death to cats

...are a nuisance, killing millions of birds and other animals

Now let me just say to begin that I am an animal lover and one day I do hope to own a cat.

HOWEVER, feral cats are not native to north america and they kill animals that are defenseless against them. Their overabundance (cats) has lead to the endangerement of about 1/3 of the endangered birds. I did a paper on it for my Geography of North American class as I'm really interested in the effect on invasive and unwanted species towards the environment.

The Vault Dweller
personaly i love cats though an overpoulation of any species can infact have a serious effect to the enviroment
i hate the way that anyone will just kill them ive lost cats to evil berks poisoning them or some gimp shooting one

however there are other countries with this problem
they require you to register your cat and have it newterd after the first set of kittens save if your a registerd breader they also catch ferral cats and newter them
Well, because of mankinds meddeling in the natural balance of things we now have to balance things ourselves.
Newtering is one thing, but sometime you have to actually reduce the number of cats or any other animal in an area quickly, and then shooting them (wich is quick and rather humane) is better than poison because there is no chance a another animal is getting killed by accident........
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I'm really interested in the effect on invasive and unwanted species towards the environment.

Take a look at American squirrels versus English squirrels. (Grey .v. Red)

Oh, and killing cats with guns seems a little unfair. At least do it with style.
Mikey said:
Oh, and killing cats with guns seems a little unfair. At least do it with style.

Wow! Got that cat to traverse 1,025 ft before it finally got eaten by one of those Venus plants!
The Pinguin/Yeti game is cooler, though.
Mikey said:
Oh, and killing cats with guns seems a little unfair. At least do it with style.
Oh, nonononononono.

Way too inefficient.
Cats are best killed manually, with boots.

Possibly with some sort of spikes or razor blades installed.

It's all down to preference really.
They're going to rule out this one as soon as I'm elected Supreme Overlord of Earth :D
Silencer said:
They're going to rule out this one as soon as I'm elected Supreme Overlord of Earth :D
Sorry, I'm currently holding that position and as long as I live (which will be pretty much forever), there will be no elections.
Ratty said:
Silencer said:
They're going to rule out this one as soon as I'm elected Supreme Overlord of Earth :D
Sorry, I'm currently holding that position and as long as I live (which will be pretty much forever), there will be no elections.
Well, how long do rats live? As far as I can tell, it's 2-4 years, normally. How long have you been around Ratty?
he's been around for a couple years now... he's gettin up there in years for a rat.