Darkness Falls OOC

I agree. This is totally unrealistic. Even if you'd had more time, pretty sure somebody would have seen something suss and found all these bundles of C4.
Agreed. Grec, please re-edit your post, you must understand everyone else's preferences. Putting C-4 suddenly on the Fort is just too forward, it wasn't explained earlier and I agree with the other two. If you have problems with what you think you should put next, the OOC is here. Besides, you said you was a veteran? No offence pal, but wondering if you've been doing very much different ones
Alrighty. I'll try and post a character sheet tomorrow, or during the weekend. If anyone could link me to the RP itself so far, that would be appreciated.
That's okay pal, no pressure ;)

And Grec's deleted his post so someone needs to continue the story, as I don't feel like doing a double post of doom ;P
Looks like this takes place in the Blood Ties universe. I was hoping something like this would come along. Can I join? I'll post a character sheet if confirmed.
Sure thing, as long as you know how to keep the story intact, like not making decisions for others and keeping true to your character. If you've read the story, then it shouldn't be too hard to get right in, so just post when you're ready :)
Hey Chameleon,is there still room for a newbe like me?If so I will submit my character later on tonight or tomorow.
Apologies for my not doing anything for a while, I've been feeling a bit ill lately and things have piled up in my plate. I'll be back in commission by the end of this week.
Hey Chameleon, just wondering if you could finish off the rest of the guards. Afterwards, I would like Grec to face Krldraav in a 1v1 fisticuffs fight, with Grec winning at first, then he loses thanks to drug withdrawal.

And holy goddamn, I'm making a lot of typos on this site. It's probably because of the white on black font. It hurts my eyes.
deathclaw gave me permission to post here and in the ic.
Fallout Roleplaying Character
Name: vash the typhoon
Nick Name: the red ace
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Classification: Human
Occupation: vigilante and defender of the innocent
Eyes: blue
Hair:blonde spiked hair
Height: 6'2"
Weight: unspecified
Race: Caucasian
Affiliations no one
Bio: unkown
Weapons: Lincoln's repeater, 10mm pistol that been modify to fire six shots and can use 10mm or 357 bullets, three silver white 357 revolvers, Tommy gun, doubled barrel shotgun, two katanas
Clothing: leather armor. red large jacket
Items: 8 stimpaks, Pipboy 3000A, 1,000 caps, ammo for all guns. and various food mostly donates and sandwiches
states high charisma, strength and speed
Welcome JackWolf, hope you enjoy this RP :) oh and Grec, sorry for not replying, I'll see about that. This Rp's been dying for ages, it seems like a young fossil if ya know what I mean...
Name: Azrael Graham
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Hairstyle/colour: 1/2 inch, black
Race: Caucasian
Height: 6' 2"
Build: Stocky, but by no means body builder.
Personality: He is almost always cheerful and joking, even in the most serious of situations. His happy-go-lucky attitude is so ever-present it tends to annoy those around him, but in truth it is only an act. His true personality is that of a ruthless killer who will kill anything and anyone if he considers it better for the greater good. He prefers not to kill if it can be avoided, but he will not hesitate if he considers it the better option. His true personality rarely surfaces, but when it does it so chilling that despite his young age, stories of "The Angel of Death" are already being spread around the wastes, varying from tales of a suave serial killer, to a brutish super mutant berseker, to a true avatar of Death. He prefers to avoid the attention, and as such actively encourages the more outlandish tales, so as to distance himself from the legends. He also has a deep love of acquiring and spreading new (and old) knowledge.
Attire: A brown leather ankle-length duster, a black Brahman outback hat, a pair of black skin-tight leather gloves, and a pair of snake-skin cowboy boots.
Weapons: A heavily customized Singer 1911, a .50 caliber Anti-material rifle, and a large bowie knife with a curved black handle
Attributes: A massively high intelligence and agility, minimal charisma due to the extensive knife scars on his face, average dexterity and strength, low endurance.
Followers: None

Story: The son of the bastard son of Joshua Graham when he was the Legate. He was born into New Canaan, and raised amongst them for many years. He was a bit of a loner, and spent most of his time studying and training. He also severely questioned the religion of the Canaanites, earning him a lot of ire of the other members. He still believes in their religion, but in a much different form. He decided at the age of 15 that it would be better for everyone if he left, and so he did, traveling from place to place to satisfy his lust for knowledge and adventure. As time went on he was exposed to more and more atrocities, and was scarred, both emotionally and physically by them, turning him into his current sociopath self. He swore he would improve the wastes by any means necessary, and he mainly accomplishes that the only way he knows how, by killing those who he considers evil, and spreading knowledge and assistance to those he considers good. He longs to travel and be with others, but he has trouble staying with groups for a long time due to his abrasive personality. He has recently set his sights on killing the courier's son, and has traveled to New Vegas to do so, but is currently stuck in Freeside.

Anything that needs changing chameleon?