Dead Space 1/2

Surf Solar

So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
So.. I used the search engine in the forum, but everything I gathered was thousands of posts I don't really want to look if there has been "Dead Space" mentionend. :|

That's why I decided to open a new one.

I bought the first one a few days ago, and all I can say is that I'm a fag, a whimp etc. call me whatever you want. But I can't play this game longer than 1 hour. I find it very creepy. Not those "atmosphere stings" like hearing an vibraphone melody whilst viewing a picture of a kids toy, more the general atmosphere itself, because those moments are predictable and boring.
It's more the general atmosphere, I really feel like wandering on a barren, lonely ship where everyone was murdered bye some virus or so (I just played a few hours yet, so please don't spoil me :oops: ).
And the fact, that I refuse to play a game because of it's atmosphere is really good imo, because it's generating very strong emotions. The last game I had similar feelings was Super Metroid on the SNES (this "water level") - I can't describe WHY I am scared, but I am (I also had similar feelings when playing "Donkey Kong Country" on the game boy, this level where you are being pursuited bye a giant seasnail, yeah, call me a fag now! :D )
Maybe it's because I learned alot it the last time about astronomy and space in general, read a lot of scientific books, also sci-fi novels and movies, but hm... So - what do you guys think of this title?

Also, the second installment is approaching maybe this year. Any infos about this?
I have played the game as well as its currently Wii only prequel Dead Space Extraction, and I found it okay but I can honestly say not really creepy.

Sure you get spooked sometimes but that also happens when I am working intensely behind the computer or am focused on watching TV and one of my cats decided to jump on my lap or throws something down with a loud sound, not because the game has such a huge scare factor.

In general I found the whole set up, mystery alien virus, crazy religion and things you will see later in the game rather cliché in science fiction terms that truly covering new ground.
I find the games a rip off of movies such as Alien and The Thing regarding setting and creatures.

It is quite comparable with the direction the Resident Evil games have taken, the major improvement over RE4 is (I have not played RE5, heard the companion AI is terrible) that you can walk while having your weapon ready to fire.

We'll see where Dead Space 2 will take us but I do not think it will be anywhere new regarding gameplay, setting, or storyline.

I hate the fact that we will not see a PC version as I found this game better playable on the PC than on a console.


The main mistake the developers make similar to the makers of Alien Resurrection/AVP is making the games gory and disgusting than truly trying to work on the gamer's sense of fear what is in the dark.
Yes, you've mentioned something I've forgot.
The controls. Mainly it's scaring the shit out of me, because of intense situations, where I can't control my character proper, because it handles very slow etc. I died so many times because of the clumsy reactions etc. They ripped my head of, they broke my whole body in two and I couldn't do anything against it. Maybe , when I've getting used to the controls, this "tension" is getting less, but at the moment I fear every corner, because there could be a foe.

Relating to the plot, I didn't see so much thus far. But of course, it's very cliche, also predictable.
Personally I don't care how cliche it is. I agree, I'm a "fag" when it comes to horror-ish games. I've read a ton of scary books and watches a ton of scary movies and I think i've become desensitized when it comes to those. But when it comes to games, especially shooter, in which I suck ass at. All those stupid cliche, chord-strikes with big scary aliens/monsters scare the shit out of me. And i shoot wildly, completely missing them and get through the situation with like 3% of health left.

Dead Space was pretty awesome because of this. But for "normal" gamers, I can understand how it would be considered "lacking".
Haha, yeah, good to see a person who has similar "problems" like me. :D It's the same like in Left 4 Dead which I can't play longer than a few minutes. I usually don't play TPS or FPS, and I really suck at aiming and reactions. Like in Left 4 Dead, when all of a sudden so many zombies are approaching you, in every direction is a foe, you can't see shit because of the whole "meat" around you, I just try to aim blind and try to hit atleast a stomach or so.
And in Dead Space it's even worse, because the character is moving so slow...
Well I didn't find it scary at all, but I enjoyed it a lot nonetheless and finished it multiple times. It's a good survival/action game.

The Dutch Ghost said:
It is quite comparable with the direction the Resident Evil games have taken, the major improvement over RE4 is (I have not played RE5, heard the companion AI is terrible) that you can walk while having your weapon ready to fire.

You don't get to walk with ready weapon in RE5 too, it's pretty much the trademark of the series by now - you don't move while shooting. And RE5 is a good game, even if not as good as RE4, play the damn thing already. Companion AI is not competent enough only on Professional difficulty (unless you unlock infinite ammo for magnum and give her that thing), that one is obviously made for coop, but she is still very helpful on Veteran, and it is not an easy mode, much harder than Dead Space on Impossible.
Just for the interest (and because I've tried it again a few hours ago) - I can't play this game when I'm alone. As said in the first post - maybe I'm just a douche. But for the tension in this game is really high. It's not because of the critters, they all explode in thousands of pieces with my updated Pulse Rifle. It's more, I don't know, I tend to really "think" myself into the game atmosphere, it is really really well done. And I don't mean the plot or the games references, it is the atmosphere of the game, visual style and also some really good sound culisses. I've never felt that lonely and in some moments helpless in any other game.

Now I'll wait for some "support" to finish the game. :D (waiting for some friends of mine who are also whimpy as me).
Surf Solar said:
Now I'll wait for some "support" to finish the game. :D (waiting for some friends of mine who are also whimpy as me).

The game should come with an inflatable buddy that sits beside you and reminds you “It’s only a game, it’s only a game”. For the more difficult settings a pack of adult sized nappies to wear under your pants. :wink:
I just wish the game looked more creepy/scary than just gory. That and with 2, I hope they actually make ammo/health more scarce. That was my problem with the first game, I had so much ammo/health, even on the hardest difficulty, that all I had to do was backpedal and shoot legs off. Beat the whole game like that, with just the starter cutter, then still had a pretty good excess of ammo and life at the very end.
Hoxie said:
with 2, I hope they actually make ammo/health more scarce.

I heard they want to make Dead Space 2 "more action packed", so I fear that means even bigger supplies of ammo. I agree, game needs to be more challenging on hardest difficulties, first game is barely "medium" on "hard". They could make at least PC version harder due to superior aiming, that's what it seems was done with Resident Evil 5 PC, that one certainly doesn't lack challenge.
Multidirectional said:
Hoxie said:
with 2, I hope they actually make ammo/health more scarce.

I heard they want to make Dead Space 2 "more action packed", so I fear that means even bigger supplies of ammo. I agree, game needs to be more challenging on hardest difficulties, first game is barely "medium" on "hard". They could make at least PC version harder due to superior aiming, that's what it seems was done with Resident Evil 5 PC, that one certainly doesn't lack challenge.

Lack of difficulty is really getting to be something killing some games for me. Like I said, hardest difficulty in Dead Space "Impossible Mode" I was hoping that would mean like, 1-hit kills from all enemies or shortages of ammo and all that. But no, it still took enemies a few solid hits to kill me, then they were still just as easy to backpedal away from and murder, had a full inventory of ammo and health by the end.

Same for RE5 for a good part, still had plenty of ammo for most guns, health was never too severe an issue outside of the bad luck hits once in a while, Hard mode felt more like Medium.

I'm hoping they'll at least ratchet up the difficulty significantly, if they put in more ammo/health this time around.
Hoxie said:
Same for RE5 for a good part, still had plenty of ammo for most guns, health was never too severe an issue outside of the bad luck hits once in a while, Hard mode felt more like Medium.

RE took a different direction after RE4 so one couldn't expect more from RE5. And yeah, survival horror games aren't what they used to be. I still think that the best survival horror games i played were "Nocturne" and "Blair Witch Project: Rustin Parr". Although ammo wasn't very scarce in both games, the atmosphere was sure creepy. Damn, Terminal Reality should have made a Nocturne 2 instead of Ghost Busters and Blood Rayne! Can't really blame them though, kiddies these days are more into EPIC ACTION GAMEZORZZZZ!!!!
Hoxie said:
Same for RE5 for a good part, still had plenty of ammo for most guns, health was never too severe an issue outside of the bad luck hits once in a while, Hard mode felt more like Medium.

Do you mean you found Professional mode too easy as well? That would make you quite hardcore in my eyes, I got my ass kicked quite hard on Pro mode. And Veteran mode, while being not very hard, was still way harder than Dead Space on Impossible. I can't imagine I was good at DS and sucked at RE5 somehow, these games are too similar for that to happen.
Multidirectional said:
Hoxie said:
Same for RE5 for a good part, still had plenty of ammo for most guns, health was never too severe an issue outside of the bad luck hits once in a while, Hard mode felt more like Medium.

Do you mean you found Professional mode too easy as well? That would make you quite hardcore in my eyes, I got my ass kicked quite hard on Pro mode. And Veteran mode, while being not very hard, was still way harder than Dead Space on Impossible. I can't imagine I was good at DS and sucked at RE5 somehow, these games are too similar for that to happen.

Professional never gave me a problem, like I said, outside of the occasional hit from bad luck, it was rare for most enemies to even get that close. The Bosses were the only thing that gave me a problem here and there, but at the same time, on Professional I was playing with a friend, so maybe that made it easier.

RE5 Professional mode was harder than DS Impossible, I will say that. Dead Space I didn't die once on Impossible, backpedal and shoot legs of, that was the whooole game for me. RE5 was a bit more tense/difficult just because you had to be rooted while shooting I guess. That and RE5 had actual moving enemies that were insta-kills, opposed to Dead Space where the only things that ever 1-hit me were the blatant stationary wall-huggers.

I'd like a Survival-Horror that was actually creepy, because stuff like Dead Space, with its boring tries at jump scares, isn't doing it.
Hoxie said:
Same for RE5 for a good part, still had plenty of ammo for most guns, health was never too severe an issue outside of the bad luck hits once in a while, Hard mode felt more like Medium.
I can still remember playing Resident Evil 1 on the PC. Damn was that game awesome and freaking hard.

You ever managed to find the UZI though ? I find it a bit sad that they made RE more and more an action fest with every new game. I loved that part about it that you virtualy had to count every bullet you got and you know how glad one was when he could find those healing herbs ! :mrgreen:
Crni Vuk said:
Hoxie said:
Same for RE5 for a good part, still had plenty of ammo for most guns, health was never too severe an issue outside of the bad luck hits once in a while, Hard mode felt more like Medium.
I can still remember playing Resident Evil 1 on the PC. Damn was that game awesome and freaking hard.

You ever managed to find the UZI though ? I find it a bit sad that they made RE more and more an action fest with every new game. I loved that part about it that you virtualy had to count every bullet you got and you know how glad one was when he could find those healing herbs ! :mrgreen:

The original had some good difficulty at points for sure. Compared to RE3: Nemesis though, it was a cake-walk, that was ridiculously tough doing a full Nemesis kill run. Especially the first 2 fights with him, before you really have any kind of real damaging weapons. Death after death after death. :lol:
Most of my time in RE 1 was spent running and dodging the zombies, occasionally you need to kill something blocking your way. The frog monsters were certainly a lot more difficult to avoid, but the beauty of the game was, you felt it was a true survival experience. There were hard core nuts who attempted most of the game with just the knife, but your timing must be spot on, incidentally RE 2 had a secret character – the walking tofu – that was unlocked if you completed the game within a set period…did any one play as Mr. Tofu. :crazy: Zombies don’t normally eat vegetables – soya bean = tofu. :wink:

Anyone looking for a real challenge should check out the "Resident Evil Remake" for the Gamecube/Wii. I heard it's a lot harder the the original version. The remade visuals are also breath taking.

Astiaks said:
Anyone looking for a real challenge should check out the "Resident Evil Remake" for the Gamecube/Wii. I heard it's a lot harder the the original version. The remade visuals are also breath taking.

I can recommend that game as well, played it on the GC before and it was good fun. It has a few things added they couldn't fit into the original game as well, so there's some more content to be explored in REmake.

That and even if you don't like REmake alot, you have to admit it has better voice-acting than the original at least.

if done well remakes can be awesome.

Also super big + for the spiders :3, just love them in RE.