CVG interviews Pete Hines

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
CVG has published the first part of their interview with Bethesda PR head Pete Hines, of which we've earlier seen a quote.<blockquote>Fallout has a real hardcore fan base. Would you say the biggest challenge has been creating a sequel that appeals to those fans but not at the expense of alienating a new audience?

Our philosophy with Fallout 3 was to make it as if we'd made Fallout one and two. Which obviously we didn't but we couldn't really spend a whole lot of time worrying about what we didn't make or what we didn't have control over.

We approached it the same way we approached Morrowind or Oblivion - we are doing the next game in the series, this is what the series has always been about, what are we going to do with the next one to make it cool and fun and the next big step for this series?

That was our approach for Fallout 3, was to say "What's our next big thing going to be for this series". What are the things we need to stay true to and can't change, and what are the things we maybe want to change or update and do differently.

Ultimately, that was our approach, to make to make the kind of choices to make the best Fallout 3 game we thought we could make.

To date that's what we've done. We've definitely changed some things, but we feel like we've stayed true to the things about Fallout that make that series memorable - which are the setting, the characters, the tone, the feats, the moral choices, the player choice.

The character system is the same, the dialogue system works the same. We didn't want to change the stuff we felt didn't need to be changed.</blockquote>You'd wonder where this sense of entitlement comes from that Bethesda thinks they have the right to determine what the series is about.

Link: Going nuclear with Bethesda's Pete Hines on CVG.
You'd wonder where this sense of entitlement comes from that Bethesda thinks they have the right to determine what the series is about.

NMA seems to to think they have the same entitlement.
MrSambuka said:
You'd wonder where this sense of entitlement comes from that Bethesda thinks they have the right to determine what the series is about.
NMA seems to to think they have the same entitlement.
At least we're fans, at least we played the game and have been playing for a long time, at least we respect the original devs... Well, at least we know what THEY said fallout was (about)...
MrSambuka said:
NMA seems to to think they have the same entitlement.

Not really. We don't propose changing much of anything, as far as I know, "NMA" (apparently a living, breathing entity?) has never declared to know what is best for the series, has never claimed to know what to change.

So we don't feel entitled to determine the franchise, we feel entitled to say that the things the original devs say the games are about are what the games is about. That's marginal, and significantly different from claiming you have the right to change the series in direct contradiction to statements by the series' creators. We don't claim to know the series better than the original developers, we just listen to them closely.

Besides, if the license fell into my lap tomorrow, I doubt I'd try to make a game with it, I'd try to give it back to Tim Cain. I'm not arrogant enough to presume to work on someone else's baby. Unlike Bethesda.

But hey, if we're recognising Bethesda is just as bad as this odd entity called NMA, that's a step in the right direction :eek:
MrSambuka said:
NMA seems to to think they have the same entitlement.
Yeah, except most people on NMA have actually played the originals through (unlike the majority of Beth devs apparently), and most arguments are based off of the actual elements that went into the development of the original Fallouts, rather than arbitrary decisions that Fallout amounts to nothing more than setting, Vaults, supermutants as the main baddies, and the almighty Vault Boy.

Refer to this article for further reading.
MrSambuka said:
You'd wonder where this sense of entitlement comes from that Bethesda thinks they have the right to determine what the series is about.

NMA seems to to think they have the same entitlement.
NMA is a website? Who exactly are you talking about? We ALL have a lot of opinions about it. Bethesda seems to have one opinion. What makes something beautiful is variety and color, most importantly reasoning and style. Bethesda seems to take everything from every other game including fallout and mixes it all together to create....

Like when you mix so many great things (like colors), it makes black in the end, making less beautiful and average. I always thought the original devs had amazing ideas and balls. They made something that was either a hit or miss. And because they were brave, they made a difference making an imprint in the gaming industry. That is why Fallout is so popular. But when you take a game so great and taint its purpose and style; it isn't so great anymore. Your probably here to pun NMA(and its thousands of users). It just would of been better if Bethesda had the same creativity. They would have a very dedicated community behind them backing them up. But they had to sell out. The reason you can't say NMA has one opinion is because there are many people on here with different opinions. The reason I can consider Bethesda one entity is because they all have the same idea and mission. To take a game that was so golden; take every highlight from it, and scratch everything else that made those highlights unique. Its like a pyramid, you take the base, the top is no longer so great. Vault boy isn't shit without the rest of the Fallout Universe. Whats the point of a mascot when theres nothing great behind what its trying to show off. This is one opinion and does not represent the NMA community. Hell I even get smited for some of the things I say or ignored. I don't care though. I love Fallout and I like being a part of a community that keeps the Fallout spirit alive. You should be grateful that NMA(the admins) actually gave a fair, balanced, and critical review. Instead of all the other game sites taking deep throat from PR. There are so many games that got good reviews when in reality they were empty and boring. I promise you in 5 years, there will be like 4 more Halo's; the same boring FPS ingredients.(I'm guessing)
MrSambuka said:
NMA seems to to think they have the same entitlement.

Obvious troll is obvious. :seriouslyno:

Petey said:
Our philosophy with Fallout 3 was to make it as if we'd made Fallout one and two. Which obviously we didn't (..)

I thank the horned one below for that.

Petey said:
(..) we've stayed true to the things about Fallout that make that series memorable - which are the setting, the characters, the tone, the feats, the moral choices, the player choice.

Why do they (Bethesda) keep saying that? We did not see the game in it's full glory yet, but it's already obvious that this sentence is a blatant LIE. The vault jumpsuit, building architecture, the way the super mutants look, pipboy, those are but a few things which have been altered...

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king, amirite?

We must wait and see how much "moral choices and the player choices" will be left in..
Madbringer said:
MrSambuka said:
NMA seems to to think they have the same entitlement.

Obvious troll is obvious. :seriouslyno:

Petey said:
Our philosophy with Fallout 3 was to make it as if we'd made Fallout one and two. Which obviously we didn't (..)

I thank the horned one below for that.

Petey said:
(..) we've stayed true to the things about Fallout that make that series memorable - which are the setting, the characters, the tone, the feats, the moral choices, the player choice.

Why do they (Bethesda) keep saying that? We did not see the game in it's full glory yet, but it's already obvious that this sentence is a blatant LIE. The vault jumpsuit, building architecture, the way the super mutants look, pipboy, those are but a few things which have been altered...

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king, amirite?

We must wait and see how much "moral choices and the player choices" will be left in..
I agree with you, Its kind of funny how they keep trying to find ways to explain how Fallout had choice. They don't need to use so many words to explain the fact they are taking 1 part of the gaming and using it on their own game. Its not just choice that made Fallout great, and anyone who thinks that obviously hasn't played it that much. For me it was the whole surviving on that list stash of ammo, or salvaging anything you could find. The fact that every town in the game had some sort of connection and everything you did had a purpose (besides the encounters). This new story line for Fallout 3 seems pretty over used and boring. I liked how the ORIGINAL Fallout 3 *would have* started. At least it was still on the west coast. Its like Bethesda could come out with Fallout 4 and have it based in South America. And it would still have nothing to do with the first 2. They are speaking TOTAL bullshit when they say they want to complete the series. Even if Fallout 1 and 2 had way different situations, they were still connected and it made sense. I hate game companies of today. I say this all time but can't stress it enough; the gaming industry has turned into the movie Industry. It went from a few programmers/artists from Business companies working on games on their own time, to a sell out industry much like the Music Industry and thats sad. John Carmack started out as a software programmer and soon started his own company. Now you have all these kids that want to make games but fail horribly at creating something innovative or unique. I don't see much hope for most future games. There are still amazing ones coming out these days, but the amount of darkness over comes the light. I shit a brick when I ever a play a game thats fun and keeps me playing it for 6 hours straight. Now I can beat most new games in 1-2 days. Some even in 3 hours. Thats pretty sad. You could beat Baldur's Gate pretty quick if you knew what to do, but when you first play it you want to explore everything and do everything. You may have to play the game a few times through but it has enough content thats unique to keep you addicted to it. Most games today have like 1-2 things that are WOW AMAZING / OMFG, but as soon as you past that point, its still another FPS or Adventure game. (Hardly any real RPG's exist today) When one first plays FEAR they are amazed with the Bullet Time effect (stolen from Max Payne), and the mysterious story, but as soon as you keep on playing it for 1-2 hours you get extremely bored with the plain levels and repetitive situations. Its like they only had to model like 15 characters and the rest are all clones. Hah! Excuse my spellling mistakes if there are any. ;(
Madbringer said:
Why do they (Bethesda) keep saying that? We did not see the game in it's full glory yet, but it's already obvious that this sentence is a blatant LIE. The vault jumpsuit, building architecture, the way the super mutants look, pipboy, those are but a few things which have been altered...

To say nothing of how taking out TB makes useless a good, what, third to half of the Perks, and completely changes the usefulness of a lot of the attributes as well. 'Course, who needs more APs when you can swing a prod, or when you can cast an AOE your Fatman nuke-a-pult?

And let's not even get started on the BoS presentation, hrm? We'll never stop talking about it otherwise.... we all know it's WAAAAAAY off, and it doesn't really seem to be improving too much.
I absolutely loved the first two games, and I am extremely happy that Bethesda will be making Fallout 3.

I don't understand why so many people who post on NMA are so angry and so completely opposed to even the slightest changes to a fictional world. That type of thinking, that fear of even the slightest change, is the type of thinking that leads to the greatest evils humanity ever visits upon itself. Fear of change leads to hatred of what is different.

From the point of view of an outsider, the greatest change in any culture will amount to nothing more than a minor revision.

Get out and see the world, travel, talk to people from other cultures, have a few adventures in real life, and then return to this post board and re-read what you have been saying. I think you'll find yourselves to be just as disgusted with your opinions as I am.
Also, I think many of you are hypocrites. You complain about being able to beat recent games in just a couple of hours if you know what to do, but you neglect to mention that Fallout 1 and 2 could be beaten in a couple of hours if you knew what to do.

Even more disturbing to me is that Fallout 1 and 2 came out a decade ago. I'm guessing that most people on this board are in their twenties, but the posts read like they were written by whining pre-teens.

Show what you are writing to anyone who cares about you. Ask them what they think of your opinions about a video game. Marvel at their responses.
Point by point:

LuckyOasis said:
I don't understand why so many people who post on NMA are so angry and so completely opposed to even the slightest changes to a fictional world.

We're upset that Bethsoft's changing the legacy of Fallout, both by re-writing history (IE- their claim that the old FO games would have been real time, or first person, but they didn't have the technology.... check the release dates on Quake and VGA 3D graphics cards and you'll see what I mean) and by re-interpreting just about everything else, from the use of nuclear weapons (Fatman) to the supermutants (no, they weren't all evil, not even in FO1.... almost single-digit IQ stupid, but not evil necessarily) to the Brotherhood of Steel (they were NOT "Paladins of the Waste," they were xenophobic and borderline racist jerks with massive amounts of firepower and access to pre-war tech.)

So, that's what we object to Bethsoft doing.

That type of thinking, that fear of even the slightest change, is the type of thinking that leads to the greatest evils humanity ever visits upon itself. Fear of change leads to hatred of what is different.

The logic train, she is gone. How does one make the leap from the systematic and callous re-writing of a beloved PC franchise to "the greatest evils humanity visits upon itself?"

From the point of view of an outsider, the greatest change in any culture will amount to nothing more than a minor revision.

And from the perspective of non-Fallout familiar Fallout 3 buyers, there is no change. And it's possible they might even think it's a great game. Undeniably it looks pretty nice, but so what? Without the first two games readily available, which probably will continue to worsen in availability as time goes on (Interplay probably won't print them again, and Bethsoft won't want their FO 3 fans running off and discovering how they've crapped up a great franchise) the majority of Fallout 3 players/fans (if that happens.... we'll see, of course) won't even be familiar with the changes. And that's truly sad.

Get out and see the world, travel, talk to people from other cultures, have a few adventures in real life, and then return to this post board and re-read what you have been saying. I think you'll find yourselves to be just as disgusted with your opinions as I am.

Dude....what the hell? We've got people on this forum posting from Poland, Denmark, Argentina, the United States, and tons of other places. Some of us HAVE traveled, and not just to tourist traps like TJ, and we still can't excuse Bethsoft for what they're doing.

And if you want a better perspective on what Bethsoft was, and has become, or what Fallout is all about, go through this site and read through some of Roshambo's posts. This is a guy with insider knowledge about game software programming, is friends with more than a few people in the industry, has been playing and coding games since I think around the early or mid '80s (back when I was hooked on Sesame Street) and who STILL knows that Bethsoft's Fallout 3 will be a travesty.
LuckyOasis said:
I don't understand why so many people who post on NMA are so angry and so completely opposed to even the slightest changes to a fictional world. That type of thinking, that fear of even the slightest change, is the type of thinking that leads to the greatest evils humanity ever visits upon itself. Fear of change leads to hatred of what is different.

And what leads you to the conclusion that we are afraid of small changes? The fact that we scream bloody gore (well, some of us do) when Fallout was taken, smashed into little, tiny bits, and put together as something completely different?

Get a clue. Can't speak for others, but i am angry because one of my favourite cRPG series third installment is turning out to be an FPS with RPG elements. I wouldn't call that a small change.

LuckyOasis said:
Get out and see the world, travel, talk to people from other cultures, have a few adventures in real life, and then return to this post board and re-read what you have been saying. I think you'll find yourselves to be just as disgusted with your opinions as I am.


People who post here are maybe a little geeky, but unless you're a total retard, you shouldn't give too much belief to stereotypes. NMA has writers, artists, intellectuals, and, contrary to a popular and immensely false belief, most of the people here are also extremely open minded. I don't like people who, without hesitation, assume things about other people, it only shows how ignorant you are. That's kind of ironic, considering what you yourself have written above.

Also, i have no idea how visiting Uganda or having a prolonged chat with that nice kebab vendor of Egyptian origin would help me realize the epicness of Fallout 3, and see the light or whatever.
LuckyOasis said:
I absolutely loved the first two games, and I am extremely happy that Bethesda will be making Fallout 3.
I'm extremely disgusted with FiNO 3 and Bethesda, because it's a disgusting rape on everything good that Fallout represented.
It's sad to see that the B game that refreshed the classic RPGs is being turned into an Action-RPG piece of shit for millions of console kids.
Fallout is in hands of ignorants that can't even understand what they are destroying.

Not to mention Bethesda repeatedly spewing their pathetic worthless lies about Fallout's formula being outdated and about 4 pixel chairs...

LuckyOasis said:
That type of thinking, that fear of even the slightest change, is the type of thinking that leads to the greatest evils humanity ever visits upon itself. Fear of change leads to hatred of what is different.
The "innovashun" thinking and destruction of good things to replace them with things that changists love led to greatest evils in this world, namely - Communism and National Socialism.
Tens of millions of people died, because someone wanted to change such slight things as human right to live and human right to own property.

LuckyOasis said:
Get out and see the world, travel, talk to people from other cultures, have a few adventures in real life, and then return to this post board and re-read what you have been saying. I think you'll find yourselves to be just as disgusted with your opinions as I am.
I think I'll find myself as disgusted with your opinion as I am now.

Let's, like make a movie about ancient egypt and replace pyramids with skyscrappers, because skycrappers are next gen.

How about learning respect to culture and history?
Oh, no...
I guess it's too complex for you...

I guess your cultural heroes are Talibans that destroyed cultural and religious monuments becuase they wanted to innovate Afghanistan to make it next-gen.
Brother None said:
You'd wonder where this sense of entitlement comes from that Bethesda thinks they have the right to determine what the series is about.
Probably because they bought the license and therefore own Fo1 and Fo2.

LuckyOasis said:
Also, I think many of you are hypocrites. You complain about being able to beat recent games in just a couple of hours if you know what to do, but you neglect to mention that Fallout 1 and 2 could be beaten in a couple of hours if you knew what to do.

Even more disturbing to me is that Fallout 1 and 2 came out a decade ago. I'm guessing that most people on this board are in their twenties, but the posts read like they were written by whining pre-teens.

Show what you are writing to anyone who cares about you. Ask them what they think of your opinions about a video game. Marvel at their responses.

Strike for double posting. Read the forum rules.
Now I feel bad about linking the other thread to this one.

T'was meant to be helpful... Does that mean I get a strike? I can still just delete the post in the other thread.