Darkness Falls OOC

I left Lucy behind, I don't take her with me on contracts. Kind of hard to find and kill a person with a brahmin in tow.
Ah fair enough, it'd be a bit of trouble if she was killed. Everyone will obviously get out the base and we'll get our loot back. Then the story will mold out on it's own while keeping some original storyline to go along with.
Oh it's okay and sorry for not replying, I forgot to read this. Well when Raven's got time, she can join and we'll be outside the warehouse planning what to do when we see the White suited dude, then we set off there. Anyone else wants to join, then they'll read the note and head to Vegas. Simple I guess, and I hope.
I hope you don't mind me moving the story forward like this to the 188 trading post. if you do I can remove the post and we'll move on your way, I don't want to steal your story away from you.
I have an idea on how I can join. If you giys are at the trading station, Yas will kniw James from before. She could join there, if that's ok with you Chameleon?
Ok, posting. But please don't include what you think my character would say in your own posts. Only I know what my characters will do.
If its just a short response and you think James would say it you can do that but nothing more than that. If you think the story really needs it, or something.

The someone I mentioned in the story is the mister hand unit cobbled together from parts of a mister handy, a mister gutsy, and an autodoc and others. His software is a jumble of what ever parts of personalities James could recover from any robot, so he could have bits form securitrons, maintenance bots, mister handys, mister gutsys, even mister orderlies(like the one from Big M.T.) and he also contains downloaded date from a certain Robco tour guide, etc.
So when he talks he can be all over the place, like switching between radio channels, or sometimes he just uses one personality for a little while. This is the mister handy I will be building to Blood Ties. (Raven knows what I'm talking about)
I don't have any good names for him/her/it yet so toss some out if you think of any good ones.

Maybe this is why James didn't jump at multiple personalities, huh?
He is used to having to deal with an erratic switching person, er robot.
Well, I know Yasmin's first suggestion at hearing the robot jump through multiple programmes would be 'Mr. Schitzo'. But I don't have any of my own suggestions yet.
How the heck do you pronounce his name any way?
at first I kept reading it kid-avv in my head (which sound pretty cool) but then I noticed the r's and now I'm just confused.

Also, no fair offering me that decision, under the current circumstances with how messed up he is and how much I can't stand him (the new personality - Krill) so far (I actually do like the lingo that's why I like the chairmen) my character would seriously consider your suggestion, he's not a saint (though usually he would play like one in an RP) But killing him would effectively end the RP...

Kridrav is a guy struggling through a problem, hes not a bad guy but James hasn't know him long enough to think him useful or have become attached to him and as bad as it sounds James judges people by their usefulness to him and his causes. If you are baggage to him and/or he doesn't like you he may kill you. At this point James might decide he would be better off with just him and Yas.

What do you guys think I should say, something about how the other him isn't so bad and is useful and that's why we shouldn't kill him? I'm just not sure, I've never had this problem before with a character. I've never been not sure what the character would say...

What is Krill's charma lv? maybe how much charisma he has could change how characters view him even though he's so arragant, shovanistic, etc.

Mr. Schitzo thats funny

maybe Mr. SKT-5O
or just SKT-5O
designation SKT-ZO I kinda like that hmm what do you think

or a good one Mr. SKT-50 it seems like a reasonable name but if you take the 5 and the 0 as S and O you get skit-so which is phonetically schitzo.
Mr. SKT-50 (obviously James would call him that knowing it meant Schitzo and having a pretty funny in joke for all those who know the robot) sounds pretty good. And I'd advise not actually agreeing and killing him. Krdravvv....vvv? I don't even know how to spell it. Anyway, HE knows more about the man in white, so he is helpful. Yas was....kinda.....joking when she said that, though would easily be persuaded to do it. But no killing anybody elses characters.

I never have trouble with what Yasmin would say or do. I've had her in my head for the past 8 years. By this point she just flows out naturally. For a while she was almost a split personality for me, when I was about 14 till 16. I'd slip into her person and be a totally differemt person. But this before I was into Fallout, so she wasn't a murderous raider at the time.
I have one of those things. His name is Mad Jack and I quite literally have conversations with him, out loud its like I'm talking to myself but when I'm talking as him I have a completely different mentality.
Hey guys, ain't been on for days, been packing to move. Alright, Krldraav, just say it as Krilldrarv, that'll probably be easier. Sorry for making a confusing name like that, and when you were talking about flaws on the blood tie rpg, I was thinking that my guy should have one. I didn't want him as the serious guy all the time, and Krill has a high charisma, yet he's so arrogant because he think's he's better than his other personality. Personally, I just like seeing it as two real people in one body, it makes writing him easier. And for the name of your robot, I was thinking several suggestions. Some of low esteem like: rustbucket, tincan, Hardy, Rob-O or maybe Scraps? Or how about some cooler ones like Camelot, Cyber, Rustalot or perhaps Maiden? Just suggestions, anyhow I'll get right to the Rp again now.
Hey Chameleon, I was thinking about joining your RP. I won't be able to elaborate on my role yet, but I'll be using my chem addicted character "Grec". Is that cool with you?
Yeh that'd be great, no ones posted yet so that'd be cool. I wonder where evryone went, still you can just introduce yourself at Freeside then. :)