Dawn of War 2: Tyranids confirmed!!!


Ahoy, ye salty dogs!
I'm sick of the Blood Ravens, to be honest.

Anyone knows how to hack the campaign army paint settings in original DoW?
that video makes it look like space marines have a nerf bat and tyranids have louisville sluggers...

now i like space marines, but it seems like they keep getting weaker.

i havent tried soulstorm yet, but in the first expansion the race i used was eldar.

just seems like in original DOW, space marines were top, in expansion eldar were top, and in DOW2 tyranids are top...

wtf? what happened to balance?

Always marines!

Damn, I gotta get building the new rig soon to play new games.
Wow... that I have -GOT- to preorder when they start accepting them at the local EB...

As for marine nerfiness... the problem is that marines are supposed to be fast assaults, whereas most of the others are designed for long-drawn out battles with epic hardware, marines don't translate well with that scenario, you design them so that they can do that and they wipe the floor with a few dash & jab moves, but if you bring them down too far they can't hold their own.

I honestly think the chaos are far too overpowered since the get-go against the marines, they really should look into the fact that Marines should be able to draw out a battle (both sides do less damage to each other) than any other race because that is their greatest enemy after all and the greatest smear on their honor and the emperor himself.

They need to start working on instead of balancing for every race, balance it so that certain races are stronger against other races, and some are weaker, also in X vs. X maps certain pairings or groupings make the team stronger through cooperation than others.

The reason why the war is eternal is because each of the races keeps some of the others in check, not because they're evenly balanced...
Makenshi said:
Poor, poor Starcraft 2... :roll:

I don't know... when the framerate chugs like a motherfucker on the TRAILER (running on a corporate monster rig no doubt), that raises some serious questions about how badly the engine is going to perform on less than ultra high-end enthusiast hardware. Not to mention the graphics are startlingly unimpressive for the massive amount of stutter going on.

didnt stutter on my machine, but remember that is a HD trailer, so its bigger than a normal trailer. you have to pause it so it downloads more before you start playing it.


in the tabletop when i did space marines they were always the best at squad based ranged combat. the eldar were best at single targeting though for ranged.

the biggest problem as marines i had tabletop was against tyranids. i would be slaughtering them left and right, but in the end there were far too many of them and when they got into melee they ripped me up. only chance i had against tyranids was if it was over 2k points, usually 2500-3000 and then i could use enough artillery/vehicles to slaughter them en-masse to do well.
TheWesDude said:
didnt stutter on my machine, but remember that is a HD trailer, so its bigger than a normal trailer. you have to pause it so it downloads more before you start playing it.

You've got to give me more credit than that :roll:.
The trailer played fine for me as well - it's your fault that it stutters.

Anyway, this new intro sucks - it doesn't have that this-is-just-a-tabletop-game-with-figures feel from the first part. They made characters too realistic IMO.
Ravager69 said:
The trailer played fine for me as well - it's your fault that it stutters.

You're kidding right? Christ you two are dense.

If you can't see the FPS chug in that trailer when the action gets intense, I recommend hitting up your local optometrist... like right now.

Protip: It has absolutely NOTHING to do with streaming the trailer itself.
Oooh! Man I would love to play with those, too bad the game won't propably run with my old machine.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Ravager69 said:
The trailer played fine for me as well - it's your fault that it stutters.

You're kidding right? Christ you two are dense.

If you can't see the FPS chug in that trailer when the action gets intense, I recommend hitting up your local optometrist... like right now.

Protip: It has absolutely NOTHING to do with streaming the trailer itself.
