Dead Space 3 = Resident Evil 5 in space?

TorontRayne said:
Why would they choose a lame ass ice planet for the location? It looks like they borrowed whatever they wanted from other franchises and melded it into one necromorph shit pile.

*cough* Lost Planet *cough*
And yet, one of their initial claims about Dead Space 3 was that it was going to out-scary Resident Evil and Lost Planet.

You know, the Lost Planet that was never really meant to be scary in the first place.

For chrissakes you could purposefully get yourself eaten to kill a boss from the inside-out in Lost Planet 2!

generalissimofurioso said:

While it's moving at a couple of hundred miles per hour. :V

Lost Planet one at least had some scary... scary-ish... jump scare sections that were pretty effective.
I say we get the US government to recognize the company as a militant superpower that is attacking international citizens.
The_Noob said:
I say we get the US government to recognize the company as a militant superpower that is attacking international citizens.

The US government would probably just try to sell them weapons and train their militias.
Now that would be funny.

I can see the headlines now:

"A recent battle over the custody of Call of Duty between EA and Infinity Ward has exploded into violence when their paramilitary forces went into battle outside of the courthouse. Due to heavy artillery, EA won."
lol @ all the "EA took this game and turned it into shit!"-esque comments. Loud-mouth consumer ignorance is good for a laugh.
Looks like Dead Space to me. Cry, cry.

Here are some answers about making Dead Space 3 a "Gears of War game", straight from a <strike>EA Redwood Shores</strike> Visceral team member.
Never really liked Dead Space in the first place, but that was a bit a let-down. Nothing scary, just a Necromorph shooting gallery is all. The guy commenting didn't help, what with saying the words ''awesome'' and ''epic'' twice in every single sentence on average.
Makagulfazel said:
lol @ all the "EA took this game and turned it into shit!"-esque comments. Loud-mouth consumer ignorance is good for a laugh.
Looks like Dead Space to me. Cry, cry.

Here are some answers about making Dead Space 3 a "Gears of War game", straight from a <strike>EA Redwood Shores</strike> Visceral team member.

I definitely wouldn't blame EA for this although it is easy to dislike them. I like how they aren't forcing a shitty AI partner into the single player, but it really is beginning to feel like co-op is taking over. Dead Space 1 and 2 were pretty creepy. Dead Space 3 doesn't look creepy in the slightest. It just feels like the same shit they did to Resident Evil 5 and 6. I wouldn't call it ignorant to care about a series that is losing focus and simply trying to cash in on co-op madness. Of course I will give it a shot, since I am a Dead Space fan (somewhat), but the original still looks like the best in the series so far.

"... so we embraced [the co-op] idea and we tried to open up the accessibility of the IP a little bit by adding a little bit more action, but not undermining the horror. We can't not be a horror game because that's what Dead Space is."


"In general we're thinking about how we make this a more broadly appealing franchise, because ultimately you need to get to audience sizes of around five million to really continue to invest in an IP like Dead Space.

"Anything less than that and it becomes quite difficult financially given how expensive it is to make games and market them."

That quote hurt my brain. Lets make it appeal to everyone on the planet by adding co-op and lots of splosions! Not saying that is the case with Dead Space 3 necessarily, but it is getting kinda irritating. Oh well. :|
you know sometimes I think it is also important to let a series "rest" and start with something completely new and fresh. But with the same quality. Like a new storyline just this time not in space but somewhere else keeping the "horror feeling".

Hence why I think the jump from Resident Evil to Silent Hill, which had its own story line but was a horror game in the spirit of the first Resident Evil games.

Horror games today are more about action then the survival character when you compare them to games like RE1.

Similar evolution with stealth games where they put more emphasis on "action" now then on "stealth".
I never found Dead Space to be scary. Same with RE4. Does it startle you like a jack-in-the-box occasionally? Sure, but that's not "scary" in my book. You know what was "scary" about the original REs? Not knowing where the fuck enemies were because of the (archaic)camera system. I always saw RE4 and DS1 as action games.
But, yeah, whatev; to each their own. The presenter was a wiener but I still am genuinely excited to play the game with a friend. I'm sure there won't be anything THIS FREAKING SCARY in DS3.

Isn't Dead Space just basically a different version of Alien in the form of a videogame? I mean, you have the first one which was fairly claustrophobic and the main character being an unlikely hero of sorts ( a la Ripley), and the actionised sequel when the character takes a level in badassery ( Ripley again). I mean, not like I have a problem with that or anything, I love the first tense entry of a series and a sequel with a bit more action (Resident evil 1 and 2 for example)