhat sad, I remember being ambushed by those buggers a few times...

Scorpions seemed to get tiny. When I played the first Fallout I was shocked at the size of those things. I actually ran from the combat after the damage I took from the first one.

I can't remember any more besides the obvious ones like that huge talking pig rat thing or Seymour the plant etc.
  • Centaurs: This is one of the obvious ones that is mentioned quite regularly, but since we're on the topic of creatures Beth changed without any rational explanation, thought I might mention them. There is no lore-wise explanation as to why the Capital Wasteland has centaurs, I mean odds are there wouldn't be any animals in Vault 87, and by the time the Super Mutants left the vault, there would be no way they would be able to perfect the correct the formula for Centaurs. And besides, what happened to their second heads?, And why aren't some of their features Dog-like like in the earlier games?

It did not seem dog-like to me (except for the spiked collar of course); but it did look like a cow head, and was about the right size for it I thought.

Centaurs seem to be mutilations caused from a human and combining him with either another radioactive animal or some sort of failed FEV experiment.
Man, I was pissed about the "feral ghouls" in FO3. See, I've always liked the way Fallout 1 and 2 treated ghouls and how the designers had defied the urge to use them as radioactive zombies, pure mindless cannon fodder for you to wipe out. I remember entering Necropolis for the first time in Fallout 1. It was night, too, and when I saw the shambling, moaning ghouls, I thought "oh crap! Zombies!" and started blasting them away. So when I later met the underground ghouls and Set, I was doubly surprised to find out that they were actually intelligent creatures with their own agendas. It even made me feel guilty for killing all those first ghouls I encountered. It was a rare (and early) subversion of ugly corpse-like creatures usually being enemy mooks in video games.

Yeah, I know, FO3 had ordinary ghouls, too, but why add the fast-running ferals? "They went insane from radiation poisoning." Bullshit. Bethesda couldn't care to implement a fleshed-out story and just decided to add one more enemy creatures instead.

Also, this one is probably just personal, but fuck Bethesda for making me zoom in on a blowfly or roach's face in VATS. Didn't need that as someone with an insect phobia. The worst thing about the game was bugs--the six-legged kind!
I mean "the ghouls went insane from prolonged isolation and became hostile to outsiders" makes sense, particularly given that said isolation could easily last more than a normal human lifespan. But they really ought to have had some way to express their antipathy towards you besides running at you and trying to swipe at you.

Like "ghoul loses everyone they ever knew, spends 50+ years alone without human contact, but doesn't forget how to use a gun, and so opens fire on everyone they see" would have made a lot more sense.
As someone who prefers the FPS gameplay of New Vegas, I understand the changes made to ghouls. The "mindless" ghouls in F1/2 wouldn't have made for good enemies in a faster-paced game unless they decided to have them come at you Dead Rising style, in swarms of dozens or more.

I also understand why they don't use guns. It makes sense that someone who has gone crazy from 50-200 years of prolonged isolation would lose their more complex motor skills. I seem to remember there were instances of near-feral ghouls in F3 who were almost feral but still had their weapons and such.

I never bought the "goes crazy from rad poisoning" explanation, especially when radiation heals them everywhere else.

I don't like Centaurs in F3. They look... off. There's no reason for there to be centaurs and they look so different than before.
Pretty much every creature in F3 is evidence of f****ng with the lore since they just copy/pasted everything from the west coast.
Pretty much every creature in F3 is evidence of f****ng with the lore since they just copy/pasted everything from the west coast.
Not necessarily true though, since Mirelurks weren't around in the first two games and there's nothing really lore breaking about them.
The funniest detail I heard about Bethesda's mole rats is that they were apparently genetically engineered by the government to fuck up China's eco-system.