Sabirah said:
Starseeker said:
But mao has been dead for years and his terrible actions haven't really reverberated until today.
Uncle Jamal and Kim Jong-Il both are and were until very recently (unfortunately) alive. and the actions that they did still hurt people today.
lol, you replied almost exactly like I thought you would, but you do know that's a very weak argument, right? How long has Hitler been dead? Are you saying that his actions didn't still affect some people today? If you want talk recent, Deng ordered the tanks to march onto the protesting students in TienAnMen Square, just like Arab Springs, but did you see a NATO bombing run there? Bush was equally hilarious when he invaded Iraq and claimed North Korea is part of Axis of EVIL, and yet did piddly squat about it. Let's face it, Libya has lots of good oil and Gaddafi had tons of money to size for the western nations. Iraq was self explanatory. As for China, the current Chinese president order the crack down on Tibet during the Olympics, but guess what? Nobody really gave a hoot to do something about it since a lot of them rely on China for business or outright owns it money.
Anyway, if it's how it relates to you than that's fine, but please don't claim otherwise.
That's also the reason I used the 2 smileies.
As for a trip to North Korea, well, I was actually contacted by a forum member about such a thing, but I would recommend against it depending on your reasons.
Of course, if some of you really wants to do it, the best route would be to go from the mainland Chinese route. It might be a bad time right now though, since South Korea just went to DEFCON 3. Japan might also have put their SDF on higher alerts. China has posted more soldiers on the borders as well.
Of course, one of the most interesting place to visit in the past is probably one of the most dangerous one right now. The JSA is a fascinating place to visit. As you can see from pictures here:
Scroll down and watch the 2 sides glare at each other. You can stand 1 foot in NK and 1 foot in SK. There were some hilarious things done by both sides, including the cutting down the chair leg incident and the flag competition. You can also visit the tunnels that the NK dug for possible invasions to the South. But I am not sure if one can do so now with the increased tension on both sides. Remember, the North and the South never signed a peace treaty, so they are still technically at war.
Since Mainland Chinese citizens can visit North Korea fairly easily, I get some pretty decent second hand accounts of the going ons there. The situation is pretty similar to China. Prosperity is given according to the closeness of your ties to the regime and how close your relationship is to the top. Corruption is fairly rampant, since people try to skim however they can without getting caught. There are lots of poor farmers. Of course, if you take the tour, this is what you would see:
A reality travel show Departures showcases 2 Canadian dudes going around the world, and they went to North Korea -
Edit to add: I felt stupid waste one more post to reply to the following post, so I deleted it. Seriously, where did I say he was a good old chap or something?
Keep beating, but the horse is dead.